Search results 7
Recording Media録音資料
National Diet Library
- ContentsSIDE-1 1. Un jour t......ublié la pluie et le Soleil / En...... (a.d. film "Todesmelodie") / En...... Raduszinsky SIDE-2 1. Je me sou...... Morricone ; Federesco ; B. Radu......riso che non ride più (a.d. film "Les deux saisons de la vie" / Enni......Bardotti 4. La marche de Sacco et Vanzetti (a.d. film "Sacco und Vanzetti") / Ennio Morr...... B. Lauzi ; P. Delanoë
Recording Media録音資料
National Diet Library
- Note (General)...icone. -- Recorded in Apr. 1977 In Olympia enre...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialDaniel Deronda Anna Kare......nne : the complete English poems......ure in the carpet, and other sto......r writings Parade's end Words Th...... : a novel The deerslayer The wa......or, The double dealer, Love for ......bolitionist reader The story of ......origin of our ideas of the subli......irl of the streets, and other ta......and back again Desperate remedie...... to the mid-nineteenth century S......o" : Col. Crockett's exploits an......he shortened modern prose versio...... Pym of Nantucket Inspector Cada......e Sanskrit The descent into hell......: the East of Eden letters Persian letters Birds through a ceiling o...