Search results 5
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingMelville, Herman, 1819-1891. Pierre
- Subject Heading (ID)Melville, Herman, 1819-1891. Pierre
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingMelville, Herman, 1819-1891. Pierre Homosexuality and literature ...
- Subject Heading (ID)Melville, Herman, 1819-1891. Pierre Homosexuality and literature ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... demonstrating Melville's global reach, ...... Readership of Melville's works has grow......elebrations of Melville's birth in 2019,......rary (MEL) and Melville's Marginalia Onl......nd high-school reading lists, and the Teachers' Summ...
- Contents...n Bryant –- 2. Melville's Twentieth-Cent......Sadahiro –- 3. Melville's Twenty-First C...... Edwards –- 5. Melville's Mardi: “A Cert......piritualism in Pierre; or, The Ambig......r Riley –- 15. Melville's “Ragged Edges"......r Stein -– 17. Melville's Cervantes / Ro......rtínez -– 18. Melville's Shakespeare: S...... Greven –- 19. Melville's Milton: Of the......ctionary-Based Readings / Dennis Misc...... Calder –- 28. Melville's “Spanish": Geo......iddle Passage: Melville's Meditation on ...... Sawyer –- 30. Melville's Spectral Mutin......g": Animism in Pierre / Pilar Martí......45. Diversity, Reading Publics, and the Community Co...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...ance to Herman Melville's The confidence......o the critical reading text Lionel Tr......newulf : basic readings Young adult f......ngland : basic readings The Garland c......eowulf : basic readings Hugo Wolf : a......a bibliography Melville's science : "Dev......d bibliography Reading Stephen Sondhe......bibliography Rereading modernism : ne......d the magic of reading in the Middle ......ature by women Melville's complaint : do......istory : basic readings A Dickens : essential readings in Chaucer an...... poems : basic readings Clothes make ......ance to Herman Melville's Pierre, or, The ambiguities Travel l...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... a revisionist reading of the theolog......nal sex ethics Pierre Bayle's Philos......n : a critical reading The special ar......eur huguenot : Pierre Coste Lettres ......w : a semiotic reading Toward a model...... a grammar for reading German The com....../refractions : reading Luisa Valenzue......n the style of Pierre Menard Youth a......and the art of reading ashes John Wes...... its modern misreading T.S. Eliot and......duard Mörike's reading and the Alternative readings in old Englis...... contextualist reading of Journey to ...... with selected readings Government an......n intellectual readings of the Kharijites Wordsworth...