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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This thoroughly revised and updated fourth edition of 'The Sustainable Urban Development Reader' combines classic and contemporary readings to provide a broad introduction to the topic that is accessible to general and undergraduate audiences. The 'Reader' begins by tracing the roots of the sustainable development concept in the nineteenth and twentieth ce......ries through classic readings. It then explores dimensions of urban sustainability, including land use and urban design, transportation, ecological planning and restoration, energy and materials use, economi......velopment, social and environmental justice, and green architect...
- ContentsList of Illustrations List of Tables and Boxes Copyright information Illustration credits About the Editor Acknowledgments ......ntroduction to the Fourth Edition Part 1. Origins of the Sustainability Concept.......troduction to Part 1 "The Three Magnets" and "The Town-Country Magnet" from 'Garden Cities of To-morrow' (1898) / Ebenezer Howard "The Land Ethic" from 'A Sand County Almanac' (1949) / Aldo Leopold "Orthodox Planning and The North End" from 'The Death and Life of Great American Cities' (1961) / Jane Jacobs "The Development of Underdevelopment" from 'Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America' (1967) / Andre Gu...
- DDC307.1/416
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.From the Publisher: The result of a collaboration between Sydney's Macquarie University and International PEN Sydney Centre, and funded by the Australia Council for the Arts and the Australian Research Council, The Literature of Australia gathers the most distinctive and most significant of the nation's writing....... include: Coverage of over two hundred years of literature in all genres, from the 1700s to the present, and over 500 ent...... 307 different authors, including writing by Aboriginal authors from the early colonial period to the present. Work from contemporary authors of international renown, including Shirley Ha...
- ContentsForeword / Thomas Keneally About the editors List of abbreviations Acknowledgements General introduction / Nicholas Jose Aboriginal literature / Anita Heiss and Peter Minter Literature to 1900 / Elizabeth Webby Literature 1900-1950 / Nicole Moore Fiction and drama from 1950 / Kerryn Goldsworthy Poetry and non-fiction from 1950 / David McCooey from: Journal of a first fleet surgeon / George Worgan (1757-1838) from: Complete account of the settlement at Port Jackson / Watkin Tench (1758-1833) Letter to......d Sydney's steward / Bennelong (c1764-1813) Letter to......Brigid Kingdon / Elizabeth Macarthur (1766-1850) from: Voyage...
- Genre/Form TermsAnthologie.
Recording Media録音資料
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA80545334
- Note (General)For orchestra Added title from leaflet Tasmin Little, vi...... (2nd work) ; Raphael Wallfisch, violoncello (2nd-3rd) ; Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra ; Sir Charles Mackerras, conductor Recorded in the Philharmonic Hall, Liverpool, 1-3 June 1991 Compact disc EMI: 7243 5 75803 2 8
- Related MaterialClassics for pleasure
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA29422018
- Note (General)editor in chief: Thomas Beecham (supplementary volume 1 - ) Imprint varies 子書誌あり Includes various eds. of some vols Partly published by Universal Edition, Stainer & Bell and Oxford University Press
- Related MaterialFolkeraadet : incidental music to the play by Gunnar Heiberg Three sonatas for violin and piano Songs of sunset = Sonnenuntergangs-Lieder Poem of life and love : (1918- ) Piano concerto Works for cello and piano Songs with orchestra An arabesque A village Romeo and Juliet : lyric drama in six scenes after Gottfried ...... Romeo und Julia auf dem Dorfe Florida : suite for orchestra The song of the high hills = Das Lied von den ......iolin concerto A dance rhapsody : (no. 1) Fennimore and Gerda : two episodes from the life of Niels Lyhne after the novel by J.P. Jacobsen Suite ; and, Légende : for violin and orchestra Settings from Ten...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00700833
- Related MaterialStability and variation in Hopi song The copepodologist's cabinet : a biographical and bibliographical history Early transactions of the American Philosophical Society The fate of the medieval Archimedes, 1300 to 1565 Charles Willson Peale Under heaven's brow : pre-Christian religious tradition in Chuuk Aftermath of war : Bainbridge Colby and Wilsonian diplomacy, 1920-1921 A supplement to A guide to manuscripts relating to the American Indian in the library of the American Philosophical Society Benjamin Franklin and Italy The production, distribution and readership of a conservative journal of the early French Revolution :...
- Alternative TitleMemoirs of the American Philosophical Society held at Philadelphia for promoting useful knowledg...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00232564
- Note (General)Publisher varies: London : H. Frowde : G. Richards
- Related MaterialSelected poems of John Greenleaf Whittier The posthumous papers of the Pickwick Club The Decameron Pride and prejudice The castles of Athlin and Dunbayne The entail, or, The Lairds of Grippy The adventures of Robinson Crusoe Principles of political economy ; and Chapters on socialism The pilgrim's prog......ern Verse, 1900-1940 The struggles of Brown, Jones, and Robinson The Romance of Tristan : the thirteenth-century old 'prose Tristan' Confessions of an English opium-eater Reflections on the Revolution in France and other writings The way we live now Poems and plays of Robert Browning, 1833-1842 No name Up from slavery T...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA01232129
- Related MaterialHistoric and municipal documents of Ireland, A.D. 1172-1320 : from the archives of the city of Dublin, etc. The saga of Hacon, and a fragment of the saga of Magunus, with appendices Willelmi rishanger, quondam monachi S. Albani, et quorundam anonymorum, chronica et annales, regnantibus Henrico tertio et Edward primo : A.D. 1259-1307 The Anglo-Latin satirical poets and epigrammatists of the twelfth century Gesta abbatum monasterii Sancti Albani, a Thoma Walsingham, regnante Ricardo secundo, ej......centore, compilata Annales monasterii de Wintonia (A.D. 519-1277) ; Annales monasterii de Waverleia (A.D. 1-1291) The metrical ch...
- Alternative TitleChronicles and memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages Rerum Britannicarum Medii Aevi scriptores (Rolls series)
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA1103399X
- Note (General)"Printed for H.M.S.O. Publisher varies
- Related MaterialVita s. remigii, et vita s. hugonis Magna Vita S. Hugonis epi......ensis. : From manuscripts in the Bodleian library, Oxford, and the Imperial library, Paris. The historians of the Church of York and its archbishops Flores historiarum The history of the English : from A.C. 55 to A.D. 1154, in eight books Matthæi Parisiensis, monachi sancti albani, historia Anglorum, sive, ......icitur, historia minor : item, ejusdem abbreviatio chronicorum Angliæ Political poems and songs relating to English......omposed during the period from the accession of Edw. III. to that of Ric. III EpistolÆ Cantuarienses, : the letters of the prior and conv...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00345403
- Related MaterialThe theatre of Tennessee Williams A lovely Sunday for Creve Coeur The driver's seat Cinema stories The selected letters of Tennessee Williams Women poets of Japan Last evenings on Earth Fabricating lives : explorations in American autobiography The captain's verses = Los versos del capitán Miss Lonelyhearts & the day of the locust The collected poems of Dylan Thomas, 1934-1952 A draft of XXX Cantos Part of the solution : portrait of a revolutionary Selected poe......Mirrors Rhymes and more rhymes of a Pfc Driven to abstraction Assays The cosmological eye The laughter of the sphinx Khurbn & other poems Dance and dream Select...
- Alternative TitleND paperbook NDP New Directions paperbooks A New Directions paperbook original A New Directions paperback ND paperback
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00802108
- Note (General)Publisher varies: Harcourt
- Related MaterialThe republic of pirates : being the true and surprising story of the Caribbean pirates and the man who brought them down Bright promises, dismal performance : an economist's protest Love and living Theory of literature Middletown in transition : a study in cultural conflicts Totalitarianism Middletown : a study in American culture A continuous harmony : essays cultural and agricultural Intellectual memoirs : New York, 1936-1938 Technics and civilization The collected stories of Katherine Anne Porter Burmese days : a novel A walker in the city A perfect peace Mistakes were made (but not by ......lish beliefs, bad decisions, and hurtful acts ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe land of Gilead, with excursions in the Lebanon Marruecos Vingt-sept ans d'histoire d......s études orientales : rapports faits à la Société asiatique de Paris de 1840 à 1867 Reise nach Innerarabien, Kurdistan und Armenien, 1892 B......schreibung von Arabien : aus eigenen Beobachtungen und im Lande selbst gesammleten Nachrichten Mein erster Aufenthalt in Marokko und Reise südlich von Atlas durch die Oasen Draa und Tafilet Le Sahara de la province de Constantine : region nord du Sahara The tragedy of Armenia : a brief study and interpretation Une compagnie française dans l'empire du Maroc au XVIIe siècle In the clouds above Baghdad : being ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialCrime school Brother Orchid Union Depot Alcatraz Island Empty holsters Look for the silver lining ......sed event Kid Galahad Five star final Wild boys of the road Invisible stripes The sea wolf The adventures of Robin Hood Silver river The Cherokee Strip The finger points The return of Dr. X Black Legion Beyond the forest Wild Bi......k rides Virginia City Moonlight on the prairie Trailin' west Manpower Midnight court Alibi Ike Racket busters Objective Burma Hotel Berlin King of the underworld The great divide Watch on the Rhine Two seconds Mountain justice Life begins The corn is green Guns of the Pecos Gold diggers of 193...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00060877
- Related MaterialThe 25-year war : America's military role in Vietnam Cole Porter : a biography Gershwin, his life and music Regional theatre : the revolutionary stage The lean years : a history of the American worker, 1920-1933 Abraham Lincoln, his speeches and writings The Korean War : how we met the challenge : how all-out Asian war was averted : why MacArthur was dismissed : why today's war objectives mu......t be limited Stalin, the history of a dictator The jazz life The folk music sourcebook Soundtrack : the music of the movies Giants of rock music Chicago blues : the city & the music Tommy and Jimmy : the Dorsey years A transaction of...
- Alternative TitleA Da Capo Press paperback
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00318943
- Note (General)Imprint varies: Touchstone
- Related MaterialLeft back : a century of battles over school reform The challenge of the passing years : my encount...... time Close to the bone : life-threatening illness and the search for meaning The Iraq war reader : history, ......ts, opinions Heat and dust The happiest man alive : a biography of Henry Miller The varieties of religious experience : a study in human nature The closing of the American mind Our bodi......s, ourselves : a new edition for a new era The pursuit of virtue and other Tory notions First in his class : the biography of Bill Clinton America in black and white : one nation, indivisible Experience and education Wild swans : thre...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00483087
- Related MaterialThe OKW war diary series An autosegmental analysis of Venda tonology Bookbindings old and new : notes of a book-lover Latino employment, labor organizations and immigration Studies in social and private accounting Racial violence and law enforcement in the South Pastoral accounting in colonial Australia : a case study of unregulated accounting Vologeso, re de' Parti Alaska native policy in the twentieth century Modern education, textbooks and the image of the nation : politics of modernization and nationalism in Korean education, 1880-1910 The Symphony in Sw......en Evolution, sacrifice, and narrative : Balzac, Zola, and Fa...
- Alternative TitleGarland series
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA45759522
- Note (General)Description based on vol. 79
- Related MaterialThe construction and contestation of American cultures and identities in the early national period New England Forefathers' Day orations, 1770-1865 : an annotated edition of selected Plymouth anniversary addresses The clown of armageddon : the novels of Kurt Vonnegut Walking in deserts, writing out of wounds : Jewishness and Deconstruction in Paul Auster's literary work Migration - miscegenation - transculturation : writing multicultural America into the twentieth century Transatlantic Crossings Between Paris and New York : Pan-Africanism, Cultural Difference and the Arts in the Interwar Years Ethics in po......n fiction : Donald Barthelme and William Gass ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00433511
- Note (General)Place of publication varies
- Related MaterialRobert Franz In Sachen Lessing : Vortrage und Essays Feinde Kritik der praktischen Vernunft Altindische Schauspiele Von des......des gehugde : Mahnrede über den......euhochdeutsch Das grosse Welttheater in der Nachdichtung von ......ochdeutsche Romane und Heldenep......rsordnung für das deutsche Reich in der Fassung des Reich......etzes vom 17. Mai 1898 und der Bekanntmachung vom 20. Mai 1898 : Textausgabe mit kurzen Anmerkungen und Sachregister Thomas Mann, Mario und der Zauberer Der Nachsommer : eine Erzählung Der Schuß von der Kanzel : Novelle ...... für die Sekundarstufe Was ihr wollt : L......tspiel in fünf Aufzügen Platons Phaidros : ode...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00474814
- Note (General)Publishing place varies: London, D......ore Publisher varies: Penguin Books India, Bodley Head, Penguin Books Australia, Viking, Penguin Group (NZ)
- Related MaterialAh, but your land is beautiful The enigma of arrival : a novel in five ......ctions Winter garden Miscarriage Dot.con : the greatest story ever sold When the United States spoke Frenc......refugees who shaped a nation First nights The tenth gift That certain age The Penguin book of Southern African stories Tempest-Tost Confessions of an actor : an autobiography Mesdames, Messieurs ....... Tell no lies The struggles of Albert Woods Sweetness and power : the place of sugar in modern history Let's parler Franglais! Einstein's universe : the layperson's guide A castle in Spain The rains came The Spanish Armada The Penguin book o...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA2550615X
- Note (General)Publishing place varies: New York Publisher varies: Viking Penguin
- Related MaterialTell no lies Brighton rock The Victoria system The news where you are Cinderella girl The gangster Shards of memory The samurai A month in the country The dream life of Sukhanov The autumn of the patriarch The Penguin book of American short stories...... history Licks of love : short stories and a sequel, 'rabbit remembered' Rumpole and the reign of terror The old romantic The importance of being Aisling The mind game The last lullaby Husbands The closed circle The Penguin book of English short stories After you with the pistol Kiss ki......s Scott Free : a novel Further under the duvet An eligible bachelor The chalk man All the t...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00548998
- Related MaterialMexico City blues The sea of fertility Memories of the Ford administration : a novel Light in August Shooting an elephant and other essays Meetings with remarkable men Babette's feast ; and other stories The outsider The longest journey In the making : the story of a childhood Near to the wild heart The samurai The room : a novel The philosophy of Andy Warhol : from A to B and back again The waves The Pat Hobby stories Fever pitch Charlie and the chocolate factory The trial The green child Nostromo : a tale of the seaboard Go down, Moses, and other stories Shadows on the grass The home and the world The unvanquished South ...
- Alternative TitleModern classics