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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....n response to, modernity. Presenting......rchaic and the modern, and between r......tradictions of modernity. This is fascinating readi...
- Contents...säpallo : the modernization and ind......r roles in the modernisation of Traditional Chinese martial arts :...... struggle with modernity / Torbjörn......n sport with a modern flair / Mark B......orline Between modern sport and ethnic essence : th...
- Related MaterialRoutledge research in sport, culture and society
National Diet Library
- to Japan by Chinese Painters and C...... Yu-chih Lai 3.Modern Antiquarianism......rld Stage: The Modern Chinese Practice of Ar......Calligraphy in Modern Japan: The Six......mura Fusetsu's Chinese "Stele" Style ......ites of Visual Modernity: Perception......s in the First Chinese National Fine ......pment of Asian Modernism / Julia F. ......onstruction of Chinese Art History as a Modern Field: A Case ......Antiquities in Modern China, circa 1908-1917 / Chen...
- Subject HeadingArt, Chinese--Japanese influences. Art, Chinese--19th century. Art, Chinese--20th century.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsThe excitement of modern China Contrasting China with ...
National Diet Library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... phenomenon of Chinese lineages - groups of people c...
- ContentsHistory of the research on Chinese lineages Historical backgroun...
- Related MaterialRoutledge culture, society, business in East Asia series
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...nce Crafting a Modern Person via Consumption? Women...
- Related MaterialNew perspectives on Chinese politics and society
- Periodical TitleNew perspectives on Chinese politics and society
National Diet Library
- Contents...alism in early modern China / Qunyi ...... / Olga Borokh Modernization theory, Chinese modernization, and so......ization in the society and in the fam......omments from a Chinese perspective / ......a viewpoint on Chinese and Japanese b......cing fast-pace modernization / Santiago Pinault.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... trade zone of modern Asia" was deba......e how overseas Chinese, some of the key actors in re...
- Contents...l Trade of the Modern Era 1 Dutch Ba......nsactions with Chinese Traders in the......udies on Early Modern Economies) (Ken'ichi Tomobe) ...
- Title HeadingMonograph series of the socio-economic history society, Japan.
National Diet Library
- Contents...hizeng and the Chinese Francophile Pr......Che-chia CHANG Modernity through exp......Lu Xun and the modern Chinese woodcut moveme......t motives of a Chinese-language tablo......opportunism in Chinese newspapers during the First S...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....aganda" by the Chinese Communist Part...... Propaganda in Modern China builds o......ital aspect of Chinese Communist Party authority, th...
- Contents... Propaganda in modern China era and the Chinese experience of ......nal culture of Chinese statecraft Chi......patriot' .. in Chinese propaganda pos......ding the 'old' society in the present......ives among the Chinese people The a different society: Taiwanese com......i-Americanism: Chinese propaganda and the Resist Ame...
- Related MaterialRoutledge studies in modern history
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingChuang zao she. Chinese literature -- ......and criticism. Chinese literature -- Japanese influe...
- Alternative TitleCreation Society's reinvention of the Japanese...
- Alternative TitleCreation Society's reinvention of the Japanese...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- analysis of Chinese, Japanese and ......nuclear safety society : challenges to overcome segm...
- Related MaterialRoutledge studies in the modern world economy
- Periodical TitleRoutledge studies in the modern world economy
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This handbook approaches Chinese Studies from a......development of Chinese Studies as an ......nt findings in Chinese Studies by gat......represent the 'Chineseness' of the Handbook of Chinese Studies is sui......researchers in Chinese Studies in the most comprehen...
- Contents...ili-Apango The Chinese model of devel...... of context in Chinese HUMINT (Human ......he military in modern Chinese history / Eric......illiam McBride Chinese correlative cosmology : a Chinese view of the wo......rmeneutics and Chinese metaphors / Jo......n in classical Chinese literature / C......he rhetoric of Chinese sutra translat...... / Elise Pizzi Chinese nationalism in......sformations of Chinese society in the focus of modern sociological s......l cosmopolitan chineseness in Australia's Chinese ethnic media /......n Studying the Chinese political oppo....../ Jie Chen The Chinese Communist Wang Chinese studies in Brazil : history a...
National Diet Library
- Contents... late imperial Chinese society and court cult......t in the early modern missions / Trent Pomplun Holy...
- Note (Content)...ested in early modern Catholic missi......earch on early modern Catholic missi......thin the early modern Catholic churc...... role in early modern Asian missions......rsion in early modern Asian societie......story of early modern Catholic missi...... and the early modern Eurasian cultu......tory and Early Modern History in Asia. --
- Title HeadingReligious cultures in the early modern world.
National Diet Library
- Contents... to finance-in-society Finance and society Finance and hu......ure of finance Chinese philosophy in ......e The story of modern China Narrativ......The finance-in-society model.
National Diet Library
- Contents...e: pt. I Civil Society in China: A Th......ruction of the Chinese Civil Society / Jing Yuejin "Civil Society" in Modern China Studies:...... Nianqun Civil Society in China: Conc......earch on State-Society Relationship i......ionships among Chinese State, Civil R......earch on Civil Society "State and Society" in Modern China: Researc......Ideas of Civil Society in Mainland / He Jianyu Chinese Rural pt. III The Modern Development of Civil Society in China The W...... China's Civil Society / Yu Jianxing ......pment of Civil Society in China: Enab......ween State and Society / Edward Gu From Major Commun...
- Subject HeadingCivil society -- China. State, The -- Socia...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....tion of Brunei society. Contributors ......tratification, Chinese sources for the study of Brun...
- Contents... Titles in the Chinese Society of Brunei Darussalam : A Mani...
- Related MaterialThe modern anthropology of South-East As...
National Diet Library
- Contents... internet with Chinese characteristic......experiences of modernization : urban youth with Chinese characteristic...... celebration : Chinese urban youth an...... nationalism : Chinese young people Conclusion: modernity, the internet and the self...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...ransmission of Chinese culture and ma......ds / Yong Wang Chinese and Japanese society-a comparison o...... comparison of Chinese and Japanese political and so...
- Subject HeadingCivilization--Chinese influences Dip......-Civilization--Chinese influences China. Japan.
- Note (General)"SSAP" Translated from the Chinese
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents... Veneration : "Chinese"-flavored Isla...... making of the modern. The politics ......'a Ceremony in modern Morocco / Nozomi Shiratani Th...
- Subject Heading...slam and civil society--Congresses Is......slam and civil society Muslims--Intellectual life