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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingUrban policy Public welfare Social policy Public welfare. Social policy. Urban policy.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....lume presents conceptual, theore...... approaches to social policy analysi......y. An international panel of exp......ily care, pensions and social security, and ......and. The book contrasts shared issues in the contexts of economic history, a......Coverage also considers the cent......ina as the nation works toward its long-term goal of ......ty. Included among the topics: Building a welfare system with of aging welfare and social policy. Sweden: aging welfare and social policy in the ......ry. Policy responses to aging: c...... trends. Aging Welfare and Social Policy will interest professionals and researchers addressing...
- ContentsChapter 1: Welfare States with No...... 2: Building a Welfare System with Ch......pter 3: Evolution and Construction of Chinas Social Protection System: A Discussion from the Persp......Study of Aging Welfare and Social Policy Chapter......Sweden: Ageing Welfare, and Social Policy in the ...... and Turns of Long-term Care Pol...... 7: Policy Responses to Ageing: ......8: Is Finland Connected for e-Health and e-Welfare? Chapter 9: Social Construction, System Defect......tem Quality of Welfare Policy and Regulation Framework for Chapter 10: Social Organisations and Old Age S......s? Chapter 11: Social Services for the Elderly Comm...
- Subject HeadingSocial policy. Aging--Social conditions.
National Diet Library
- ContentsIntra-EU migration and social rights : an introduction / Martin Seele......s The European Social Charter as a b......s for defining social rights for EU ......cin Wujczyk EU social citizenship : ......rights and national concerns / Catherine Jacqueson (Dis)united in diversity? : social policy and social rights in the ......therine Jacqueson and Martin See......EU citizens to social rights / Frans Pennings Social human rights a......ence registration for enjoyment ......ltén-Cavallius Social rights, labour...... of movement: contradictions within the Eu......Blank Roma persons and EU, Lisa Scullion and Philip Brown EU citizens'...
- Subject HeadingSocial rights--European Union countries. Cit......p--European Union countries. Public welfare--Law and legislation--European Union countries.
- Alternative TitleEuropean Union citizenship and social rights
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingAging--Social aspects Aging--Economic aspects Older people--Social conditions Population aging
National Diet Library
- ContentsIntroduction : Understanding welfare reform in the ......́land International trends in social assistance / R...... policies, national trends, and ......evelopments in social assistance in ......An overview of social assistance tre......s in Canada / Ronald Kneebone and Katherine......d Xuelin Zhang Social assistance in Ontario / Peter G......nt politics of social solidarity / Alain Noël Social assistance in ......ane Pulkingham Social assistance in Alberta / Donna E. Wood Sask...... / Rick August Social assistance in ......a / Wayne Simpson Social assistance in ......current situation / Luc Thériau......Hélène Lebreton Social assistance in Nova Sco...
- Subject HeadingPublic welfare--Canada--Provinces. Aide sociale--Canada--Provinces. Public welfare--Canadian provinces.
- Note (Additional Physical Form Available)Issued also in electronic format.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."This volume focuses on how high quali......basic orientation to social welfare: Canada, Denma......dents, practitioners and researc......service provision for the elderl...... of policy responses in different health and social care contexts"--
- Contents...people : relational extension and the art of...... for care : reconfiguring care relations and practices......(re)domestication and (de)medicalization of care in categorization as a tool in h......nt / Anna Olaison The making of ...... / Lea Henriksson and Sirpa Wrede.
- Subject Heading...for the Aged. Long-Term Care--methods.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingSocial policy.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....development of social welfare policies in Br......y identifying continuities in welfare policy, practice and thought ...
- Contents...t of abbreviations About the aut......wledgements 1 Concepts, continuities and critique Conceptualising social welfare What is welfare? Discourses an......mbivalence and social welfare Overview of th......ory of British social welfare Care and welfare before human r......Early roots of welfare: religion and charity Th......ury changes in welfare: towards the welfare state and beyond The conditions for welfare reform Birth a...... growth of the welfare state Impact of the welfare state Rolling back the frontiers of the st...... New Right and welfare Communitarianism and the social contract: New Labour and welfare Welfare reform: the crash, th...
- Subject HeadingPublic welfare--Great Britain......History Public welfare--Great Britain Aide sociale--Grande-Breta......-Histoire Aide sociale--Grande-Bretagne Public welfare Social policy Great Britain--Social policy--Histor......Great Britain--Social policy Grande-......gne--Politique sociale--Histoire Gra......gne--Politique sociale Great Britain
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....pact of choice on welfare states in Euro......e recent focus on choice in many welfare states has cre......nged users to consumers, and inc......d the emphasis on private provid......sectors of the welfare state, the boo......recent reforms on equality, not only from an economic perspectiv...... also in relation to gender and ......oviders of the welfare state, and hav......ositive impact on society as a whole"-- Provide...
- ContentsCan choice in welfare states be equi......sible hand' in welfare services in En......English education sector / Deborah Wilson When 'choice' ......ame : institutional frameworks o...... in the German welfare system / Flori......Blank Choosing welfare or losing social citizenship? C......recent Italian welfare state reforms ......Graziano The 'consumer principle...... in the German welfare state / Melani......rative discussion of the gendered implications of cash-for-c......dependence and social citizenship of exit options in social policiese / Me......ugh the promotion of gender equa......ty / Steven Saxonberg.
- Subject HeadingSocial choice -- Europe. Welfare state -- Europe. Consumers' preferences -- Europe....
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents1. Introduction / Shirley Johnson-Lans 2. The response of the Unite......ates to the coronavirus pandemic....../ Shirley Johnson-Lans 3., education, and social assistance pol......ze Massard de Fonseca, Catarina ......stos 5. The coronavirus pandemic......argherita Giannoni, Milena Vaini......iana Ciani, Simone Ghislandi, Gi......Nuti 6. The coronavirus pandemic......ct of Covid-19 on household welfare in the Comoros....... Taiwan's response to the COVID......rience and lessons / Tsung-Mei Cheng 9. The coronavirus pandemic......rusentsev 10. Conclusion / Shirley Johnson-Lans
- Subject HeadingCOVID-19 Pandemic, 2020---Social aspects Equality Pandémie de COVID-19, 2020---Aspect social
- Related MaterialGlobal perspectives on wealth and distribution
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents1. Coercion, welfare, and the study......State: 2. The constitution of coercion: Wicksell, vio......ublic finance: on its emergence and evolution out of anarchy......erdas; Discussion: a spatial mod......of state coercion Leonard Dudley; Par......rcive Transactions in Welfare Analysis: 4. Coercion, taxation, and voluntary association Roger D. Congleton; 5. Kaldor-Hicks coercion, Coasian barga......unger; Discussion: a sociological perspective on coercion and social welfare Edgar Kiser; Part III. Coercion in Public Sector Economics: Theory and Application: 6. Non-coercion, efficiency an......O. Ledyard; 7. Social welfare and coercion in publi...
- Subject HeadingFinances publiques. Aide sociale. État. Politique sociale. Finance, Public. Public welfare. State, The. Social policy.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....inary exploration of the complex interrelationship between migration and welfare. Chapters expl......which immigration policy affects...... affected by - welfare states, from both economic and political perspectives. This Handbook......cts of emigration on sending societ......ill deterioration as a result flight on capacity building and on economic and generally. Contributors draw on both qualitati......lluminate the contours and patte...... complex relationship. This incl......e assumed tension-reducing role ......t and integration policies, the ......nts by socio-economic constraints and the poten...
- Contentsa Introduction to the handbook on migration and welfare: The contours of contested concepts / Markus ...... stock: Migration and the state of the welfare state Managing migration in modern welfare states: One-size policy d....... Hollifield Economics or politi......ssing immigration as a challenge to the welfare state / Mauree......A. Eger Migration, diversity, and the welfare state: Moving beyond attitudes / P......nd Part II: Is social homogeneity a precondition for redistribution? Why share wit......ngers? Reflections on a variety of perspectives / Matthew Wrig......ership, inclusion, and redistribution / Allison Harell, Will Kymlic...
- Subject HeadingWelfare state Emigration and immigration--Economic aspects Emigration and immigration--Economic aspects--P......aspects Public welfare--Political asp......dence Émigration et immigration--Aspect économique Émigration et immigration--Aspect économique--Aspect politique Aide sociale--Aspect politique Emigration and immigration--Economic aspects. Public welfare--Political aspects. Welfare state.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...tain & Ireland Social welfare and the Church......Frances Knight Social welfare in Irish persp...... Low Countries Social questions and Catholic answers: Social reform in Belg......epublic to the welfare state / H.D. and professional rivalry / the Revolution in 1848 / Bernhard Schneider Social welfare in Catholic Ge......eas Holzem Diakonie (welfare and social work) and Prot......rdic Countries Social responsibilities in t......foed Christian social work in an Age......rway / Aud V. Tønnessen Bibliography.
- Subject HeadingChurch and social problems--Euro......ry. Church and social problems. Church charities. E...
- Note (General)"Guaranteed Peer Reviewed Content (GPRC)"--Title page verso...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ystems, which constitutes a key issue in social security refor......s: (I) Mapping Social Security in Ja...... were composed on the basis of r......sive society, conducted by membe......f the Association of Japanese Ge......udy Group "Regional Issues and Population Aging." Choosi...... different regional characterist......, the authors conducted empirica...... governments. Non-Japanese reade......acteristics of social security and t...... the themes of welfare, medical care, and health lev...
- ContentsWelfare Regime in Japan and Recent Social Security Refor......hanges and Regional Differences Care Provision Systems for El......ical Distribution of Services Care Provision System and Geo......ical Distribution of Medical Res......, Medical, and Welfare Personnel and the Geo......ical Distribution in Japan Regional Variation in the Communi......alities Having One Comprehensive......ters Regeneration of Housing Est......apan: Focusing on Regional differences Creation of Social Ties for Prevention of Isolation of Elderly Pub......for the Provision of "A Place of Ones Own" in Nish......Current Situation and Challenges of "Inclusive ...
- Subject HeadingPublic welfare--Japan Communi......rvices. Public welfare. Japan.
National Diet Library
- ContentsDiversities and patterns in social work and in advanced welfare states / Walter Lorenz Social work and resea......l Driessens Beyond flexicurity :......d its implications for street-le...... case of child welfare in Denmark / M...... Appel Nissen Controversies in social work research ......d materials of social work : on socio-material theories and social work research ...... Birk Institutional ethnography ......pressed situation / Kjeld Høgsbr......development of social work practice / Merete Monrad and Martin ......ches to inclusion / Mia Arp Fall......efensive relations between social work and social policy : the ...
- Subject HeadingSocial service--Research. Social Work. Research. Social Welfare.
- Title HeadingRoutledge advances in social work.
National Diet Library
- ContentsIntroduction Foucault : the......le critique of welfare Goffman : interaction and identity negotiations Bourdieu : fi......ce and domination Luhmann : welfare in communicati......s Neo-institutional theory : myt......mality, deviation and neo-liberalism Transcendi...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Earshot: Perspectives on Sound awakens the transition from the medie......period to the contemporary world...... in the formation of belief systems, personal and communit......d the negotiations between them.......larly in relation to the status ......e other major conduit of social transactions, vision. Earshot is anchored in social practices and ...... resource for conveying sound to both undergrad...
- Contents... Sound in the contemporary world......rn soundscape, social welfare and policy
- Subject Heading...aspects Sound--Social aspects Hearin......pects Hearing--Social aspects Son--Aspect psychologique
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.The idea of social capital emerged in the social science discip......uch as population health. This b......etical discussion in keeping analyze how social capital manife...... and its relationship to health. The second half offers g......roving population health at the social capital level,......s of interventions, such as micr......which enhanced social capital and he......d a number of contributors debat...... defining the concept and using the term at all...
- ContentsIntroduction Workplace social capital and health Social capital in sch......l inference in social capital research Contextual determi......s of community social capital Neighborhood social capital and crime Disaster, social capital, and h......alth Advancing social capital interventions from a network and population health perspective Social capital interventions to promote he......and health The social capital of welfare states and its......ce for population health Social capital, social policy, and he......ities What's wrong with social capital? Critiques from social science.
- Subject HeadingSocial capital (Socio......rastructure (Economics) Soziales......itik. Internationaler Vergleich.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.This book examines social policy in Musl....... The existing social policy literat......praisal of the social policy scene i......ate Professor (Social Policy) and Dean of Social Science of International Affairs Depa......ent at the National Youth Organization of Iran
- ContentsChapter 1. Introduction Part I. Conceptual and Com......ter 2. Foundations of Social Policy and Welfare in Islam Chapter 3. Social Policy and the......eneficence and welfare: Notes for an Islamic welfare state: a overview of welfare system develop......n post-Revolution Iran Chapter 7. Institutions and Individuals: Social Policies in Contemporary Turke......hree Worlds of Welfare Capitalism: a Lesson From Algeria C......The effects of Social protection on informal emplo......ia Chapter 10. Perspectives on the Analysis a......Development of Social Policies in Az......Islamic Dimensions of Egyptian Social Policy: P...
- Subject HeadingSocial policy. Islamic countries--Social policy Islamic countries.
National Diet Library
- Contents...References New perspectives on global inequal......t history The long view on economic growth: since 1820 Social spending and the welfare state Wealth i......uality in the long run Life expe......uality in the long run Inequality in educational achievement ......composite view on inequality and well-being
- Subject Heading...ehavior Socioeconomic Factors OECD countries.
- Note (General) Alfani and Sonia Schifano (Ch......nd Christiaan Monden (Chapter 6) the production of tables and ......Vararat Atisophon, from the OECD....... Anne-Lise Faron, WISE Publications and Event Coo......t for publication; Sonia Primot desig......ISE Communications, Partnership ......rovided advice on communication aspects. Coordination of the report ......ments "This second volume of How...... of collaboration between the OE......opment Centre, on one side, and a group of economic historians......NFRA and Maddison projects, on the other. The...... around dimensions of well-being that mirror th...