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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.July 20, 1969, marked one of the climactic mome......n our history, the day Apollo 11 landed on the moon. But it is onl...... Is Apollo, by the acclaimed Andr......e history from the Mercury full-color paintings by astronaut ...... who walked on the moon with Pete Conr......extbook, it is the tale of humank......t adventure in the last frontier: space.
- ContentsThe sites of the Apollo Moon landings Apoll......ew A word from the artist Introdu......tion: who were the astronauts? Ap......o Apollo Nine: the dark side of z......-G Apollo Ten: the Moon rocket Apollo Eleven: the group brain Ap......llo Twelve: clothes make the Moonwalker Apollo T......een: live from the Moon Apollo Sixteen......llo Seventeen: the Moon rocks (and what happened to them after they got to Earth)......Epilogue About the paintings The write stuff: how we wrote thi...
- Subject Heading...pace flight to the moon -- History. As......pace flight to the moon -- Planning. S......pace flight to the moon -- History -- ......pace flight to the moon -- Planning -- Juvenile liter...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....nia and nearly the full's advisees, they highlight her......ell as general themes that run th......ective memory, the cultural and material fluency...
- Contents1. The economics of m......ppo Marsili 2. The portrait of revisiting the ancestral conn......entury parting painting / Elizabeth Ki......n porcelain 5. The bejeweled asce...... an album from the Qing court / R......etan Lamas and the Qing emperor /......perspective on the appropriation ......tsura Yuki and the allegorical im......n Kyung-ja and the scandal of Beautiful Woman / ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...ry Venus Earth Moon Mars Minor planets Jupiter Sa...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.I Walked on the Moon. This is my jo......1969. It began the day I was born......e alone across the George Washing......a footprint on the Moon. I always knew the Moon was within my ...... to be part of the team that would achieve the first landing.......irst step onto the Moon's surface. We ......ams -- this is the story of how mine came true.
- Subject Heading...pace flight to the moon -- Juvenile li......pace flight to the moon.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
Recording Media録音資料
National Diet Library
- Contents...ning Sunrise(6)Moon River(7)Soul P......Aka-Tombo(9)In The Moon Light
Recording Media映像資料
National Diet Library
- ContentsDISC1〈THE SHOW-THANK GOD,THERE ARE HUNDREDS......BAT(6)Smoke in the Sky(7)BLACK&WH......E(8)Crying for the Moon(9)YO HO(10)CAP......(12)BULLY(13)FATHERS DISC2〈THE SHOW-THE BEAUTiFUL PEOP......(2)NO FUTURE(3)THE KiNG(4)Abel an......B U(8)Dance In The Dark(9)GUNSHOTS(10)CROWS(11)The Problem(12)EXi......eautiful DISC3〈THE SHOW-PANDORA〉(......n'(11)March of the Robots(12)Drea......ide Down DISC4〈THE SHOW-SEEDS OF ......10)Faster Than The Clock(11)Livin......Murderer DISC5〈THE SHOW-Silence i...... #1(5)Come Together(6)TxHxC(7)Here I am(8)monoch...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....d debate about the proliferation weapons and the safety of nucl......ion, including the hard-won lesso......h radiation in the last century c......key figures in the story of radia......helm Roentgen, the discoverer of ......mas Edison and the victims of the recent Fukushi......ident. Tracing the most important events in the evolution of r......narios such as the risks of radon......tion levels in the fish we eat, questions about ...
- Contents...adiation 101 : the basics. Now yo......sion Part two. The health effects......onal illness ; The Hippocratic pa......allout ; After the dust settles : measuring the cancer risk of......rystal clear : the target for rad......hree. Weighing the risks and food ; Blue moon : nuclear powe......nt accidents ; The things they carried : geopolitical radia...
- Subject Heading...ysics. Quantum theory. Radiation--history.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...ndescence 1.7. The Colour of Inca......loration 1.13. The Interaction of......n and Light Further Reading 2. Co......Refraction and the Refractive Ind......Superlenses Further Reading 3. The Production of ......rpendicular to the Film 3.2.2. Va......ted Beams 3.3. The Colour of a Si......lm in Air 3.4. The Reflectivity o......Structure 4.6. The Description of......tivity 4.12.1. The Rotation of Po...... Eyes, Blue Feathers and Blue Moons 5.7. Paints, Glass 5.10. The Lycurgus Cup and Other Stained Glass...... Aperture 6.4. The Diffraction Li...... Estimation of the Wavelength of ......e Opals 6.8.4. The Effective Refractive Index of...
- Alternative TitleColor and the optical properties of materia...
- Alternative TitleColor and the optical properties of materia...
Recording Media録音資料
National Diet Library
- Contents....E.D.LIGHT)(12)THE EARTH LIGHT(TR......6)Dancin' Into The Night(DISCO)(g......)Electro Tuned(the SubS mix)(BIG ......(TaQ)(19)I Was The One(ITALO HOUS......(good-cool)(33)THE SAFARI(WORLD H......L) (12)Burnin' The Floor(EURO GRO......E)(dj TAKA)(24)The Cube(DRUM'N'BA.......W)(32)RIDE ON THE LIGHT(HI GREAT......C)(ric)(2)Spin the disc(HOUSE)(go......TRACK)(Aya)(10)THE SHINING POLARI......15)fly through the night(TRANCE)(......27)電人イェーガーのテーマ(Theme of DENJIN J) the Snow Paint Me(......E HOUSE)(Shawn The Horny Master)(......SADA)(9)rottel-the-Mercury(GABBA)......feat.akino)(23)moon child(POST ROCK)(少年ラジオ)(24)昭和...
National Diet Library
- ContentsThoughts on the Terry Welch co......view : east of the moon / Terry Welch Artists in the exhibition The meeting of Chi......uda Rozan, and the controversy ov......e / Paul Berry The transformation......anese literati painting in the twentieth century / Michiyo M...
- Subject HeadingWelch, Terry -- Art collections -- Exhibitions. Painting, Japanese -- 19th century -- ...
- Note (General)Published in conjunction with the exhibition held at the Honolulu Academy of Arts, Sep...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....trators donate their talents to a......istory through the prism of the White House.
- Contents.... Part I: From the foundation up Ibatoulline The White House fi......ted by Petra Mathers Testimony of......s helped build the White House! /......erley Bones on the floor / Cody Kimmel The capital city i...... Wendell Minor The White House pr...... Ralph Ketcham The burning of the White House / ......d by Don Brown The first White Ho......ry Christie Another all-American ......Meg Cabot From the walls of the White House / ...... Byrd Visiting the Great Father / by Joseph B......d by Tom Pohrt The White House co......resses worn by the "First Ladies" of the White House (p......igh spirits in the Lincoln White House / by Russ...
Recording Media録音資料
National Diet Library
- Contents...ices(3)Lord of the Smoking Mirror......eons(6)Between the Rings(7)Evenin......reamer(9)After the Rain(10)Rottwe......editation,Cave Painting(14)Tropical Moon Over Dorking S......Piece Suite:To the Shrine,Through the Forest,Towards the Light(18)Boule......unset,Dance of the Crabs,Sand Octopus and the King Crabs,Do the Shrimps Know They're Chinese,Land of the Dragons(part 2)(20)And A Pray...
- Alternative TitleFinger painting
- Alternative TitleFinger painting
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingHamanaka, Ōgen, 1945- -- Exhibitions Painting, Japanese -- 20th century -- ...
- Subject Heading (ID)Hamanaka, Ōgen, 1945- -- Exhibitions Painting, Japanese -- 20th century -- ...
- Alternative TitleOhgen Hamanaka : the exhibition of Suiboku paintings in London "Respect the earth" moon dawn wind Exhi......ion of Suiboku paintings in London "Respect the earth" moon dawn wind
Other Libraries in Japan
- ContributorRetold by Carl Withers. Illustrated by Adrienne Ad...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Summary: In order to dim the moon's light, the devil tries to paint it with ...
- Author HeadingWithers, Carl Adams, Adrienne
Other Libraries in Japan
Recording Media録音資料
National Diet Library
- Contents(1)Intro:Arpeggios For The Rain(2)Rain Fo......cean(4)Photosynthesis(5)Tough Road(6)The River Of Memor......)Dryades(9)For The Beats(10)Mirror Moon(11)coyote(12)C......:Arpeggios For The Forest
Recording Media録音資料
National Diet Library
- Contents(1)Inside Outside(2)Paint The Sky(3)Untitled......(13)Little Red Moon(14)It's Time(15)Fragile(16)Si...