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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Global Jazz: A Research and Information Guide is an an......ple, cultures, and geographic reg......erdisciplinary research in jazz studie......ody of diverse research of jazz from a...... compendium of research on the global ......ow jazz has expanded and centered in ma......rican American music tradition has ......l, historical, musical, linguistic, and cultural landscapes, as peop......with their own musical traditions to create new and diverse artist...... new Routledge music bibliography t......ures bodies of research on the histori......ies about jazz and jazz research from 144 count......raphic regions and localities"--
- ContentsNorth America : United States and Canada South A....../Latin America and Caribbean Europe Africa and Middle East As......ralia, New Zealand, Oceania
- Related MaterialRoutledge music bibliographies
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ser of concert music in the twentie......e high quality and large quantity of music he composed. H......uez for guitar and orchestra. Miles Davis and Chick Corea in the 1960s, and appears in sev......ín Rodrigo: A Research and Information Guide is a com......e guide to the musical works and literature on ......, harp, cello, and piano, as well......solos, chamber music, numerous songs, choral and stage works"--
- Contents...y of a Life in Music (1901-99) Prim......anish History, and Spanish Culture
- Related MaterialRoutledge music bibliographies
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Film Music in the Sound Era: A Research and Information Guide offers a......scholarship on music in sound film, studies of musicians and filmmakers, ge......tudies, theory and aesthetics, and other key aspects of film music studies. Broad......robust indexes and thorough, make this research guide an inval......r all scholars and students inves......ntersection of music and film. This gui......ies, Theories, and Genres covers ......urveys, theory and criticism, stu......f film genres, and case studies o......ple, Cultures, and Contexts cover......people, social and cultural studies, studies of musical genre, pedagogy, and the in...
- ContentsVolume 1. Histories, theories, and genres volume 2. People, cultures, and contexts.
- Subject HeadingMotion picture music--History and criticism--Bib......ture producers and directors--Bib......Motion picture music. Motion picture producers and directors. Motion pictures. F...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."John Dowland: A Research and Information Guide offers t......e guide to the musical works and literature on ......ndary sources, and substantial in......erested in Dowland's works and place in music history, and a valuable resource for researchers of Renaissance and English music"--
- Subject HeadingDowland, John, 1563?-1626--Bibliograp...
- Title HeadingRoutledge music bibliographies.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."John Adams: A Research and Information Guide offers t......e guide to the musical works and literature on ...... our time. The research guide catalogs and summarizes mat......r both primary and secondary writings by and interviews wit......urnal articles and book chapters,......paper articles and reviews, disse......eo recordings, and other sources,......a discography, and a list of comp......indexes enable researchers to easily l......ested in Adams and his music, and a valuable res......e for students and researchers of minimali......orary American music, and 20th-century music more broadly"--
- Contents... Books Journal and magazine artic......ions, master's and honors theses articles, and reviews Select video recordin...
- Title HeadingRoutledge music bibliographies
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ture on choral music in the Western...... within choral music, individual ch......sers, regional and sacred choral ......niques, choral music education, genre studies, and more, providin...... reference for researchers and practitioners.......nic databases, and websites, this research guide makes it......thors, titles, and subjects keep ......t scholarship, and updated references and annotations th......ture on choral music since the publication of the ...
- Subject HeadingChoral music--Bibliography. Choral music.
- Title HeadingRoutledge music bibliographies.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.Pëtr Il'ich Tchaikovsky: A Research and Information Guide is an an......the first outstanding Russian com......a professional musical education, b......three ballets, and many chamber, keyboard and vocal works, h......portant sacred music, which is curr......porary Russian musicologists who ar......orporating new information that has appea......ions, articles and reviews [Publisher descriptio...
- Contents... Tchaikovsky's musical works Tchaik......Bibliography : musical works Biblio...... Tchaikovsky's musical works Index of Tchaikovsky'...
- Title HeadingRoutledge music bibliographies.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.Claudio Monteverdi: A Research and Information Guide is an an......di transformed and mastered the p......res of his day and his works infl......generations of musicians and other artists.......between poetry and harmony. In ad......scholarship by musicologists and music theorists, Monteverdi's music has attracted historians, and critical theorists. Research into Monteverdi and Renaissance and early baroque studies has expanded greatly, wit......w historicism, and artistic and popular cultur......starting point and as a gateway f......ra, patronage, and Italian poetry.
- Contents...ions of essays and conference pro......teverdi's life and works Claudio'......teverdi Theory and aesthetics Conzonetta and madrigal books......c works Sacred music Issues of perf......rical position and status Appendices: Monteverdi...
- Title HeadingRoutledge music bibliographies.
National Diet Library
- ContentsJohn Cage : history and historiography......tation Sources and reference mate......s Biographical and historical stu......nal techniques and aesthetic phil......ophy Political and social philosophy Index of au...
- Title HeadingRoutledge music bibliographies.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.Offers selected and annotated sour......rnal articles, and dissertations, and selective cove...... online texts, and materials in other languages.
- ContentsGeneral and topical works Pioneers and predecessors N......, Los Angeles, and other US scene......azz, downtown, and beyond.
- Title HeadingRoutledge music bibliographies.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...assic composer Music by Berg Berg's......Berg's chamber music Berg's orchestral music Berg's songs Berg's life and works
- Title HeadingRoutledge music bibliographies
Olivier Messiaen : a research and information guide Second edition. (Routledge music bibliographies)
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.Olivier Messiaen: A Research and Information Guide, Second ......ition presents researchers with the most significant and helpful resour......or librarians, researchers, and scholars sorti...... fully revised and updated [Publisher descriptio...
- ContentsMessiaen studies and bibliographies......ry of Congress and symphony orche...... II : Articles and reviews, pedagogical works, and lectures and librettos Prim......orrespondence; and documentaries and filmed perform......s Biographical and stylistic stud......ts of Messiaen and his work in so......ndix : List of musical works by Olivier Messiaen.
- Title HeadingRoutledge music bibliographies.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...rence sources, and other selected......says, studies, and other selected...... dissertations and studies Annota......ranscriptions, and tribute music compositions A......elected videos and audio tapes.
- Title HeadingRoutledge music bibliographies.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...Biographical ; Musico-analytical : scores and editions Alma ......Biographical ; Musico-analytical. Analytic essays and articles ; Scores and editions Flore......Biographical ; Musico-analytical. Analytic essays and articles ; Scores and editions Marí......Biographical ; Musico-analytical. Scores and editions Yuliy......Biographical ; Musico-analytical. Scores and editions
- Note (General)Includes bibliographical references and index
- Note (Content)...e on the lives and music of Mahler, Flo......evna Veysberg, and Maria Teresa Prieto and supports scholarship and inquiry on fou......discrimination and political uphe......ed their lives and influenced composers of subse...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.Popular Music Theory and Analysis: A Research and Information Guide uncovers......ith the theory and analysis of popular music. This annotate......ive catalog of music-theoretical and musicological works ......ubject, genre, and song title. scholarship and inquiry for future research on popular music [Publisher description]
- Subject HeadingMusic theory--Bibliography Popular music--Bibliography ......neral. Popular music. Music theory. Musiktheorie Popmusik...
- Title HeadingRoutledge music bibliographies
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.Popular Music Theory and Analysis: A Research and Information Guide uncovers......ith the theory and analysis of popular music. This annotate......ive catalog of music-theoretical and musicological works ......ubject, genre, and song title. scholarship and inquiry for future research on popular music [Publisher description]
- Contents...e composer The music. General studi......orks ; Chamber and instrumental w......rn's reception and influence Websites, videos, and other media Pu......hors, editors, and translators Index of periodic...
- Title HeadingRoutledge music bibliographies.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ting to church and worship music in the United ......mnology, women and African-American composers, music as a spiritual......healer, to the music of Mormon, Shaker, Moravian, and other smaller ......or librarians, researchers, and scholars sorting through the ...
- ContentsGeneral music reference Church music reference Church and sacred music in periodicals......dies Religious and ethnic groups Church and sacred music genres Music ministry Tradition, change, and conflict Church and worship music web sites.
- Subject HeadingChurch music--United States--Bibliography. Church music. United States.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Ralph Vaughan Williams: A Research and Information Guide presents......'s prose works and accounts for o......m all critical and scholarly eras......mbering format and substantial in......rth's guide to research was published by Garland in 1990"--Publisher's website...
- ContentsLife and works volumes ......appreciations, and shorter life/w...... remembrances, and activities Gen......ance practice, and reception Anal......nd, criticism, and reception of p......ibliographies, research guides, and collections Electronic media ...
- Title HeadingRoutledge music bibliographies.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.Leonard Bernstein: A Research and Information Guide is an an......d bibliography and research guide on this ......rican composer and conductor. It ......cational work, and major secondar......f compositions and arrangements, ...... of recordings and video. The sec......ted to include research since the 1st edition was pub...
- ContentsThe life and work of Leonar......rd Bernstein's musical style An ann......nard Bernstein and his music Research aids : composi......alog, archives and libraries, and web sites.
- Title HeadingRoutledge music bibliographies.