Search results 5
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA47568092
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)Japan Center for Economic Research JCER
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA53621098
- Related MaterialPress images, national identity, and foreign policy : a case study of U.S.-Japan relations from 1955......Frederick Douglass's curious audiences : ethos in the age of the consumable subject The......cious in medieval and early modern England Editing Emily Dickinson : the production of an author Illuminating the borders of northern French and Flemish manuscripts, 1270......Fighting the flames : the spectacular performance of fire at Coney Island Henry Miller and religion Thi......omposite voice : the role of W.B. Yeats in James Merrill's poetry Structural markedness and syntactic structure : a study of word order and the left perip...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA62797390
- Related MaterialRacial exclusionism and the city : the urban support of the National Front Studies......conomic policy of Frederick the Great Marxist analyses and social anthropology The evolution of the nursery-infant school : a history of infant and nursery education in Britain, 1800-1970 Banking in an unregulated environment : California, 1878-1905 Crisis management in the power industry : an inside story ......ining politics : people, resources and power Plato to-day Ancient Rome at work : an economic history of Rome from the the empire Language, schools, and classrooms International business handbook Social policy 1830-1914 : individua...
- Alternative TitleRoutledge library edition
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00156240
- Note (General)Publisjer varies: Harvard University Asia Center Vol. < Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard University
- Related MaterialWord embodied : the jeweled pagoda mandalas in Japanese Buddhist art Detective fiction and the rise of the Japanese novel, 1880-1930 Colonial industrialization and labor in Korea : the Onoda cement factory Becoming apart : national power and local politics in Toyama, 1868-1945 Reading Tao Yuanming : shifting paradigms of historical reception (42......00) In pursuit of status : the making of South Korea's "new" urban middle class Buddhism, Unitarianism, and the Meiji co......ion for universality Hiraizumi : Buddhist art and regional politics in t......elfth-century Japan A patterned past : form and thought in early Chinese hi...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00209063
- Note (General)Each sub-series (......eihe = Série) has its distincti......N for subser. 1: 07213301: Deutsche Sprache und Literatur = Langue et littérature allemandes = German language and literature ISSN for subser. 2: 05317312: Rechtswissenschaft = Law = Droit (Subt......tle slightly changed: Europäische Hochschul...... Recht = European university studies in law = Publications universitaires européenne......N for subser. 3: 05317320: Geschichte und...... Hilfswissenschaften = Histoire, sciences auxiliaires de l'histoire = History and allied studies I......N for subser. 5: 05317339: Volks- und Betriebswirtschaft = Sciences économiques et p...
- Related MaterialZur politischen Durchsetzungsfähigkeit einer ö...... orientierten Marktwirtschaft : eine Analyse aus ökonomischer Sicht, dargestellt am Beispiel der ......publik Deutschland Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit und Sozialgerichtsbarkeit : Konvergenz ode......wendige Eigenständigkeit? Quality Circles in......publik Deutschland : hemmende und fördernde Faktoren einer erfolgreichen Realisierung Kultur der Freiheit : ein Beitrag zu Lessings K......osophie "Geschmack" als Basis der Verständigung : Chr. F. Geller......e Intention in action : the philosophy of G.E.M. Anscombe Bedeutung und Umfang der Festnahmerechte von Staatsanwaltschaft und Polizei na...