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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contentsv. 1. 1926-1938 v. 2. 1939-1948 v. 3. 1949-1955 v. 4. 1956-1962 v. 5. 1963-1968 v. 6. 1969-1973.
- DDC818/.5208
- Note (General)Vol. 2- has title: Prose. Related URL: ......contents http: // ......cription http: // ......r biographical information http: //
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- Note (General)Includes bibliographical references and index
- Related MaterialThe complete works of W.H. Auden
- Periodical TitleThe complete works of W.H. Auden
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- Subject HeadingEnglish essays -- 20th century English prose literature -- 20th century
- Subject Heading (ID)English essays -- 20th century English prose literature -- 20th century
- Note (General)Includes bibliographical references and index
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- Related MaterialPlays and other dramatic writings by W.H. Auden, 1928-1938 Poems Prose and travel books in prose and verse Libretti and other dramatic writings by W.H. Auden, 1939-1973 Prose
- Author HeadingAuden, Wystan Hugh
- Author Heading (ID)DA00250711
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- Related MaterialProse and travel books in prose and verse Libretti and other dramatic writings by W.H. Auden, 1939-1973 Plays and other dramatic writings by W.H. Auden, 1928-1938
- Author HeadingAuden, Wystan Hugh
- Author Heading (ID)DA00250711
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- Note (General)...tish book news"--Cover of John K......ritish Council and the National Book League by L...
- Related Material...espeare : the final plays : Pericles, Cymbeline, The winter's tale, The......The two noble kinsmen Arnold Wes......Richard III., King John, translators and translations J......let, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth......nnett John Ruskin Christopher Fry Virginia Woolf Sheridan, 1751-1816 C.P. Snow ......asure, Troilus and Cressida, Timon of Athens Winston Churchill ......d Spenser Fielding Harold Pinter The histori......Richard III., King John, Richard......G. Wells Christina Rossetti Evel......ugh J.M. Synge and Lady Gregory G......apman Poetry to-day L.P. Hartle......race Walpole . W.H. Auden . Edmund Blunden . Sir ...
- Alternative TitleWriters and their work Writers and their works Supplements to Br...
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- Related Material...on William Golding's Lord of the......ry James's Washington Square Bro...... Paradise lost Books I and II Brodie's no......he 'Narcissus' and Youth Brodie's......ckens's Dombey and son Brodie's n......ake's Songs of innocence and experience Bro......Shakespeare's King Richard II Br......tes on John Steinbeck's The grap......Shakespeare's King Lear RGN nursing Brodie's note......Bronte's Wuthering Heights Brodi......rence's 'The Rainbow' Brodie's n......artley's The go-between Brodie'...... ado about nothing Brodie's note......n ten twentieth-century poets A......elected poetry and prose of John Clare's The Franklin's tale Brodie's notes on Henr...
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- Note (General)Under the direction of Professor Erwin A. Stürzl Other publisher: Edwin Mellen Press
- Related MaterialElizabethan prisons and prison scenes ...... : Shakespeare and English mythog......dies Music of finer tone : music......ter : politics and tragedy Indomitable Irishery Paul Vincent Carroll : study and interview The acc......ents of memory in Coleridge's "This lime-tree bower my prison" Essays in honour of Prof......lla The quickening seed : death in the sermons of......nne Structural and thematic analy......he still image in Keats's poetry......revenge motive in Websterean tra......ical metaphors in the poetry of ......idge, Shelley, and Keats Contrasts in the representa......cles, Webster, and Strindberg Mother Bombie The ...
- Author HeadingStürzl, Erwin A. (Erwin Anton)
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialSamuel Johnson and eighteenth-century thought Defoe and the nature of ......ry underground in the 1660s : Andrew Marvell, Ge...... Ralph Wallis, and the world of r......oration satire and pamphleteering Sir Orfeo Col......e, Wordsworth, and the language o......d : the poetry and prose of Hugh MacDia......Ungoverned imaginings : James Mill......ory of British India and Orientalism : "turning readers into spectators" ......Scott, Gothic, and the authoritie......f fiction Revising Wilde : society and subversion in the plays of O......Marianne Moore and China : Orientalism and a writing of America Boys in khaki, gi...
- Author Heading (ID)DA00834086
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- Related MaterialThe social and religious desi...... J.S. Bach's Brandenburg roots, 1870-1940 : logics, set theories and the foundation......Gödel Academic instincts Silent voices : public opinion and political participation in America Thayer......ethoven Essays in international eco......he politics of institutional cho......own : the rise and retreat of sch......sical fashions and fictions The s......democracy, 1760-1860 The Great cases in constitutional......tor Adam Smith in his time and ours : designing the decent so......ransformations in Japanese history and ritual Pocketb......ic citizenship in twentieth-century America The...
- Alternative TitlePrinceton paperback
- Alternative TitlePrinceton paperback
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- Note (General)Imprint varies: Clarendon Press
- Related Material...errilla : fighting small wars in the midst of a......zz : its roots and musical develo......history of Ireland The Middle Ages Christianity in the twenty-first century :...... Malign neglect--race, crime, and punishment in America The witch-cult in Western Europe Codebreaker in the Far East T...... how they feel and why people tak...... Brown, Jones, and Robinson European vision and the South Pacific, 1768-1850 : a study in the history of art and ideas puts the universe in a shoebox ... will happen and what it will m......What women want--what men want :......still see love and commitment so differently The...
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- Note (General)...41453 as "Anglo-Saxson languade and Literature" (vols. <1983-1986>). ISSN:07......glish language and Literature" (vols. for <1986>-) ISSN:07396392......: Anthropology and sociology), 07......(series XIII, Linguistics, ), 07......ries XXVII, Feminist studies)
- Related Material...e of narrative and authorial voice in the works of H......Neale Hurston, and Alice Walker F......ural Meyerhold and his set designers Authority and obedience : Romans 13:1-7 in modern Japan Villasandino y su hablante......a philosophical/theological rea......sal of the writings of Ernest Be......mance practice and the piano sona......opus 111 Anger in the Old Testament The co-existence of God and evil Critical theoretical inquiry on the notion of act in the metaphysics of Aristotle and Saint Thomas Aquinas A linguistic study o......onial cultures and literatures : modernity and the (un)Commonwealth Fables and aphorisms Eugenio Cambaceres ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Another Publisher: Boni and Liveright
- Related MaterialThe age of innocence Saint Joan ; Major Barbara ; Androcles and the lion The wings of the dove ......est of Mexico, and History of the...... of literature in the United Sta...... it Men, women and boats Crime and punishment The......obiography Within a budding grove Between Hume and Mill : an anth......hilosophy, 1749-1843 : selected readings from Sanctuary Eminent Victorians : Cardinal Manning, Dr. Arnold, Florence Nightingale, General G......n Human nature and conduct : an introduction to s......complete tales and poems of Edgar...... Eyre Abraham Lincoln : a biography Twentieth-century American Poetry The au...
- Alternative TitleModern library The modern library of the world's best books