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National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.Thinking Radical Democracy is an introduction to nine key political thinkers who contri......cratic thought in post-war French politic......ur. The essays in this collectio......and difference in politics can be perceiv......ey raise regarding equality and emancipation in a democratic s......ety will be of interest to those studying social and political thought...
- ContentsIntroduction: Holman, Martin Breaugh, Rache......zocchi, and Devin Penner Part 1:......stopher Holman Politics a l'ecart: Mer...... Power / Carlo Invernizzi Accett......toriadis: Auto-Institution and R...... / Brian C.J. Singer Guy Debord and the Politics of Play / Devin Penner Part 3:...... Possibilities in Radical Democratic Thought A Politics in Writing: Jacques Ranc......he Equality of Intelligences / R......acy / James D. Ingram From a Cri......otalitarian Domination to the Utopia of Insurgent Democra......Abensour / Martin Breaugh.
- Subject HeadingPolitical science--France--Philosophy--H......ry. Democracy--France--Philosophy--H......-20th century. France--Politics and government......y--Philosophy. Politics and government......e--Philosophy. France.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....icy before, during, and after World War I, examining the interplay between two contending conceptions o......tices of power politics and the other on internationalist doctrines that emerged in the late 19th century.
- Contents...rity policy making ; Two approac......ty War and the politics of national se......-1916 ; The coming of a new worl......eliverance and post-war planning Peace and sec......xts of peacemaking, 1918-1919 ; Towards a post-war security order......ations ; The Rhineland settlemen......he security of France Imposing security. Post-war dilemmas :, 1921 ; The politics of confrontati......uches and the 'internationalisation of security...
- Subject HeadingNational security--France--History--20th century. France--Military poli......-20th century. France--Foreign relat......ns--1914-1940. France--Politics and, 1914-1918--France. World War, 1914-1918--Influence. Außenp......tic relations. Influence (Litera......onal security. Politics and government France.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."All human beings develop a certain view on the world, and individuals belonging to the same n......h one another. In this same mann...... way of organizing an economy as......l values, focusing on the wider ......, Germany, and France. These three c......heir corresponding economic ideo......conomy, a coordinated market work to examine the extent to......onomic thought in which the econ......ese economies. In particular, th......r market, the financial system, ......s and policies in these countrie......ation's well-being overall. This book makes an invaluable contri......policy, well-being and cultural economics. Eelk...
- ContentsPart I. Setting the stage Chapter 1. Introduction and ......tional culture in the three type......etition / Rosolino A. Candela Ch...... human flourishing in the ordolibera...... 5. The market in the hierarchic......n: the case of post-war French economi...... human flourishing? / Lei Delsen....... Do national financial systems ......, Germany, and France / Eelke de Jon......ion policy within the free, hier......hical and coordinated market tra....... Central bank independence and ......onetary policy in the US, Germany and France: have they IV. Concluding remarks Chapter 10. Conclusi...
- Subject Heading...conomic policy France--Economic poli......ue économique France--Politique éc......ates. Germany. France.
National Diet Library
- ContentsFrance's deluded ques......ies : safeguarding territorial s......lance of power in East Asia / Ma......omacy and changing views of Chinese governmenta......ty across the Sino-Japanese War,...... Shen Zonglian in Tibet, 1943-19...... between the Chinese Communist P......rty and the Comintern during the Sino-Japanese War ......isong Canada-China relations in wartime China / Diana Lary Declaring war as an issue in Chinese wartime dip......aishek and Stalin during WWII / Li Yuzhen Reshaping China : American strategic thinking and China's ethnic frontiers during WWII / Liu Northeast China in Chongqing politics : the ...
- Subject Heading..., 1939-1945--China. China--Foreign rela......--1912-1949. China--Politics and government--1912-1949.
- Author HeadingVan de Ven, Hans J. Lary, Diana. MacKinnon, Stephen R., 1940-
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- of figures Introduction / Le......l Brassley The international per...... as the discontinuity in the history of......vanni Federico International trade in agricultural p......ral regulation in the second Wor...... its aftermath in Great Britain and German-ann......ria / John Martin and Ernst Lang......d new policies in the reshaping of rural soci......ultural policy in peacetime : a ......war profits to post-war investments : how......ation improved investments in Danish agriculture in the post-war years / Mogens......sation and war in Ireland and Sw......ony Varley Farming, favoured in times of fear : swedish agric...
- Related MaterialRoutledge studies in modern European history
- Periodical TitleRoutledge studies in modern European history
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingPolitical science -- France -- Philosophy ......y Democracy -- France -- Philosophy ......- 20th century France -- Politics and government -- Philosophy ...
- Subject Heading (ID)Political science -- France -- Philosophy ......y Democracy -- France -- Philosophy ......- 20th century France -- Politics and government -- Philosophy ...
- Note (General)Summary: Thinking Radical Democracy is an introduction to nine key political thinkers who contri......cratic thought in post-war French politic......ur. The essays in this collectio......and difference in politics can be perceiv......ey raise regarding equality and emancipation in a democratic s......ety will be of interest to those studying social and political thought...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingFrance -- Politics and government -- 1945-
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingFrance -- Intellectual life......- 20th century France -- Politics and government -- 1945- Politics and culture -- France -- History -- 20th century
- Subject Heading (ID)France -- Intellectual life......- 20th century France -- Politics and government -- 1945- Politics and culture -- France -- History -- 20th century
- Note (General)Includes bibliographical references and index
National Diet Library
- Contents... - pt. II. The interest of the state in labor. - pt. I......French workers in the political area.
- Subject HeadingLabor unions -- France. Labor and laboring classes -- France. Labor laws an......legislation -- France. Cooperation -- France. Communism -- France. Employers' associations -- France.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingFrance -- Politics and government --1945-1958
- Subject Heading (ID)France -- Politics and government --1945-1958
- Note (General)Includes index
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....undamental and influential role ......icians, also maintaining careers as wr......accounts, reaching back to medie......l times, expanding the geographi......reach both within and beyond Europe, and including key issues su......icism of recordings, as well as ......y of criticism in jazz, popular ......rld music. Drawing on a blend of......and critics, bringing unprecedented...... rapidly expanding area of music......l research. An indispensable point of reference,......le also addressing specific issues and events."...
- Contents...riticism. Speaking of plainsong in the Middle Age......usic criticism in the Late-Medie......ical discourse in Italy 1500–180......usic criticism in France before the Rev......usic criticism in Britain up to Burney /......usic criticism in the nineteenth century...... / Mark A. Pottinger Gatekeeping, advocacy, re......ction: overlapping voices in nineteenth-century......ngley Constructing a musical nat......uage criticism in the nineteenth century......usic criticism in nineteenth-century......usic criticism in Imperial Russi...... III: Critical Influence and Influences. Critiquing the canon: th......e of criticism in canon formation / Laura Hamer...
- Author HeadingDingle, Christopher Philip.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... : reappraisal in African histor......ial experience in western and society in colonial Brazz......tion and state politics in Sierra Leone T......litical change in Northern Ghana The politics of harmony : l......ute strategies in Swaziland Slav......nd capitalists in southern Angol......1840-1926 Marrying well : marria......educated elite in colonial Lagos The politics of evil : magi...... political imagination in South Africa Labour in the South African gold mines 1911-1969 De......litical change in Ahafo Kingship and state......ole-Bright and politics in colonial Sierr......mation and continuity in revolutionary Ethiopia...
National Diet Library
- Contents...S. Roucek. Outlines of a new era....... Thomson. The post-war settlements: 1......hall. The labyrinth of peace eff......and J. M. Gersting. Economics in the service of European politics F. E. Graham. Great Britain, Ireland and t......d L. M. Sears. France and her empire......akia L. C. Mackinney. Spain and Portugal F......ek. The Papacy in post-war Europe Tibor Kerekes. Hungary...
- Subject Heading...945. Europe -- Politics and government -- 1918-1945. ...
- Note (General)--O. G. Darlington. Poland.--......eden. Norway. Finland. Denmark.-......s Kohn. Europe in world affairs.......1945-1946: Opening of the atomic age.
Other Libraries in Japan
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Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...munication : principles and prac......pers of record in a digital age ......t type to hot link The primary d......sis of debates in presidential p......aries Mediated politics in two cultures :......ential campaigning in the United States and France Postmodern pol......cation : the fringe challenges the center Enacting the presidenc......tial character Politics and politicians in American film ......ndidate images in presidential e...... rhetoric Headline diplomacy : h...... communication in America Campai...... Communication in the presidenti......, 1912-2000 Losing our democrati......ropaganda Enacting political culture : rhetoric...
Other Libraries in Japan
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- Alternative TitleFrench politics, society and culture
- Alternative TitleFrench politics, society and culture
Other Libraries in Japan
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- Alternative TitlePalgrave politics of identity & citizenship ser...
- Alternative TitlePalgrave politics of identity & citizenship ser...
Other Libraries in Japan
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Other Libraries in Japan
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Other Libraries in Japan
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