Search results 7
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)みやざわ, けんじ 宮澤, 賢治 Miyazawa, Kenji Kenji Miyazawa Mijazava, Kendzsi 宫泽, 贤治 Μιγι...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsThe earthgod and fox 土神と狐 Gener......と三人兄弟の医者 Ozbel and the elephant オツベルと象 The first deer dance 鹿踊りのはじまり The bears of Nametoko なめとこ山の熊 Wildcat and the acorns Gorsch the cellist セロひきのゴ......とっこべとら子 A stem of lilies 四又の百合 The restaurant of many orders 注文の多い料理店 The man of hills 山男の四月 The police chief 毒もみの好きな署長さん The spider, the slug, and the raccoon ほらぐま学校を卒業した三人 The red blanket すいせん月の四日 The dahlias and the crane まなづるとダァリヤ The thirty frogs カイロ団長 The ungrateful rat ツエねずみ Night of the festival 祭の晩 The fire stone 貝の火......u’s wood 虔十公園林 The wild pear やまなし Down in the wood 林の底 The nighthawk star よだかの星 The Earthgod and the fox(土神と狐) Ge...
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)みやざわ, けんじ 宮澤, 賢治 Miyazawa, Kenji Kenji Miyazawa Mijazava, Kendzsi 宫泽, 贤治 Μιγι...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingOnce and forever
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingMiyazawa, Kenji, 1896-1933, --......ICTION / Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends & Mythology. bisacsh...
- Subject Heading (ID)Miyazawa, Kenji, 1896-1933, --......ICTION / Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends & Mythology. bisacsh...
- Author Heading (ID)DA01030619
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingMiyazawa, Kenji, 1896-1933 -- Translations in...
- Subject Heading (ID)Miyazawa, Kenji, 1896-1933 -- Translations in...
- Note (General)First ed.: 1993
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingMiyazawa, Kenji, 1896-1933 -- Translations in...
- Subject Heading (ID)Miyazawa, Kenji, 1896-1933 -- Translations in...
- Author Heading (ID)DA01030619
Other Libraries in Japan
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- Alternative TitleNew York review books : classics New York review of books NYRB nyrb classics New ...
- Alternative TitleNew York review books : classics New York review of books NYRB nyrb classics New ...