Search results 7
National Diet Library
- DDC598.297
- Subject HeadingBirds -- America.
- Note (General)Part 1 by Charles E. Hellmayr and Conover; pts. 2-3 by Charles B. Cory (pt. 3, rev. and continued by C.E. Hellmayr) ; pts. 4-5 initiated by Charles B. Cory, continued by Charles E. Hellmayr; pts. 6-11 by Charles E. Hellmayr. Parts 2-11 pub......d 1918-1938; pt. 1, nos. 1-4 published 1942-1949.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingBirds -- Bibliography.
- Title HeadingPublication (Field Museum of Natural History : 1909) . Zoological series ; v. 16.
- Author HeadingEdward E. Ayer Ornithological Library. Zimmer, John Todd, 1889-
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Vol. 8 published in 1907 with earlier title --Cf. US MARCS
- Alternative TitleField Museum of Natural History publication Publ. - Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool. ser (1909) Publication - Field Museum of Natural History. Zoological series (1909) Zoological series - Field Museum of Natural History Publication. Zoological series
- Alternative TitleField Museum of Natural History publication Publ. - Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool. ser (1909) Publication - Field Museum of Natural History. Zoological series (1909) Zoological series - Field Museum of Natural History Publication. Zoological series
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialMeasurements of the efficiency......geration power of pulse-tube ref......the philosophy of nothingness : three philosop......t public belge : droit constitu......el secolo XIII : Bonagiunta Orb......ali John Milton: his life and t......tical opinions : with an append......ersions upon Dr. Johnson's Life of Milton, &c. &c Bookbinding, and the care of books : a handbook for......nursery rhymes of England TVA an......he grass roots : a study in the sociology of formal organiz......que de Boileau : commentée par et médicaux : fantômes et vi......nglish grammer : the English la...... forms, with a history of its origin and development...
- Alternative TitleForgotten Books' classic reprint series
- Alternative TitleForgotten Books' classic reprint series
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)... the direction of the Smithsonia......nstitution"--No. 15 The first w...... 1875, consist of a series of separate publications
- Related Material...States to 1850 : a brief history Catalog of recent echinoi......cimens in the U.S. National Museum, Smithsonian I......tution and the Museum of Comparative Zo......iptive catalog of the shore fishes of Peru Rembrandt......hing technique : an example Bibliography of the fishes of the Pacific Coast of the United States to the end of 1879 Life histories of North Clark & Sons: artists in opt......Nearctic wasps of the subfamilie......eropalinae The zoological taxa of William Healey...... American bats of the genera Myo......onyx The birds of the Natuna islands Catalogue of the fishes of the Bermudas : based chiefly ...
- Alternative Title...tates National Museum) Smithsonian Institution. United States National Museum Bulletin of the United States National Museum
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialNarrative of travels in geography, natural history, and ethic phi......phi Graeci The history of Jamaica : or, General survey of the antient and modern state of that island: with on the laws of man's nature a......ent A handbook of plant-form : for students of design, art The Odyssey of Homer The constitution of man : considered in ......The third part of King Henry VI Euripides : with an Englis...... Brief notices of Hayti : with its condi......aneous studies : a series of essays Pamphle......very Narrative of the embassy of Ruy González d......o to the court of Timour, at Samarcand, A.D. 14...
- Alternative TitleCambridge library collection : books of enduring scholarly value CLC
- Alternative TitleCambridge library collection : books of enduring scholarly value CLC
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...sswasserfische : ihre, seu, Minii naturalis scrutinium p......edico-chymicum : ad normam et f......d Entdeckungen : auf dem Gebiet......der Mathematik : in sechs Büche......les An account of some remarkabl......the production of artificial cold : with experimen......he congelation of quicksilver in England. Like wise, obs......e best methods of producing artificial cold ... Joan. Antonii Scopoli ... Fundamenta botanica : præ caniculares : hoc est colloq......ula Smaragdina : welche Tafel b......chen Fossilien : mit erläuternd......icae historiae naturalis scientiae and letters of Sir Robert Ball From North Po...
- Alternative TitleLandmarks of science
- Alternative TitleLandmarks of science