editor/baseball register, Barry Siegel, contributing editors/baseball register, Craig Carter, John Duxbury, Dave Sloan.The Sporting News[1990]<KD2-B260>
editor, Barry Siegel, contributing editors, Craig Carter, John Duxbury, Steve Zesch, director, specialied publications, Gary Levy.The Sporting News[1991]<KD2-B294>
editor, Dave Sloan, associate editor, Steve Zesch, contributing editors, Craig Cater, Barry Siegel, Larry Wigge, president-chief executive officer, Richard Waters, editor, Tom Barnidge, director of books and periodicals, Ron Smith.The Sporting News[1989]<KD2-B293>
editor, Dave Sloan, associate editor, Mike Nahrstedt, contributing editors, Craig Cater, Carl Clark, Larry Wigge, president-chief executive officer, Richard Waters, editor, Dick Kaegal, director of books and periodicals, Ron Smith.The Sporting News[1985]<KD2-B292>