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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.This book examines subjective wellbeing in China in terms of life and job satisf......from a longitudinal perspective during the last decade. Using quantitative ......arch presented in this volume pe......rmed a longitudinal analysis of data collected by the China Family Panel ......dy the effects of social and eco......sformations on life and job satisf......on among the Chinese population in this period. Using Mplus software, the auth......tative methods of longitudinal analysis ⁰́₃......ilevel longitudinal models (MLM)......the trajectory of three variable......2010 and 2018: life satisfaction, ......action and the interplay between job and life s...
- ContentsChapter 1: Introduction to Chinese society and......udy Chapter 2: Life satisfaction o......nxi Chapter 4: Life and Job Satisfaction in Parallel Chapter 5: Interplay between life and job satisfaction Chapter ...
- Subject HeadingWell-being--China Satisfaction Bien-être--Chine
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.This book focuses on the influence of socio-economic......s on the commuting problems and quality of life of the poor in Singapore and Hong...... considers the influence of self-organisat......w the mobility of an individual is, as well as influenced by individual decisi......s focus on the influence of factors such as income inequality, the gender ga......ok fills a gap in paying particular attention to the influence of individual decisions on commuting. Given the prevalence of the former in research, gove......ion-makers are often constrained by these app......tand the commuting problems of the poor. This book argues th...
- ContentsIntroduction Influence of Government Policies and Individual Decisi......s on the Commuting of Poor Workers in Hong Kong Impacts of Government Policies and Individual Decisi......s on the Commuting of Poor Workers in Singapore Neighbourhood Effects Influence the Commuting of the Poor in Deprived Urban......Neighbourhoods of Hong Kong and Singapore Impacts of the Suburbaniz......Mismatch Commuting of Workers in Hong Kong and Singapore Comparing Policies betw......Hong Kong and Singapore with a F......s on the Commuting of the Poor
- Subject HeadingMarginality, Social--China--Hong Kong isolation--Singapore Self-organizing systems Isolement social--Singapour Système......organisés Marginality, Social isolation China--Hong Kong Singapore
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingQuality of life--Japan. Quality of life. Social conditions. Japan--So...
- Related MaterialQuality of life in Asia
- Periodical TitleQuality of life in Asia
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....on the various interfaces of family and wor......eir impacts on individual wellbeing in East and Southeast Asia. It highlights changing family struct......l attention to works, adopting a comparative......alyze a number of demographics. In-depth field studies are also included, which present in detail the daily efforts of certain populations to attain better living standards by mobilizing available res......urces from within and outside th......y, work and living conditions in Asia.
- Subject HeadingWork and family--Asia--21st century. Families--Asia--21st century.
- Title HeadingQuality of life in Asia ; 9.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingQuality of life--Asia--History--21st century. Asia--Social conditions--21st cent...
- Related MaterialQuality of life in Asia
- Periodical TitleQuality of life in Asia
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingSocial responsibility of business.
- Related MaterialQuality of life in Asia
- Periodical TitleQuality of life in Asia
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingQuality of life--Asia. Bureaucracy--Asia. Choice (Psychology)--Asia.
- Title HeadingQuality of life in Asia ; v. 10.
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)猪口, 孝 Inoguchi, Takashi
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."The book examines ancient reli...... and modernity in a globalized Asia that is as much in need of a moral compas......been an aspect of many societies......d irrespective of culture. Yet a......d every day by internationalized......ducation takes in Asian contexts and role it continues to play. the subject of this book refl......ficant portion of the world's researchers interested in the current state of religious education in Asia, policymakers with responsibi...
- Contents...: contexts for Asia's religious ed......edy, John Chi-Kin Lee Religious education in China : religious d......tizenship building / Zhenzhou Zh......and the impact of it on civic values / Chris Hin Wah Cheung Changing religious education in Hong Kong : emergence of madrasah learning / Wai Yip Ho ......igious harmony in Singapore schools ......key for developing Indonesian citize...... and education in Thailand / Thi......non Leadership quality for an integrated religious school in Malaysia / Umi......mah Hameran, Zainal Abidin Talib On the complexities of curent religious education in Korea / Chae the mission of evangelization of Catholic ed...
- Subject HeadingReligious education--Asia. Religious education. Asia.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingQuality of life -- Asia -- Statistics. Social values -- Asia -- Statistics.
- Note (General)"Previously published in Social indicators research, volume 92, ...
- Related MaterialSocial indicators research series
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This book investigates the ...... to key issues of changing images of child and countries in the Asia-Pacific. Key early childho......d care, re-eaxming early learning standards and redefining professionalism. The Asia Pacific region includes countries belonging to both the Majority and Minority worlds vary widely in terms of their cultural......fs, and levels of development, demographic profiles, political......d services. An international team of experienced re......ctives. By examining different cou......egies"--Page 4 of cover.
- Contents...hood education in the Asia-Pacific / Susa......Re-conceptualizing early childho......nd corporation of early childhoo...... and education in Singapore / Sirene......eptualist work in a colonising context: / Melinda G. Miller Ha......ation and care in Korea / Eunhy ......Ju Jun Prophesying early childho......ucational care in India: my insider/outsider ...... / Parasanna Srinivasan A Hong Kong version of early Chinese literacy education: a Sinophone perspect......neptualization of the early chil......riculum reform in China / Jie Zhang II. Re-examining standards. In human-capital we trust, on de...
- Subject Heading...-Pacific Area. International education--Pacific...
National Diet Library
- ContentsContents Vol. 1: Part 1 : Instruments and m......cts Part 1.1 : Instruments used in the assessment of disease impact The international classification of functioning, disability a......easure functioning The Keele assessment of participation ......rson generated index The total illness burden index The EQ-5D health-related quality of life questionnaire The University of Washington quality of life scale Comparison of three quality of life questionnaires in urinary incontinence Overview of instruments used to assess quality of life in dentistry SQOR......ale assessment of quality of life : metastases quality of life questionnaire The imp...
- Subject HeadingEpidemiology. Epidemiology -- Methodology. Quality of life.
National Diet Library
- Contents...ter 1 Attitude of Men Towards Co......traceptive Use in India: A Case Study of the High Focus State of Bihar (Anuradh......tive Morbidity in Bangladesh: Patterns, Determinants and Treatment Seeking Behaviour in Dhaka District......parative Study of Socio-Economic Determinants of Infant and Child Mortality in Jorhat and Dhu......nd Utilisation of Maternal and C......ealth Services in Nepal (Bina Rai) Chapter ......nd and Pattern of Infant Mortality in West Bengal, India: A Critical......r 6 Health Seeking Behaviour and......ductive Rights of Antenatal Women in Delhi (Sweta Development in Himachal Pradesh (Suman Negi)...
- Subject HeadingPopulation research--India. Population research. India.
- Note (Content) development of population research in India, focusing on contempora......eloped regions in India, Nepal and Bangladesh and includes tabular ......epresentations of the analyzed d....../illustrations in the form of graphs and map......t features fascinating case studies ......iences. Presenting interdisciplinary contributio......ook is divided into four section......first part examines social social sustainability, lifestyles, and cul...... migration and quality of life, respectively. The book is of interest to students studying demography, a......d policymakers in the fields of population studies, geography...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ia provides an innovative approa......basic concepts of water science ......agement issues in order to facilitate better interdisciplinary cooperation. In light of the broadening field and study of water by examining the various t......, cross-disciplinary, socio-econ......icy extents. Using global case, elaborated in large European......l research and innovation projec...... stem the flow of ongoing climate decision-making and policies. Providing concise summa......ractical viewpoint, this Encyclo......dia will be an invaluable resour...... practitioners of water policy and governance, ...
- ContentsPreface 1. A review of water related lca indicators / 2. Advances in dynamical and ......stical downscaling of global 3. Advances in limnological r......and evaluation of post-fire eros....... Applications of post-fire eros......mal management of marine protected are...... 6 Performance in global, Europe...... Communication of climate change......ater resources in wet regions: The example of Ireland / Hamm......ston, Suzanne Linnane, David Get......ocial sciences in human-water re...... food security in the upper blue nile region of Ethiopia / Fah......3. Cooperation in transboundary river basins: C...
- Related MaterialElgar encyclopedias in the social sciences
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.Plant Factory: An Indoor Vertical Faming System of Efficient Quality Food Productio......implementation of plant factory ......ronmental sustainability. Now in its second edi......and updated to include the latest advances in PF technologie......uthored by leading experts in PF and control......ook is divided into four section...... a key element of successful PF:......ew and Concept of Closed Plant P......tion 2: Basics of Physics and PH......lant Factories in Operation.--COVER.
- ContentsPt. 1. Overview and concept of closed plant p...... system (CPPS) Introduction Role of the plant fact......rtificial lighting (PFAL) in urban areas PFAL business and R&D in Asia and North Vertical faming in Europe : Prese......em Micro- and mini-PFALs for improving the quality of life in urban areas Rooftop plant production systems in urban areas Pt. 2. Basics of physics and ph......rtificial lighting Physical envi......utrient uptake in soilless cultu......nal components in leafy vegetables Medicinal components Production of pharmaceuticals in a specially, and layout of PFAL Hydroponic systems Seedi...
- Subject HeadingArtificial light gardening. Sustainable agricultur...... crops--Harvesting. Crops--Technological innovations.
National Diet Library
- Contents1. Introducing environmental......ience and sustainability Human i......vironment Sustainability Addressing environmental......mental history of the United The energy of life? The flow of energy through......onment The cycling of materials within ecosystems and climate Internal and living organisms over time Principles of population eco......ecies richness in a community Co......jor ecosystems of the world Eart...... disease Determining health effects of environmental ......on Decision making and uncertainty: assessment of risks Ecological risk assessm...
- Subject HeadingEnvironmental education. Environmental policy. Conservation of natural resources.
- Note (General)Includes index. "This book......rized for sale in Asia only and may not be exported....
National Diet Library
- Author HeadingInternational Measurement Confed...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)"Report of an APO Seminar on Women in Farming and Improving Quality of Life in Rural Areas held in Tokyo from 27t......"--T.p. verso. Includes bibliographical referen...
- Author Headingアジア生産性機構 APO Seminar on Women in Farming and Improving Quality of Life in Rural Areas (1994 : Tokyo)
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)国際機関APO APO Asian Productivity Organization
National Diet Library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Includes bibliographical referen...
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)国際機関APO APO Asian Productivity Organization