Search results 4,263
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... a setting for military heroics in Am......n 2004, the US military conducted two......cording to the military's own estimat...... result of the military's interventio...... explicate the military's investment ......unfavorable to military operations. In short, the military enlists the through the military's systemized attempt to infl...
- Subject Heading...--Case studies Militarism--United States--History--2...
- Alternative TitleUnited States militarism and the terrain of memory ...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."This book is focused on militarisation as the ......titiveness and military capabilities ......ts as critical military, but also eco......g light on the military aspects of EU space policy, ...
- ContentsMilitarisation and Spa......e's 'Defensive Militarisation' of Spa...... EU's Emerging Military Agenda / Frank Slijper The Militarisation of Oute......Debris and the Militarisation of Spac......ving Force for Militarisation / Irakl......Powers and the Militarisation of Spac......trios Stroikos Military Strategy in Outer Space : A ...
- Subject HeadingSpace security Astronautics, Military--European Uni......ion countries--Military policy
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...7000 HISTORY / Military / General (BI...... category)HBW: Military history (BIC ......category)HBWS: Military history: post WW2 conflicts ...
- Related MaterialInhaltsverzeichnis Cover Beiträge zur Militärgeschichte
- Periodical TitleBeiträge zur Militärgeschichte
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This book examines the military characteristi...... revolution in military affairs. Offe......the context of military development a......'Revolution in Military Affairs' (RMA......y increases in military budgets and R&D of the great...
- Contents...nd dynamics of military transformatio...... revolution in military affairs Recon......posite systems Militarizing artificial intelligence ...
- Subject HeadingArtificial intelligence--Military applications ...... intelligence--Military applications-...... intelligence--Military applications.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ot sought to remilitarize, and its po......eluctance to remilitarize that foregr......culture of antimilitarism that constr......sition between militarism and pacifis......s of "multiple militarisms," which ca......policy makers, military personnel, atomic bomb survi...
- ContentsJapan's aging peace Multiple militarisms Who will f......ity crises Antimilitarism and the peace among militarisms Aging gracefully Appendix...
- Subject HeadingMilitarism--Japan Paci......opinion--Japan Militarism. National security--Public...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....istory of U.S. military conflict, end of U.S. military force. At the......ention to this militarism? Making the......d by prominent military historian Andrew Bacevich"--
- Subject HeadingUnited States--History, Military--20th century......ates--History, Military--21st century......United States--Military policy Militarism--United States Cold War--I...
- Alternative TitleMarilyn B. Young on the culture and politics of American militarism
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....the history of militarization in the ......monstrates how militarization has mou......which American militarization had, an......nd students of military history, war studies, US for...
- Contents...adoxes of War: Militarization before Militarized Encounters......urity' and the Militarization of Stat......e Evolution of Militarized Spaces in ......tes and Beyond Military Service and the Meanings of ...
- Subject Heading...--20th century Militarization--United......--20th century Militarization--United......ates--History, Military--20th century......United States--Military policy--20th century
Available onlineNational Diet Library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... Approaches to Militarization and the......the increasing militarism of East Asi......the continuing militarization of East......e most densely militarized regions in......issues such as militarization, militarized islands, military tourism, post-war environmen...
- Contents...ourning of the Military Villages / by......and Division : Militarization, Geography, and Gender...
- Subject HeadingEcocriticism--East Asia Militarism--East Asia
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... at how the US military is weaponizin...... the nature of military conflict. Gon......f contemporary military operations--a......t era; and the military's use of big ......ure--where new military technologies threaten democr...
- Subject HeadingArtificial intelligence--Military applications Military art and scien...... intelligence--Military applications. Military art and science--Automation.
Available onlineNational Diet Library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ckdrop of U.S. militarism in the Asia......rality of this militarism to the poli......ralism of U.S. militarism, one that d......r of America's militarism in Asia. If......nature of U.S. militarism and use cultural critique ...
- Contents...nal on Vietnam Militarized queerness : racial maskin...
- Subject Heading...-20th century. Militarism--United Sta...... Armed Forces. Militarism. Politics and government. ...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... Manufacturing Militarism , Christoph......all detail how military propaganda ha......of a proactive military response. of fear and militarism that, far f......tations of the military from films, Americans are su...
- Subject HeadingMilitarism--United Sta......United States--Military policy United......ates--History, Military--21st century United States-...
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Militarization and the global rise of paramilitary culture : post-heroic reimaginings of the warrior
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....tween war, the military and civil rise of paramilitary culture. Movi......hat inform the militarization of cult......process of paramilitarization is shap...... while the paramilitary hero is associated with military themes, their......pals of modern military organization,...... institutional military identity, the......fluence of paramilitary organizations and broadly ho...
- Subject HeadingCivil-military relations Mil...... movements Paramilitary forces Relations pouvoir civ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... of oppressive militarism. Kitaoka Sh......arties and the military, as well as those among inte...
- Subject Heading...--20th century Militarism--Japan--His......ical activity. Militarism. Political parties. Politi...
National Diet Library
- Contents...nd EUCOM Das Remilitarisierungskonzep......Gedanken zur Remilitarisierung" im No......bilmachung und Militarisierung des BND Abteilung A (...