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National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.The book introduces China's ecological e......tal protection in urban and rural areas. China's economic development and the achievements in alleviating poverty has b......ognized by the international com......nity. However, China's commitment in ecological and......tion has not gain equivalent att......l significance of ecological civ......n advocated by China. It shows a process and China's ecological c......ent years, combining analysis of the cases of Chinas ecological civilization cons...
- ContentsIntro Series Fore......on: A New Form of Human Civiliza......The Motives Behind the Rise of Ecological Civ......1.1 Ecological Problems of Industrial Civilization 1.2 Rethinking of China on Traditional Industrial Civilization 2......ystem Aimed at Integrating Industries and 2.3 An Institutional for Promoting Ecological Pr......l System Centering on Improvements in Ecological Env......ty System Focusing on Virtuous Cycle of Ecosystems and......l Value Standpoint of China's Ecological C......eople-Centered Development Philosophy 3.2 Insisting on People-Cen......tter Demonstrating People-Centered Development ...
- Subject HeadingHuman ecology--China
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The Handbook offers a comprehensive overview of theoretical an......tives for tracking and interpreting trends and issues in tourism sustainability, planning and development, management, a...... unpredictable industry and understanding its trends an......ssful and sustainable development of the private an......poses clear definitions and prov......for such analysing. It reviews t......nds and issues in four thematic areas of tourism: sustainability; planning and development; management an......ns from 83 leading tourism schol......dbook provides insights on the d...... outbound, and inbound markets sub-sectors of tourism are diverse, highligh...
- ContentsBeyond sustainability : the meaningful tourism pa......eorg Arlt Emerging themes is sustainable development through reset : the inclusive, sustainable, and innovative reality / Ekaterina Glebova and M......tano Dube and Cinà van Zyl Baby......omers and sustainable tourism : Sustainable tourist : ...... is your footprint? / Daisy Kana......thy Whale-watching tourism : future sustainability trends ......ález Fair pricing in tourism : from profitability towards sustainability / Tomas......z Tourism sustainability is a big problem in the development of marine tourism in Indonesia / Ahmad Bahar Visit...
- Subject HeadingSustainable tourism Tourism--Management Tourism--Technological innovations
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.Covers banking reform in China at different s......orm and growth of China's banking industry has contributed to China's economy and finance.
- ContentsCh 1. China's banking system : back......d and logic behind its reform and development ch 2. Initial establishment of the dual banking system in China ch 3. Design a......implementation of a multi-level banking system in China ch 4. Comprehe......mercialization of China's banking industry ch 5. Critical battles in modernizing China's banking industry ch 6. Contribution of China's banking industry to her economy ch 7. Problems and opportunities of banking reform ch 8. ......and the future of China's banking industry.
- Subject HeadingBanks and banking--China--History--20th...... Banks and banking--Government policy--China. Banks and banking. Banks and banking--Government policy. China.
National Diet Library
- ContentsIntro; Acknowledg......ributors; List of Figures; List of Tables; 1: Introduction: Business-to-Business Marketing in China: Digital or Tr......ditional?; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2......w; 1.2.1 Major Internet B2B Marketing Issues; 1.2.2 Internet in China: Penetration a.......2.3 B2B Marketing Trends and Te......American Marketing in China; Lessons from B2C: Marketing to Whom?; Les......rom B2C: Marketing Where?; Lesso......rom B2C: Marketing What?; Lesson......esearch: Marketing How and When?......Cultural Power of Symbols1.3 Lit...... Digital Marketing: Age, Education, Prior Buying Experience, G...... Agents' US Buying Experience; 1.4.5 Gender; 1....
- Subject HeadingElectronic commerce--China. Business--Technological innovations--China. Business enterprises......-Technological innovations--China. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Industrial Management. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS......Management. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS......nt Science. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Organization...
- Title HeadingPalgrave Macmillan Asian business series.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.This book offers a comprehensive introduction to the developmental history and ......ural framework of Chinese competition......ective. It examines the philosop...... issues concerning competition law and policy in China by pursuing an economic a......petition cases involving monopolistic ......eements, abuse of dominant position, a......ok will help professionals and business practitione......rstand the distinct features of competition law and policy in China, and how the s......nd enforcement of the law can be......on regulations in the US and EU ...... its scope, it offers a valuable......c sector and professional audiences alike, and ...
- ContentsIntro Preface: Competition Law in China-A Law and Econ......eviations List of Charts 1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Structure of the Book 1.3 M......conomics 1.3.2 Institutional I Overview of the Anti-monop......ompetition Law in China: An Overview 2.1 Introduction 2.2 ......e AML 2.3 Drafting Process of the AML 2.4 Overview of the AML 2.4.1 Overview of the AML Enforc......2.4.2 Overview of the Procedural......usions 3 Goals of the Competition Law 3.1 Introduction 3.2 The Debate of Competition Goals in China 3.2.1 Economic......economic Goals of the AML 3.2.2 The Development of a Socialist Market Economy 3....
- Subject HeadingAntitrust law--China International eco......Commercial law International law......--General Law--International Antitrust law China
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.The report was launched beginning the China’s Twelfth Five......5). After revising the measurement system of the Green Development Index 2010, the r......ures the green development level of 30 provinces, municipali......m-sized cities in China. The city-base......ement is first introduced into the report. Both the province and the city Green Development Index systems consist of three parts, t......e green degree of economic growth, the carrying potential of natural degree of government pol...... the situation of environment an......ment’s related investment and ma......e achievements in China’s green development dur...
- ContentsIntroduction SESS......1 Green Growth of the Economy 1 ......owth: Constructing a Resource-saving and Environme......2 Green Growth of the Primary Industry 3 Green Growth of the Secondary Industry 4 Green Growth of the Tertiary Industry 5 Measur......t and Analysis of Green Degree of Economic Growt......vironment Carrying Capacity 6 Re......ronment Constraints in Green Development 7 Green Development and Resource Support 8 Green Development and Environmental Carrying Capacity 9 Green Development and Ecological......t and Analysis of Carrying Potential of Natural Resour......rnment Actions in China’s Green Development 12 Govern...
- Related MaterialCurrent Chinese economic report series
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....od for calculating China's debt based o......ucted by measuring the relationship between China's debt size as follows: China's current debt......y exceeded the inflection point, and that mea......t it is now having an adverse ef......lso focuses on China's debt problems as a whole, highlighting debt issues f......t entities and industries, as we...... and structure of the virtual an...... are presented in three major principles: theory, oriented, data...
- Contents...ter II A Study of China's Total Debt III A Study of China's Government D......ter IV A Study of China's Bank Debt Ch......pter V A Study of China's Corporate De......ter VI A Study of the Debt of Real Estate-Related Industries Chapter VII A Study of the Real Econo...... VIII Summary. Intro; Preface; C......oretical Basis of Debt Studies; ...... 1.1.2 The New Institutional Eco......lation Problem in Economic Growt...... Theoretic Meaning of Turning Point of Debt; 1.3.1 Economic Meaning of the Turning Point; 1.3.2 Economic Meaning of the Turning Point of Debt; 1.4 Rese......ter 2: A Study of Chinaś Total Debt; 2.1 The D...
- Subject HeadingEconomic development--China. Debts, Public--China. China--Economic policy. China--Economic conditions. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS......s--General. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS......blic. Economic development. Economic hist......onomic policy. China.
National Diet Library
- ContentsMacro analysis on China's environment,......y and economic development by Changming Li Energy and environment in China's rural areas ......chnologies by Yingyun Lu Clean c......qiang Liu Sustainable urban transport development by Xiliang Zha...... environmental industry in China by Yong Ren
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.This book answers the following questions: Ho...... market change in the next condition of China's Shale Industry and ener......draulic fracturing and horizontal drilling technology ch......or competitors in this market? T......l, which helps investigate this industry more comprehensively
- ContentsIntro Foreword by......word by Bi Fan Introduction Cont......Macro Analysis of Global Oil and......ctural Changes in the Global Oil and Gas Industry and Its Trend 1 Introduction 2 Overview of Global Oil and Gas Industry 3 Crude ......Onshore Versus Offshore Producti......ferences 2 The Development and Implication of Nature Gas Market in the Context of the Shale Revolution 1 Introduction 2 Development Track of the Shale Gas ......or the Success of the Shale Gas ......ution 4 Impact of the Shale Gas ...... Other Effects of the Shale Gas ......volution 3 The Development and Implication of Crude Oil Market in the Context of the Shale Revo...
- Subject HeadingShale gas industry Environm......mics Economics of industrial organisation Business & Economics......cs--General Business & Economics--Industrial Management
National Diet Library
- Summary, to the rise of Chinese shadow banking and its syste......ons Shadow Banking in China examines this rapidly growing sector in the Chinese economy, an......means for your investments. Writ......-class experts in Chinese banking, including the Chief Advisor to the China Banking Regulatory Co......ormer Chairman of the Securities......res Commission in Hong Kong, is unique in providing true, first-h......uthorities within the world's la......dely-available information on China's shadow banking developments, and much of it is rife wit......isparate data, inaccuracies and ......isks due to definitional and measurement differ...
- ContentsMachine generated con......e Summary Key Findings and Policy R......ons Chapter 1: Introduction Andr...... 2: Shadow Banking in the Global Con......t Cathleen Yi Tin 2.1. Introduction 2.2....... is Shadow Banking? 2.3. Size of the Global Shadow Banking Industry 2.4. Fac......s for the Rise in Global Shadow Banking 2.5. Interconnectednes......the Formal Banking Sector 2.6. The Nature of Shadow Banking Differs acros...... 3: Shadow Banking within the National B......rew Sheng 3.1. Introduction 3.2. Overview of Chinese National Ba...... Who Owes What in China's National Bal......heet? 3.4. Zooming in on China's Sectoral Balan...
- Subject HeadingNonbank financial institutions--China. Finance--China. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Finance.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....fourth edition of 'The Sustainable Urban Development Reader' combines classic and ......ntemporary readings to provide a broad introduction to t......he 'Reader' begins by tracing the roots of the sustainable development concept in the nineteenth and classic readings. It then exp......res dimensions of urban sustainability, including land use and ......cological planning and restorati...... use, economic development, social and en......cture and building. Additional for sustainable development, sustainable development internationally, visions of sustainable community,......rld. 'The Sustainable Urban Development Reader'...
- ContentsList of Illustrations List of Tables and Boxes Copyright information Illus......cknowledgments Introduction to t......on Part 1. Origins of the Sustainability Concept. Introduction to P......'Garden Cities of To-morrow' (18......"Orthodox Planning and The North......Death and Life of Great Jacobs "The Development of Underdevelopment" from 'Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America' (1967......"Perspectives, Problems, and Models" f...... "Towards Sustainable Development" from 'Our Com......nvironment and Development (The Brundtlan......sion) "The End of Nature" from 'The End of Nature' (1989) / Bill McKibbe...
- Subject HeadingCity planning Community development, Urban Sustainable urban development
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, anniversary of the start of China's reform and opening up policy, which created China's growth growth rate of around 9.5 percent. China's rapid rise and generated profound impacts aims to bring together acad......hers at policy institutions to discuss ongoing research on a wide range of theoretical an......ues related to China's rapid rise and internationalization from both r...
- ContentsIntro Contents 1. Introduction China's Rise and Internationalizat......rt I: The Rise of China in Global Trade a......Foreign Direct Investment 2. EU-China Trade and Investment Relations in Turbulent Time......gures About EU-China Trade and Foreign Direct Investment 3. Str......gic Objectives in EU Trade and Investment Relations with China 3.1. Globaliza......3.2. Strategic interests in EU trade and investment policy......roader context of EU strategic interests 3.4. Re......een the EU and China 4.1. Opportuni......usion 3. Trade Interdependence a......antage Between China and Countries 2. Overview of the Belt and Road Initiative ...
- Subject HeadingChina--Economic policy--1976-2000 China--Economic policy--2000- China--Economic cond......ons--1976-2000 China--Economic cond......2000- Economic development--China Economic development Economic histo......conomic policy China
National Diet Library
- ContentsInstitutional challenges for China's business reforms in a globalised e......rie Jiuhua Zhu Industrial restructuring and corporate governance in China's large-scale ......ative analysis of China's banking system / Kym ......ael Scully Solving agency problems in a cross-border......nt : ten years of Chinese company listings in Hong Kong / Al......ry and foreign investment / On Kit Tam Accounting for intangible assets...... the relevance of financial statements in developed and emerging capital marke...... Australia and China / Jayne M. God......nd Wei Lu Changing structure of Chinese enterprises......ment practices in China / Shuming Zhao The mana...
- Subject HeadingIndustrial policy -- China. China -- Economic co...... -- 1976-2000. China -- Economic policy -- 1976-20...
National Diet Library
- Contents...nd expectation in a rapidly changing society: the case of Korea / Kang settlements in the Tang Dynas......ang-sheng The Sino-Korean cultural exchange in the Qing Dynasty / Wu Shiying Seperating fact from fic......ut pre-modern Sino-Korean trade / Yi Tae-jin Patroitism in the modern history of China and Korea / Chao Zhongchen. Sino-Korean econom......Xio Zhuoji The development of industrial-urban belt in Bohai Rim / Gu...... Complementary industrial structure of Shandong Province and Korea / ......g and Wang Meiling The Korean economic development and its implications for China / Lee Chon-pyo......nd Shandong's financial strategies / Deng Su Is...
- Subject HeadingIntercultural com......ilization -- Chinese influences. China -- Civilization -- Korean influences. Korea......ic conditions. China -- Economic conditions.
- Note (General)... is an outcome of the international con......on 'The issues of development in Yellow sea reg......n' which was jointly organized by the Institute of Social University, China"--P. [1].
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The Philippines is a fascinating example of a 'poor countr......' where issues of economic development and poverty, p......ledge Handbook of Contemporary Philippines provides a c......nsive overview of the current po......ultural issues of the country. T......ook is divided into the following four sections concentrating on a different aspect of the Philippines: Domestic governance in the Politics s......topics such as international pol......tical economy, industrial policy and eco......tion on Philippine society The Philippines is confronte......nges, and the final section focu......untry has with China, Japan, Europe and the USA. W...
- Contents... and reformers in local politics......d party system institutionalizat......n Hicken Combating corruption / ......d constructive informal practice......t Hodder House of clans : political dynasties in the legislatur......ied : the unending story of particularistic spending / Ronald D. H......threat / Eric Vincent C. Batalla......elations : norming and departure......rcala Hall Continuity despite ch......een the Philippines and the Unit......century Philippine-China relations / Re......rship : Philippines-Japan relati...... / Dennis D. Trinidad Diaspora d......plomacy / Joaquin Jay Gonzalez III Bypassing industrial development : the...
- Subject HeadingPhilippines--Politics an......entury. Philippines--Social cond......entury. Philippines--Economic co......entury. Philippines--Foreign rel......itions. Philippines.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....uely broad-ranging and thematic introduction to the politics of an increasingly significant......dynamic region of the contemporary world.
- ContentsMachine generated con......s and dynamics of Pacific Asian ......Asian politics in a comparative ......text The field of study How to u......xt Further reading 1.Political traditions in Pacific Asia E......cian structure of political powe......thority Models of colonial gover...... and the early interstate system......ern state building in Pacific Asia C......y terms 2.Building the modern st......te The century of political development and change: id......ideals and driving forces Red st......ure and legacy of radical commun......S' The failure of pluralist politics in early post-war......Transformation of the Cold War regimes Adam Smi...
- Related MaterialInhaltsverzeichnis
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsSix Maxims for Informed Energy A...... and Policy Ending Subsidies for......el Exploration in a World of Unburnable Car......rgy Disputes Using a Legacy Fram......cies Emergence of EU Energy Law ......lation? Delivering Energy Networ......olicy The Role of Marketing in Delivering Energy Law an...... Brief History of United States Policy Applying Innovation Policy......erience Delivering Energy Policy in the U.S.: The Role of Taxes Delivering The Wind: Deconstructing Renewable Energy Success in Texas Solar Rights in the United States The U.S.-China Climate Agreem......ew Direction Going Green: The United States Dep...
- Subject Heading...States. Energy industries--Law a......ntries. Energy industries--Law and legislation-...
- Alternative TitleDelivering energy law and policy in the European Union and the Un...
National Diet Library
- Contents...i and the Sustainable 1. Climate Finance for Limiting Emissions and Promoting Green Development: Mechanisms,, Benedict Kingsbury and Bryc......k 2. Understanding the Causes and Implications of Climate Change....... The Climate Financing Problem: Fund...... 4. The Future of Climate Governance: Creating a More Flexib......s for Climate Finance: Regulator......Mechanisms and Incentives A. Trading or Taxes? 5. ......ohane B. Reforming the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM......ns and Reality of the Clean Development Mechanism: A Climate Finance Instrument betwee......trol and Crediting 7. Why a Successful Climate ...
- Subject Heading...ects. Economic development -- Environment......Klimaänderung. Internationale Finanzpolitik. Nachhaltige Entwic...
- Note (General)Includes bibliogr......references and index. Related UR......r biographical information http: //
National Diet Library
- ContentsPerspectives on the history of energy and the environment in Japan, China and Britain From firewood ......tation and the development of the silk reeling industry in modern Japan S......he procurement of railway sleepers in prewar Japan A...... 著 The history of ecological env......derived from Chinese research Ma...... 著 The problem of air pollution during the industrial revolution Masahiko Akatsu 著
National Diet Library
- ContentsVol. 1: The role of services in the structure of production and......d Kenneth A. Reinert The structure of services in Europe : a con......d the division of labor / Joseph F. Francois Principles in trade in services / Ric......ard H. Snape Principles in factor-related trade in services / Brian Hindley Comparativ...... advantage and international trade and investment in services / Ala......s over outsourcing / Jagdish Bhagwati, Arvind Panagariya and T.N. Srinivasan Service multinationals : conc......n, Marsha Baldwin Halbrich and A.C. Perry Modeling the offshoring of white-collar s......e new theories of trade and foreign direct inve...
- Subject HeadingWorld Trade Organization. Service industries--Law and legislation....
- Alternative TitleWorld Trade Organization and trade in services