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National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....topics. Author index.
- Subject Heading... Bibliography. Poverty -- Bibliograph...... Bibliography. Poverty -- bibliography.
- Author HeadingUnited States. Social Security Administration. Office of Research ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.Many books offer information about China, but few make......ruly at stake. The questions addressed in this unique vo......ume provide a window onto the challenges China faces today and the uncertainties its meteoric ascent on the global horizon has provoked. In only a few decades, the most populous ......age. Thirty of the world's leading China experts--all affiliates of the renowned Fairb......k Center for Chinese Studies at Harvard Uni......its people and their leaders tick. They distill a lifetime of cutting-edge scholarship into short, acces......essays about Chinese identity, culture, environ...
- ContentsI. Politics: Is the Chinese communist r......Perry Can fighting corruption save the party? / Josep......rquhar What is the source of ethnic tension in China? / Mark Ellio......about public opinion in China? / Ya-Wen Lei......for leadership in China? / Arunabh Ghosh Can the Chinese Communist P......y learn from Chinese emperors? /......Yuhua Wang II. International relations: Will China lead Asia? / ......w strong are China's armed force......kson What does the rise of China mean for the United States?......t S. Ross Is Chinese exceptionalism undermining China's foreign policy interests? / Alistair Iain Johnston (When) will Taiwan r...
- Subject HeadingEnvironmental policy--China. China--Forecasting. China--Politics and......nment--2002- China--Foreign rela......1st century. China--Economic con......tions--2000- China--Social conditions--2000- China--Civilization--2002-
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- Related MaterialThe Motion picture in its economic a......spects Russia since Stalin: old trends an...... migration and the emergence of new minorities The American industrial opport......n control : an international com......for progress : international China social and ec......mic conditions The second Industrial Revolu......n : modern selling : a dynamic wealth producing force Social ......ontribution by the aging The cost of living Immigration a......olicy Problems in banking and finance Proceedings of the Conference of ...... laws : proceedings of the seventh annual conference of the National Child Labor Committe...
- Alternative TitleThe Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science The annals
- Alternative TitleThe Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science The annals
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- Related Material...onomy : essays in retrieval : se......s of Geoff Pilling Economics and interdisciplinary exchange Evolution of the market process......ics and modern theory : studies in long-period an......eto's economic theory The economic reade......s, manuals and the dissemination of the economic sciences during the nineteenth and ear......omic thought : the construction of disciplinary memory Economic thought in communist and ......nist Europe On the foundations of happiness in economics : reinterpreting Tibor Scitovs......onomy Asia and the history of the international economy : essays in memory of Pete......ept of money : the god of commodities An economi...
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- Related MaterialMigrants, urban poverty, and instability in developing nations Civil administration in the Punjab : an an......ate government in India Self-determination revisited in the era of decolon......ation Cyprus : the law and politi......Pan-Africanism in action : an account of the UAM The law in political integration : the evolution and integrative impli......egal processes in the European community Internal war and international sys......ict regulation in divided societ......e : a study of the Fouchet negotiations and the 1963 veto On the interaction of opposing forces under ......Reflections on the failure of the first West Ind...
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- Related MaterialCollective bargaining for public em......ent Public housing in America Ethics in politics and g......ernment Debate index supplement ......bate topics Latin America in the cold war Cancellation of the Allied debt Taxation and the economy United......ican agreement Interstate trade ......t of school administration Disar......t Questions of the hour Pump-priming theory of government spending America's and loyalty in our colleges W......d society Lobbying in Congress ethics and the voter Free trade Healthcare in sub-Saharan Africa The Nation's healt......ebrity culture in the United States Human right...
- Alternative TitleReference shelf The Reference shelf : reprints of selected ......tes, study outlines of timely topics
- Alternative TitleReference shelf The Reference shelf : reprints of selected ......tes, study outlines of timely topics
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialNatural silk industry Second International Con......on Hides and Skins and Bones, he...... 1928 : proceedings of the Conference Rap......és dans le domaine de l'Hygiène publique en vingt et un pays Report on the work of the eleventh session of the Commisssion (G......27.) Cerebro=spinal meningitis in Prussia in 1923 and 1924 : third(and final) report Marks of origin Les cartels et......asion : report The public health services in Norway Memoran......ationalisation in the United states Minutes of the eleventh : report to the Economic Commi......e Documents of the Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference entrus...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialSocial contribution by the aging Processes of aging : social and ......l perspectives The social medicine of old age : report of an inquiry in Wolverhampton Lives in distress : the paths of the elderly to the psychiatric ward Human aging You can't count on dying Old people : ......y Committee on the Problems of Ageing and the Care of Old People The aged and socie......ntal disorders in later life Old age and finitude : a contr......l aspects of aging Old people in three industrial societ......people Old age in the modern world Culture and aging : an Americans Aging and personali......y Perspectives in experimental gerontology : a ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialA Walden Two experiment : the first five years of Twin Oaks Community Communes in the counter culture : origins, theories, styles o......Dutchman, and, The slave : two pl......e : a study of the sexes in a changing world The heart of the hunter The crisis of the Negro intellectual A rh......ce and protest in Jamaica Cruel and unusual : the Supreme Court ......ory of America in the nineteen sixties The writer's voice......y writers When the cheering stopped : the last years of ......ianism Nisei : the quiet Americans The rape of our ne......ties are resisting take-overs by......, churches, businesses, and public agencies Bob...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialViews on income differentials and the economic situation : findings from a natio......mple survey A linear programming model for Irish agriculture The Irish brain drain Economic aspec......penditure and finance Small-scale manufacturing industry in Ireland Self-employment and the unemployed The functional distribution of income in Ireland, 1938-70 The Irish economy in 1967 Attitudes towards poverty and related social issues in Ireland Displa......ment : class, kinship, and social change in Irish rural co......w house prices in Ireland in the seventies An I......ique for measuring affective and......orities, trust in management, and prospects for...
- Author HeadingEconomic Research Institute (Ireland)
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe American visio...... ideal society in nineteenth-century fiction The nature of the judicial process The divine relativity : ......ic rationalist The courage to be The dynamics of change : an inquiry into race relations in Africa The framing of the constitution of the United States ......asset : an outline of his wisdom : an introduction to p......y Education at the crossroads The lonely crowd : a study of the changing American character The lawmakers : re......stage Child training and personali...... day's journey into night Beyond the welfare state ...... economic planning and its international implic...
- Alternative TitleThe Yale paperbound The Yale paperbounds A Yale paper...
- Alternative TitleThe Yale paperbound The Yale paperbounds A Yale paper...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe philosophy of ......omas Jefferson The idea of national interest : an analytical study in American forei......tion Rebellion in a high school ......gical conflict in the American labor......y and politics The lords of creation The industrial revolution in Europe : Germa...... Phenomenology in America : studies in the philosophy of experience The end of American innocence : a study of the first years of......ime, 1912-1917 The rise of the common man, 1830-1850 The antifederalists : critics of the Constitution, ...... Black protest in the sixties Philadelphia gentlemen : the making of a national upper class The industrial worker, 1840-1860 ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Publisher varies: Basic Books, Harper & Brothers
- Related MaterialThe Hellenic world......n conservatism in the age of enterpr......ndrew Carnegie The philosophy of mathematics : an introduction Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal, 1932-1940 The house of intellect A treas......thnic politics The nature of life : the main problems and t......nds of thought in modern biology Preliminary studies for the Philosophical investigations : ......rally known as the Blue and Brown books The travail of rel...... Homo viator : introduction to a......row Wilson and the progressive era, 1910-1917 The raw and the cooked The Logic of scien...... of immigrants The class structure of the advanced societies A history ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe implied reader in Isaiah 6-12 The Fourth Gospel and the manufacture of minds in ancient histor......ollowers : continuity and discontinuity : anthropo......disappearances in Luke 24 Sacred......nd culture Reading the Bible across c......o-economic marginality, and Latin American bibli......mmetry : exploring the fantastic in Mark 6:45-56 T......y, and justice in Hebrew scripture : essays in honor of Francis Landy on the occasion of hi......h birthday Convinced that God ha......s, visions and the perception of God's will in Luke-Acts The alter-imperial......adigm : empire studies & the book of Revelation Esther in diaspora : toward an alte...
- Alternative TitleBINS
- Alternative TitleBINS
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialRacial exclusionism and the city : the urban support of the National Front Studies in the economic policy of Frederick the Great Marxist ......l anthropology The evolution of the nursery-infant school : a history of infant and nursery education in Britain, 1800-1970 Banking in an unregulated......sis management in the power industry : an inside story Redefining politics : pe......y of Rome from the origins to the empire Languag......and classrooms International business handbook 1830-1914 : individualism, collectivism and the origins of the welfare state ...... participation in British industry Non-renewable resources...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialGuilty land The Penguin political atla......w look at Britain's economic policy Britain in the sixties : communicatio......Psychology for the fighting man Guerrilla......oviet light on the colonies An African winter Paying for roads : the economics of t......fic congestion The press Aircraft......cognition Must the bomb spread? The Jewish problem The case for federal union The Labour governm......ulle : towards the United States of Europe The labour case The rights of man, are we fighting for? The Profumo Affair......servatism Must the war spread? America the vincible Pattern of the post-war world...... Common Market The Crown and the establishment U...
- Alternative TitleA Penguin special Penguin specials
- Alternative TitleA Penguin special Penguin specials
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Imprint varies
- Related MaterialSuum cuique : essays in music Geographic aspects of international rel......ritical papers The English spirit...... Walpole, and others A fable for ......e portraits of the authors de qui......American music in the twentieth century The Western intellectual trad......nardo to Hegel The French ideal :...... Fénelon, and other essays The danger of being a gentleman, and other essays The human worth of rigorous thinking : essays and A pacifist in trouble Modern...... Guatemala and the Southwest Note......-five papers hitherto unpublished in book form foundresses The little package......e from a traveling bookman's life Transition : ...
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- Note (General)Published in association wi...... published: Basingstoke : Palgrave in association wi......violations and the question of indifference": Dan Healey, Leigh...
- Related MaterialIdeology, mobilization and the nation : the rise of Irish,......list movements in the nineteenth and ear...... Alexander and the Nazi doctors' ......lism : through the looking glass of East Asia Moving the Maasai : a col......neurship among the Malays Law and policy in Latin America : transforming courts, institutions, and......lness : essays in Anglo-American......ngman Rhee and the insecurity dilemma in South Korea, 1......and peasants : the Don Cossacks in late Imperial ......policy towards the free French Ci......on : Chile and the modern sequenc......ral adjustment in Argentina : responses by industrial firms to a new set of...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...ord, H.C.G. Matthew, H.M. Mayr-Harting, A.J. Nicholl......ession and criminal justice in late medieval Italy": P. Bett...
- Related MaterialPhilo-semitism and the readmission of the Jews to England, 1603-1655 The rise of histor...... social reform in Germany, 1864-1894 Inspiration and authority in the Middle Ages : prophets and their critics from......manism St. Martin and his hagiog......ry and miracle in Sulpicius Severus Medicine and magic in Elizabethan Lo...... and physician The role of art in the late Anglo-Sax......cademic debate in Russia 1905-19......ts of Moscow : the Hungarian Comm......nist Party and the origins of socialist ......tism 1941-1953 The foundations of Ostpolitik : the making of the Moscow Treaty Germany and the USSR The Protestant Crusade i...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...tology : a new theory of everything Anxiety and n......rosis London : the unique city A history of the United States The growth of the United States ......tions for Britain Images of deviance In defence of politics England in the seventeenth ce......illa warfare : the countryside version The origins and growth of...... Archaic Egypt The Dead Sea scrol...... a reappraisal The Israel-Arab re......ary history of the Middle East conflict The floating republic : an account of the mutinies at spithead and the nore in 1797 Mysticism in world religion The comprehensive school The struggle for the Middle East : the Soviet Union and the Middle E...