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National Diet Library
- Note (General) permits use and distribution i......non-commercial and no modifications or adaptatio...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....peaking Europe and Japan in the w......etry, theater, and film, while, hybridity, and transference, ......nal connection and ecological con......ars of Germany and Japan as well ......nmental crisis and nuclear risk. ......ssor of German and Cinema and Media Studies ......ersity of Maryland, College Park. Her research and teaching literature and culture in the 20th and 21st studies, and environmental ......eralism (2021) and the edited vol......ual Spectacle, and Global Media C......anese literary and cultural studi......ersity of Maryland, College Park,...... Text, Context and Critique and Dominant Narrati...
- Contents...ined Histories and Imaginative Vi......ukushima Japan and Germany Natura......gination Japan and Germany: Inter...... Contamination and Isolation in Y...... Contamination and Radioactive Di......a Pebble Poems and Tenuous Tempor......minating Minds and Bodies Our Ear......Looking-glass Land Rewriting from......Fission, Food, and Family: Alina ......ja's Last Love and the Possibilit......Narrative Food and Fission Baba D...... Disposability and Slow Violence Symbols of Radiation: The Dangers of Visibility and Invisibility T...... Novel, Genre, and Environmental ...... 8: Of Culture and Contamination: Adolf Muschg's...
- Subject Heading...ntury--History and criticism Germ......ntury--History and criticism Moti......anese--History and criticism Moti......erman--History and criticism Acci......térature allemande--21e siècle-......e Cinéma allemand--Histoire et critique
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsIntroduction Crazes Commodification and Democratization Backlash Towa...
- Subject Heading...ates--History. Radiation--Social aspects--United State...
- Related MaterialPalgrave studies in the history of science and technology
National Diet Library
- Note (General)...da
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ion optics of random media, and light scatteri......of theoretical and experimental l......ders to define and solve various aerosol remote ...
- Contents...l Developments and Applications; ......n; 1.1 Current and Future Aerosol......l Benchmarking and Verification; ......ized Inversion and Information Co......ata; 5 Summary and Outlook; Refer...... Scattering of Radiation and Simple Engineering and Biomedical App......ximations; 2.3 Radiation Scattering in ......cle from Solar Radiation by Sublimating......rrestrial Snow and Ice; 1 Introdu...... 2.2 Cell Size and Shape; 2.3 Cel......on of the Size and Mass of Polyme......Nanoparticles, and Fine Bubbles in Water; 1 Intr...
- Alternative TitleLight scattering and radiative transfer
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....the role his grandfather had play......ize the safety and evacuation pla......amos to Japan, and was one of the......s of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The ......on about his grandfather and more generally......he eyes of men and women torn bet......een their duty and desire to win the war and their oath to ...... follows his grandfather and medical collea......nimize delays, and as they consid......, co-optation, and complicity. A vital and vivid account ......e professional and moral dilemmas that ordinary ...
- Contents...iroshima Tokyo and Nagasaki Managing radiation and the radiation narrative Bikini and Enewetak Dr. Nolan and the quandary of technique 1983
National Diet Library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....Library of Alexandria, humanity h......ation overload and management of ......he Renaissance and picking up pac......the dream grew and by the late ni......, Paul Otlet stands out. A librar......e worked at expanding the potenti......rsal libraries and reading rooms,...... intellectual landscape, Otlet de......, photographs, and recordings, al...... into Brussels and carted it all ......of visionaries and pioneers who H.G.^ Wells and Melvil Dewey to Ted Nelson and Steve Jobs. And while history ......ns like Google and Twitter play m...... the gathering and distribution immemorial, and that continues to inspire man...
- Contents...air Hope, lost and found Mundaneum The collectiv...
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....n body systems and functions, conditions and common care issues and theories, techniques and practices, and devices and equipment. It ......ratory therapy and more
- Contents...d-fast culture and smear Activiti......tion Adrenal gland computed tomog......aphy Adrenal glands Adrenocortica......Care Act Aging and the aged Aging......ts Alternative and complementary ......ntesis Amylase and lipase tests A...... Anticoagulant and antiplatelet d......l fibrillation and flutter Attent......s Autopsy Back and neck pain, phy......cteria Balance and coordination tests Ball and socket joint B......valvuloplasty Bandages and dressings Bari......ort (BLS) Beds and bed preparatio......injuries Bites and stings Bladder......row aspiration and biopsy Bone ra......elines for men and women Cancer survivor care Ca...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.Micro- and Nanostructured......t developments and future mechanisms, and other desired ......eir mechanical and thermal proper......aracterization and simulation tec...... professionals and students understand the fundamenta......ties of micro- and nanopolymer-ba......lloy materials and metal-ceramic composites
- Contents...plastic micro- and nanocomposites......setting micro- and nanocomposites......tomeric micro- and nano composite......lding 6. Metal and alloy composit......on attenuating and absorbing 10. Neutron radiation shielding comp......tron detection and shielding protection applicat...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....urban planners and cities are sti......d technologies and their connecti......urban planning and management. It......remote sensing and GIS. Highlights also land use planning, ......tial planning, and ecosystem-base......Urban planners and engineers will understand the use of AI ......ter management and the use of GIS......ding suitable landfill sites for sustainable was...
- ContentsCrowdfunding and place making e...... urban heat island formation in relation to land transformation......ommodification and reconstruction...... urban heat island and its mitigation......dren : lessons and challenges in ...... Cities / A.G. Andal Urbanization and climate the Fiji Islands during the 21......the case of Poland / B. Wieteska-......ified attitude and behaviour : a highly expanding medium size......t Urban spaces and smart city dev......pment : issues and future challen......ban soundscape and noise indicators and solar irradiation availability o......prawl, blight, and the COVID-19 pandemic / Anzhe...
National Diet Library
- Contents...ct of UV Light and Weather on Plastics and Elastomers; Co......on to Plastics and Polymers; 1.1 ......ear, Branched, and Crosslinked Po......ic, Isotactic, and Atactic; 1.8 Inter and Intramolecular......Reinforcement, and Composites; Retardants, and Smoke Suppress......pact Modifiers and Tougheners; 1.10.8 UV/Radiation Stabilizers; 1......tenders, Dyes, and Mica 1.10.12 T......otodegradation and Photo Oxidatio......4.4 Phosphites and Phosphonites; ......l, Mechanical, and Thermal of Plastics and Elastomers; 3.1 Appearance Pr...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Papers. Index term: radiation embrittlement ; irradiation embrittlement ; nuclear react...
- Alternative Titleradiation embrittlement ; irradiation embrittlement ; nuclear react...
- Alternative Titleradiation embrittlement ; irradiation embrittlement ; nuclear react...
National Diet Library
- Contents... inflammation, and the immune sys...... healthy aging and age-related de......artery disease and improvement of the standard therapy Mic...... in prevention and improvement of the standard therapy in ......ement of the standard therapy in ......the prevention and improvement of the standard therapy for......the prevention and improvement of the standard therapy for...... in prevention and improvement of the standard therapy in ......ement of the standard therapy in ......ement of the standard therapy in ...... in prevention and improvement of the standard therapy in ...... of diagnostic radiation doses Micronutrients in prote...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.Nuclear and Radiochemistry...... comprehensive and thorough refer......clear medicine and the applicatio......ce in teaching and research, this......sic principles and applications o......eas of nuclear and radiochemistry......ul to students and researchers in......ental sciences and specialists wo......eld of nuclear and radiochemistry......ving functions and use across a v......clear medicine and chemical aspec......nuclear wastes and nuclear analysis (both bulk and surface analys......nteractions of radiation with matter. F......tive isotopes) and the principles of chemical pr...
- Contents...ent of Tracers and Contrast Mater......lectromagnetic Radiation 12.2.6. Most C......mmunometric ("Sandwich") Assay Effects of Radiation 13.4.1. Dose U...... Background of Radiation 13.4.4. Effects of Radiation on Living Orga....... 14 Detection and Measurement 14.5. Track and Other Detector......Cloud Chambers and Bubble Chamber......2.5.3. Unified and Collective Formations and Processes by S......he Temperature and Age of Geologi......atio of Oxygen and Hydrogen Isoto.......1.2. Activity and Intensity 4.1....... 4.4.4. Proton and Neutron Decay ......Interaction of Radiation With Matter 5.1. Basic Concep...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....n body systems and functions, conditions and common care issues and theories, techniques and practices, and devices and equipment. It ......ratory therapy and more.
- Contents...d-fast culture and smear Activiti......tion Adrenal gland computed tomog......aphy Adrenal glands Adrenocortica......stration Aging and the aged AIDS ......ts Alternative and complementary ......ntesis Amylase and lipase tests A...... Anticoagulant and antiplatelet d......l fibrillation and flutter Attent......s Autopsy Back and neck pain, phy......cteria Balance and coordination tests Ball and socket joint B......valvuloplasty Bandages and dressings Bari......ort (BLS) Beds and bed preparatio......injuries Bites and stings Bladder......row aspiration and biopsy Bone ra......elines for men and women Cancer therapy, support...
- Is Format Of...dia of nursing and allied health. Farmington Hil...