edited by Hiroshi Nakazawa and Julian Koe Royal Society of Chemistry [2021] <PA325-D45>
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Subject Heading Organometallic chemistry Organometallic chemistry. Royal Society of Chemistry RSC Publishing <Z63-B131>
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Volumes of this title 齋藤勝裕 著 講談社 2011.2 <PA325-J185>
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Division of Organometallic Chemistry, the Kinki Chemical Society [19--]- <Z63-B476>
Available online National Diet Library
Volumes of this title Luis A. Oro, Carmen Claver, editors, with contributions by I. Cano [and nineteen others] Springer [2021] <PA322-D46>
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Shū Kobayashi, editor, with contributions by N. Akporji [and 19 others] Springer [2020] <PA51-D59>
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Subject Heading ...anotechnology. Organometallic chemistry. editors-in-chief, Gerard Parkin, Karsten Meyer and Dermot O'hare Elsevier [2022] <PA325-D75>
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Available online National Diet Library
Koichi Mikami, editor, with contributions by M. Brill [and 15 others]. Springer [2018] <PA325-B145>
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Summary, etc. ...rch results in organometallic chemistry. As our understanding of organ... vorgelegt von Dominik Renn Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen [2021] <M-DIGA-13416>
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Robert H. Crabtree. Wiley 2019. <PA325-S14>
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Contents ...e complexes Bio organometallic chemistry. Subject Heading Organometallic chemistry. Organometallic chemistry--Pro... Yoshiaki Nishibayashi, editor, with contributions by M.J. Bezdek, P.J. Chirik, A. Eizawa, K. Grund, P.L. Holland, Z. Hou, Y. Ishida, H. Kawaguchi, A. Kindjajev, I. Klopsch, S. Kuriyama, Y. Nishibayashi, I. Pappas, M. Pfeil, S. Schneider, T Shima, A., L. Speelman, N. Stucke, H. Tanaka, F. Tuczek, T. Weyrich, K. Yoshizawa, E.Y. Yuzik-Klimova Springer [2017] <PA225-D38>
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Alexander Sadimenko. Elsevier [2020] <PA325-D18>
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Subject Heading Organometallic chemistry. Heterocyclic compounds. Xiao-Bing Lu, editor, with contributions by A. Angelini [and 25 others]. Springer [2016] <PA325-B126>
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Subject Heading Carbon dioxide. Organometallic chemistry. Thomas Braun, Russell P. Hughes, editors, with contributions by M.G. Campbell [and thirteen others]. Springer [2015] <PA325-B125>
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Summary, etc. ...rch results in organometallic chemistry. As our understanding of organ... Contents ...efins Fluorous organometallic chemistry. Subject Heading Organofluorine compounds. Organometallic chemistry. Paper Recording Media 雑誌 雑誌タイトル Elsevier Sequoia <Z53-B133>
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Volumes of this title 2017
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John Wiley & Sons, Ltd <Z54-F874>
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Volumes of this title volume editor, Pher G. Andersson, with contributions by John F. Bower ... [et al.]. Springer c2011. <PA325-B79>
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Springer c2010. <PA325-B69>
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Subject Heading ...cal chemistry. Organometallic chemistry. Metallorganische Verbindungen...