Teachers College Press, Columbia University[1968]<FD35-9>
National Diet Library
Published for the Institute of Higher Education by Teachers College Press, Teachers College, Columbia University[1965]<016.378-M495s>
National Diet Library
Published for the Institute of Higher Education by the Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University[c1959]<610.73-C726l>
National Diet Library
edited by Sidney S. LetterPublished for the Institute of Higher Education by Teachers College Press, Teachers College, Columbia Universityc1970
Other Libraries in Japan
[by] Michael Brick [and] Earl J. McGrathPublished for the Institute of Higher Education, by Teachers College Pressc1969
Other Libraries in Japan
[by] Earl J. McGrath, Jack T. JohnsonPublished for the Institute of Higher Education by Teachers College Press, Columbia Universityc1968
Other Libraries in Japan
[by] Aston R. WilliamsTeachers College Press, Columbia University[1968]
Other Libraries in Japan
Earl J. McGrathpublished for the Institute of Higher Education by Teachers College Press, Teachers College, Columbia Universityc1966
Other Libraries in Japan
Earl J. McGrathpublished for the Institute of Higher Education by the Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia Universityc1965
Other Libraries in Japan
by Gordon J. Aldridge, Earl J. McGrathTeachers College Press1965
Other Libraries in Japan
[by] William E. SimonsBureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University[c1965]
Other Libraries in Japan
John Wesley GouldPublished for the Institute of Higher Education by the Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia Universityc1964
Other Libraries in Japan
edited by Earl J. McGrath ; with the assistance of L.. Richard MeethPublished for the Institute of Higher Education by the Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia Universityc1964
Other Libraries in Japan
William M. Kephart, James E. McNulty and Earl. J. McGrathTeachers College, Columbia University1963
Other Libraries in Japan
Willis J. Wager and Earl J. McGrathPublished for the Institute of Higher Education, by the Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University1963
Other Libraries in Japan
Earl J. McGrathPublished for the Institute of Higher Education by the Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia Universityc1961
Other Libraries in Japan
Earl J. McGrathTeachers college, Columbia University1961
Other Libraries in Japan
Earl J. McGrath and Charles H. RussellPublished for the Institute of Higher Education, by the Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia Universityc1961
Other Libraries in Japan
Earl J. McGrathPublished for the Institute of Higher Education, by the Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University1961
Other Libraries in Japan
by Paul L. Dressel and Margaret F. LorimerTeachers College, Columbia University1960
Other Libraries in Japan