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National Diet Library
- ContentsChapter 1. International Communication and Arab Countries: Studies on Media Developm.......1. Communication for developmen......tters? 1.3. In the beginning: (Ar......demic publications on Arab media: to profusion 1.5. Arab speeches to the domination of the Anglo-American......ic school 1.6. The 2000s: renewal of research ......"Al Jazeerazation" of the academic literature? 1.7. The uninhibited liberalization of the media 1.8. An ......ab public opinion, a rarity of work on audiences 1.9. Has the media and development relationship been abandoned to think-tanks in the Internet age? 1.10. The renewal of a field of study o...
- Title HeadingScience, society and new technologies series.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingHistoria Da Europa. France -- History -- Revolution -- Causes and character.
National Diet Library
- ContentsIntroduction : the state of the art in constitutional amendment / ......ndment power, constituent power,...... Yaniv Roznai Constitutional theory and cogniti......rangement : beyond revolutions, amendments, and constitutional moments / Zoran Oklopcic Constraints on constitutional amendment po...... Doyle Comment on Doyle's constraints on constitutional amendment po...... Mark Tushnet Constituting the amendment powe......Pereira Sieyès The spirit of constitutional democracy? /......a García López Revolutionary reform in V...... narratives in the creation of the 1999 Constitution / Joshua Braver "Revolutionary reform" and the seduction ...
- Subject HeadingConstitutional amendments. Constitutional law. Law reform.
- Author HeadingAlbert, Richard (Law professor) Kontiadēs, Xenophōn I. Phōtiadou, Alkmēnē.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.The political transformations of the 1980s and 1990...... models of national and international security. Pa......icularly since the end of the Cold War, scho......w to interpret the effects of major shifts in the balance of pow......rd an international order that makes the recurrence of ......s ideological conflict between states diminishi...
- ContentsIntroduction : alternative perspectives on national security / P......culture in national security / Ronald L. Jepperson, Alexander, norms, and the proliferation of conventional weapons : an institutional theory approach / ......d deterrence : the nuclear and chemical weapons taboos / Tannenwald Constructing norms......rian intervention / Martha Culture and French military doctr......air Iain Johnston Identity, norms, and national security : the Soviet foreign policy revolution and end of the Cold War / Rob......ntity, and national security in ......ic community : the case of NATO / Thomas Risse-K...
- Subject HeadingNational security Nationalism Social institutions Sécurité nationale Nationalisme Institutions sociales nationalism. social institutions. 89.70 international relations: general 89.9......ign policy National security. Nationalism. Social institutions. Nationale veiligheid. Internationale veiligheid. Internationale politiek. Nationaal belang. Relations internationales. Nationalisme. Sécurité nationale. Identité ......tive. Institutions sociales. Politique mondiale. Aspect s....... Culture. nationalisme politiek......itics internationale bewegingen international movements internationale betrekkingen international relations politieke partije...
National Diet Library
- ContentsAnother World history......ible : reflections on the translocal, transnational, and global / John D. French Historians of the world : transnational forces, nation-states, and the practice of U.......reene Transnational labor histor...... : linking regions over time / A......ces : transregional and transcul......erder Transnational migration : a new historical phenomenon? / Vic Satzewi......rvice...white money" : the peculiar institution of military labor in the British Army during the Seven Years' W...... Way "We speak the same language in the new world: : capit......orth America : the Mi'kmaq of Cape Breton and Squamish of British Colum...
- Subject HeadingLabor--America--History. Transnationalism.
- Author HeadingFink, Leon, 1948-
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.An analysis of the study of the past and its implications in the Western world,......cient times to the present day, looks at the work of indivi......orians and how they presented the past in terms of their perspectives, beliefs, and historical peri...
- ContentsIntroduction: A history of ......Egypt and Babylon pt. 1. Greece. Herodotus: the great invasion and the historian's task Thucydides: the Polis--the use and abuse of power The Greeks in Asia. Xenophon: The Persian expedition The Alexander hist......ic history and the rise of Rome S......ale Livy: From the foundation of the city Civil War and the road to autocr......tive: Josephus on the Jewish Revolt ......s Marcellinus: the last pagan his....... Christendom. The Bible and history: the people of God Eusebius: the making of Orthodoxy and the Church triumph......, bishops and others Bede: the English Church and the English people pt. 4. The rev...
- Note (General)Originally published: London : Allen Lane, 2007.
National Diet Library
- ContentsInformation revolutions and modern po...... Approaches to the USO under entr......ndorfer Partitioning the mailstream : a......ach to USO / Leon A. Pintsov, Andrei Obrea and Theresa Biasi From the size of the box to the costs of unive......ervice obligation : a cross country comparison / Franois Boldron, Denis Joram, ......ysis of price controls with end-....../ Philippe de Donder, Helmuth Cr......Axel Gautier Economies of scale,......le and scope economies with a st......ohn C. Panzar Nonlinear pricing ......worksharing in the postal market ......Franc̦ois Boldron and Bernard Ro......ery offices in the postal sector using stochasti...
- Subject HeadingPostal service -- Congresses. Delivery of goods -- Congresses.
- Note (General)"Result of the Center for Res......' (CRRI) 14th Conference on Postal and Delivery Economics ... on May 31 to June......URL: Table of contents only http: //
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingFrance -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 -- Causes
- Subject Heading (ID)France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 -- Causes
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Publisher varies: Macat International
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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.This conference proceedings from the OECD Conference on Agricultural K......held in Paris, on 15-17 June 201......ment and adoption of innovation to meet challenges. The conference considered develop......ts in institutional frameworks, ......ry frameworks conducive to innovation, the adoption of innovations and technolog......transfers, and the responsiveness of AKS to broader pol...
- Contents...wledgements Acronyms Executive and Innovation Systems in transition Australia's ap......ent and extension China's agricultural innovation system Agricul...... in Africa Responses to new agricultural challenges Perspectives from the UK foresight g......AR reorganisation Institutional Agricultural......tem reforms in New Zealand and international networks Inn......ative institutional approaches f......e and information system in Spain Responses of the French Agricultural K......edge System to new agricultural c......rty rights and the role of public......unded research The role of busine......ltural innovation The role of innovation broker...
- Subject HeadingAgricultural extension work--Congresses. Agricultural innovations--Congresses. Agricu......ogy transfer--Congresses. Agriculture--Congresses.
National Diet Library
- ContentsRevolution, Rechtsstaat and the Rule of Law: H......orical Reflections on the Emergence of A......e Law: Reflections on Federal Admini......ber: Compensation for Public Ser......Bureaucratization, and the Development of......ositive Law in the United States ......rative Law and the Public Regulation of Markets in ......alism and its Constitutional Aftermath / ......ppele Written Constitutions and the Administrative State: On the Constitutional Character of......sburg Goodbye Montesquieu / Bruc......tive Political Theory / M. Elizab......tiz Overseeing the Executive: Is the Legislature Re......Territory from the Courts? / Tom Zwart Creatures...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...ghts Political theology : four new chapters on the concept of sovereignty Complications : communism and the dilemmas of democracy The scaffolding of...... global and aesthetic perspectives on the history of a concept Sovereignty : the origin and and legal concept The primacy of the political : a ......l thought from the Greeks to the French and American revolutions Socialism unb......ent origins of the political The plebeian experience : a discontinuous history......tical freedom Constitution making under occupation : the politics of imposed revolution in Iraq Adventures of the symbolic : post-Marxism and r...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialKarl Marx and the postcolonial age Class s......phical history The history and theory of fetishis......and politics : the work of Alasdair MacIntyre The Brazilian left in the 21st century : conflict and conciliation in peripheral ......ya's intersectional Marxism : ra......s, gender, and the dialectics of liberation Rosa Luxemburg : a revolutionary Marxist at the limits of Marx......i Socialism as the development of......ysis of values Theodor W. Adorno'......ociety, and aesthetics Friedrich Engels for the 21st century : reflections and revaluations Financial capital in the 21st century : a new theory of speculative capital...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe American codification movement : a s......eform Charting the future : the Supreme Court responds to a changin...... Church-state constitutional issues : making sense of the establishment ......s and information control : the role of men and manipulation in the control of drug tr......preme Court? : the impact of race, religion, and gender on appointments Constitutional interpretation : illusion and reality The shaping of nin......w : John Appleton and responsible individua......politics, and constitutional interpretations Constitutional structure an......tary Whom does the Constitution command? : a conceptual analysis with practica...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Published by: Beverly Hills : Sage Publications, <v. 460>-
- Related MaterialThe Motion picture in its economic and social......old trends and new problems From : transnational migration and the emergence of new minorities The American indus......s for immigration control : an international comparison Reactions to crime and ......ess : international technical co-operation China social and economic conditions The second Industrial Revolution and its signif......ific distribution : modern selli...... force Social contribution by the aging The cost of living Immigration and American p......Proceedings of the Conference of American Mayors on public policie......proceedings of the seventh annual conference of ...
- Alternative TitleThe Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science The annals
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...ed W. McCoy, Thongchai Winichaku...... I.G. Baird, Katherine Bowie, Anne Ruth Hansen
- Related MaterialA reckoning : music in Indonesia, 1997-2001......nd Voices from the Plain of Jars ...... war Dreams of the Hmong kingdom : the quest for legitimation in French Indochina, 185......ica's empire : the United States, the Philippines, and the rise of the surveillance state Amazons of the Huk rebellion : gender, sex, and revolution in the Philippines Fe...... and family in the Philippines The social world o......urasians in colonial Indonesia Việt Nam :......less histories The Burma Delta : economic developmen...... social change on an Asian rice frontier, 1852-1941 The hispanization of the Philippines : Spanish ...
- Author HeadingMcCoy, Alfred W. Winichakul, Thongchai Baird, Ian (Ian G.) Bowie, Katherine Ann Hansen, Anne Ruth
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Series editor: Albert Sonnenfeld
- Related MaterialKitchen mysteries : revealing the science of cooking The insect cookboo......, cooking, and the table Sacred c......ning points in the making of Amer......mi : unlocking the secrets of the fifth taste The science of the oven Gastropolis : food and New York City The winemaker's hand : conversations on talent, techni......erroir Pasta : the story of a uni......rsal food Gastronativism : food,......politics Religion, food, and eat......rth America Another person's poison : a history of......allergy Nutritionism : the science and po......s experience : the philosophy and aesthetics of food Culture of the fork : a brief history of foo...
- Author HeadingSonnenfeld, Albert
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe Haiti issue : ......teenth-century French studies Pereckonings : reading ......ecor in modern French fiction Crime fictions Concepts of closure The new dramatists Montaigne, essays ......fter Sartre Simone de Beauvoir :......entury Francophone sub-Saharan A......ure in global contexts Libertina......nity Exploring the conversible world ......ciability from the classical age to the enlightenment ......alism and its others Depositions : Althusser, ......, Macherey and the labor of reading Graphesis ; perspectives in literature ......hy Mallarmé Another look, another woman : retranslations of French feminism The anxiety of antic...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe later security confederations : the American, "new" Swiss, and German unions The Leviathan in the state theory of Thomas H......nd : reshaping the left in France......s and international relations : trans-sovereign contacts of subnational governments ......lobal mini-nationalisms : autonomy or independ......ce Portugal in the 1980's : dilem......of democratic consolidation United States ......eign policy at the crossroads Pow......icy in transition : essays presented on the tenth anniversary of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy in honor of its found...... J. Morgenthau The French Revolution and the meaning of...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...- script based on "New world modernisms / Charles W....
- Related MaterialSugar's secrets : race and the erotics of Cuban nationalism The Haitian revolution in the literary imagination : radical horizons, conservative constraints Paradise and plantation : tourism and culture in the anglophone Caribbean Uni......rsal emancipation : the Haitian Revolution and the radical Enligh......n narratives : the postplantation literature of ......lissant, Morrison, and Saint-John Perse French and West India......Guadeloupe and French Guiana today The purloined isla......literature and the arts Cuban-Ame......ile : from person to persona Caribbean perspectives on modernity : re......Medusa's gaze Consuming visions : cinema, writi...