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National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."This book explores British reflections of Japanese education between 1858 a......s and comments on Japanese education reflect concerns about their own education system. International economics and interpretations of the advant......apanese education are explained ......two seemingly contradictory views: traditions inherited in Japan, and modern institutions newly introdu......apanese education over half a ce......omena - educational reforms, legislation and practice,, exhibitions, international trade, and m......apanese education was viewed by ......e British. It consults a wide range of primary ...
- ContentsChapter One: Old and New ......apanese Education, 1858-1880s Introduction Images of Japa......ese before the modern relationship Japanese education in writings on Japan before modernisation New Japan's education system and press reception in Britain Dissemination and reproduction of the images Conclusion Chapter Two: O......ed oyatoi: Ayrton and Perry Oyatoi's concerns and the f......apanese Education at the International Health Exhibition (1884) and the......chnical Education in Britain Jap......early international exhibitions Japanese education at the International Health Exhibition British reception of Japanese education Japan, ...
- Subject HeadingEducation--Great Britain--Japanese influences Education--Japan--History Comparative education
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Few scholars have done more than Har......e the study of modern Japan. Incorpo......l perspectives on history and theoretica......sents a selection of Harootunian's essays on Japan's intell......l and cultural history from the late ...... to new directions for Japanese ......ts begins with reflections on area studies a......studying a region. It then moves into discussions of key topics in modern Japanese history. Harootunian considers Japan's ......ith capitalist modernity and the implications of uneven dev......g the combinations of older prac...... the making of modern Japan, the transformations of everyday life, and the co...
- Contents...ught Shadowing history: national narratives a......ay Overcome by modernity: fantasizin...... the discourse on the social in ......hy's new vocation Allegorizing history: Hani Goro and......oment of world history Reflections from Fukushima: history, memory, and the crisis of contemporaneity Visible discourse...
- Subject HeadingJapan--Civilization--1868- Japan--Intellectual li...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.This collection of essays anal......fferent iterations of African un......d cultural visions that informed......rican unification. It explores the cultural, economic and non-state aspects ...... the Organisation of African Uni......cipal institution dedicated to the cooperation of African sta......ts transformation into the African Union (AU) in 2000, ......frican liberation struggles. Bri......ging together contributors from ......n and unification projects, and considers how and populations engaged with these ideas.--
- Contents1. Introduction Part I Imagini......ent Kind of Union : An Assassination, Diplomatic Recognition, and Competing Visions of African Un......ana-Togo Relations, 1956-1963 3.......bating Federation and Regionalism, 1960-197......rican Trade Union Federation : Labour and the Emancipation of Africa 5. of Integration from the Grass......frican Liberation and Cold War on African Unity 6. Visions of Unity : and Liberation 7. Between Continent and Coun...... Botswana, National Liberation, and Pan-Afric......ory of Liberation : Insurgencies...... Portuguese Colonialism and Their Contribution to Pan-Africanism an...
- Subject HeadingAfrican Union African Union. Pan-Africanism Pan-Africanis...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.Sino-Japanese Reflections offers ten ric......erary interaction between Japane....... The authors consider efforts by early modern scholars on each side of t......her, to draw upon received texts......forms, and to contribute to shar......rely unidirectional process of t......ual dissemination from China to ......eriphery, the contributions to this volum......eative adaptation and negotiation. Examining mat......inese translations of Japanese v......ories, adaptations of Japanese h......ltiple generations, all of whom have a strong comparative interest in Sino...
- Contents...eading Annotations: An Alternati...... to the Reception of Qu You’s Ne......zhiyi in Early Modern Japan / Willia......aikō and the Construction of an Authenti......ypes of Reclusion in the Poetry ......hi in Translation: How Its Featu......ers”: Transnational Kanshi Excha...... to Shinagaku: On the Growing Significance of Contemporary China......ent of Naitō Konan’s Progressive View of History: A Point of Convergence with Z......heng’s Wenshi tongyi / Tao De-min
- Genre/Form TermsCriticism, interpretation, etc. History.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This collection of essays, interpretations, and new deba......nd Renaissance history and political ......nt scholarship on medieval and R......witness to tectonic movements. quiet, yet considerable, re-evaluations of key thinke......d the Reformation. Taking stock ......this volume demonstrates the contemporary vibrancy of the history of medieval an......s of a generation of scholars, n......introduces the history of western pol......disciplines of History and Political ......s have revolutionized discussion of whether or ......telian revolution" in the thirte......h as the Irish On the Twelve Abuses of the Age,...
- Contents...essay / Chris Jones & Takashi Sh......ening / Clare Monagle The Jewish reinterpretation of the Hebrew ......avelli's ambition as a theorist of human action / Bee Yun The ......s influence / Constant J. Mews T......English tradition of political t......les F. Briggs Bonum commune and ......'s representation of the people ......t / Benedetto Fontana Classical ......c job description : diversi sed non adversi / and toleration in the early f......m of Ockham reconsidered / Takashi Shogimen Consent, power, an......centuries / Jason Taliadoros The......e Lachaud Some reflections on the future(s) of medieval and...
- Genre/Form TermsEarly works. History.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, of compilations which has enj...... discuss questions about the dif......e study of pre-modern Arabic antholo......ilology, religion, history, geography, and literature. Contributors: Lyall Armstrong, Carl Davila, Matthew L. Kee...
- ContentsCompilation, Authorship, a......h the Kings:" Contextualizing Kn......a Towards a Reconstruction of Abū Naṣr ......remy Kurzyniec Reflections on Song, Manuscript #......l Davila Religion and Education. Ibn Abī al-D......̄ (d. 281/894) on Death and Dyin...... / Lyall Armstrong Educating for......erating "Religion" and Piety / H......logical Dimensions of Geographical Anthologies:...
- Genre/Form TermsConference papers and proceedings. Criticism, interpretation, etc.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....h and speculation on Thai law is th......erstanding of contemporary issue...... true of legal history, or even for that matter of history in general, an...... see from the contributions to this volum...... Thai law than one might expect,...... over the last one and a half ce......we study legal history? Is it in orde......e past, which contributes to our......derstanding of history and how we got......t view of the contributors to th......h of these reasons appears to be both adequate ...
- ContentsIntroduction, by Andrew Har......n Siam's legal history by Chris Baker and Pasuk Phongpaichit The history of the initial......nd : a reflection on the legal and political contexts of kingship and the modern State in Siam, by Kongsatja Suwanape......hist influence on the ancient Si......tury, by Khemthong Tonsakulrungruang A history of the Thai Le......d curse and belonging in Thailan......ism and legal consciousness, by ......undamental misconception in the draftin......925, by Munin Pongsapan The modernisation of Thai Crimin......Code, by Kanaphon Chanhom Thai T......attanachai The history of Thai family laws : strong women and weak gender equali...
- Subject HeadingLaw--Thailand--History
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsRevitalizing Romanticism; or, Reflections on the Nietzschea...... Aesthetic and Modern Imagination / Colin Trodd ......nd Taboos: The Modern Primitive and ......phen Primitive/Modern/Contemorary / Paul Wood Did Modernism Redefine Cl......m? The Ancient Modernity of Classica......e Archaic, the Modern and the Marvelous / Fionna Barber Pictu...... the Installation Shot / Julie Sheldon Contemporary Displays of Modern Art / Pam Meec......hotography and Modernism / Liz Wells......phic Installation Strategies En-......ies of Another Modernism / Judith Br......suo and Truth: Modernism Reassessed ...... of Globalization / Jonathan Harris Extensive M...
- Subject HeadingArt, Modern.
- Note (Content)A Companion to Modern Art presents a......ys by international and interdis......ins and evolution of artistic wo......nd legacies of Modern Art. Presents a contemporary a seamless consensus on Modern Art aims for r......field presents Modern Art s foundational philosophic ...... straddled the modern and contemporary. Look......torical reception of Modern Art, in addition to the latest insights of art...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....aval of the Second World War, during the conflict and its i......during the war only to fail duri......ecovery. Based on new research i......f both innovation and inertia. innovative modern exhibitions and education initiatives more traditional, collections-centred appro...... needed for reconstruction based on this narrower ......Hence, in the longer term, the destruction and economic and social consequences of the conflict served to delay aspirations for reconstruction until the 1960......this lens, the history of the museum ......ury appears as one shaped by the......lated institution concerned only with presentin...
- Contents... around the Second World War and the home front Part I. 1918-......the war : the context for reform......rt of the war Confronting conflict : collections, closings and......da to recognition Part III. 1941...... for peacetime Reflections on wartime practi......gement, education and exhibitions Audiences in ...... the war A national museum servi......usterity to reconstruction Towards a regional service Conclusions: Museums forget their past A...
- Genre/Form TermsHistory.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Perspectives on Modern South Asia pre......g core collection of essays draw......tural studies, history, sociology, economics, and poli......ities of a region that is home t...... the eight nations comprising modern South Asia: Af......uth Asia's common cultures, lang......ages and religions and their relationship to its ethnic and national differences.......litical, and economic region of the world."......and Sri Lanka continue to be div......ed by deep national differences,......also share common cultures, lang......ges, and religions. Perspectives on Modern South Asia is ......linary collection of readings drawn from anthro...
- ContentsMachine generated contents note: Introduction: Reconceptualizing Region and Nation in Modern South Asia. Pa......t Origins: Pre/Modern Religious Plur......ram. 2004. "Beyond Ethnicity: Be......e Emergence of Modern Forms of Social Classification. 5. Bernard Co....... 1987. "Notes on the History of the Study o...... 1962. "A Note on Sanskritization and Westernization". 7. Arjun Gun......rt III: Partition, Nationalism, and the Formation of South Asian National States. 10. Ritu Menon and Kamla Bhas......tate and Questions of Honour: Three Perspectives on the Recovery Operation in Post-Partition India. 11. A Reflection on the Partition of India 194...
- Subject HeadingSouth Asia--Civilization. South Asia--Social conditions. Group identity--South Asia....
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....g and defining modern Bruneian ident......lingual education, is uniquely positioned at the intersection of the Malay a......e backdrop for modern-day instantiations of local printed and online materials,...... Malay in the context of the literature and cul...
- Contents...rse investigation of hard news t......rashid Comparison of Malay and E...... Aznah Suhaimi Online communication by the Brunei into Brunei history : examining : a reflection of the political history of the Sultana......shid Localisation of Malay Musli......Darussalam : a modern nation's cultural and economic goals / Ha...... imagined environments in contemporary Bruneian fiction : developing Haji Amran Constructs of the modern home : negotia......ntiy in Anglophone Bruneian lite......n Kai Shiang Chong Defining Brun......ntity through contemporary artis...... : a study of contemporary Bruneian films / Yon...
- Subject Heading...nei--Civilization. Brunei--Languages. National characterist......ens. Civilization. Language and languages. Brun...
National Diet Library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.This publication sets out to be......ively calling 'modern Japanese sculp......e'. The selection of sculptures focuses on representations of nature. Ni......h, the exhibition travels to the galleries of M...
- ContentsIn conversation : Lisa Le Feuv...... Edward Allington and Sophie Raikes On the artists in the exhibition : histories an...... / Akira Fujii On medium and mat......a Perspectives on Japanese sculp...... Shūji Tanaka Modern Japanese sculpture : a response / Rosina Buckland Reflections on modern Japanese the exhibition Additional works at Mas......Library Essays on sculpture.
- Subject Heading...ntury--Exhibitions. Nature in art--Exhibitions. Scultpors--j......ntury--Exhibitions.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.This pioneering collection provides, for ......e, an international and transdis......linary reflection on youth, history and queer sexu......been an explosion in research focusing on LGBTQ history and on the lives of L......holarship and contemporary queer......youth in LGBTQ history and more about history in contemporary under...... recent past, contributors exami...... histories in continental Europe...... Malaysia and Hong Kong
- ContentsWhat is queer youth history? / Daniel Mars......queer youth prehistory / Diederik F. ...... plasticity in modern adolescence / Don Romesburg Same......e intellectual history of gay liberation across the of the nation equally": gay ......outh organisation and activism i......trick James McDonagh and Paraic ......trans child: pioneering families......entary television / Jessica Ann ......fferences: the online histories ......nd music / Marion Wasserbauer Es...... to a digital congregation: LGBTQIA Mormon youth on Tumblr and the......istorical and contemporary youth / Shanon Shah Schoolgirl lesbians in H...
- Subject HeadingSexual minority youth--History Sexual minorities Social history Sociology Social Conditions Sexual Behavi......LGBTQ+. social history. sociology. Civilization. Sex. Social groups. Social history. Sociology. World history.
National Diet Library
- Contents...the global commons / Seán Cleary Globalization : the good, th......e Gordian knot on collective action / Beatrice Wed......y Is India's economic growth sus......strategy for economic and social......Carlos Ivan Simonsen Leal New revolution in reverse / Ian Johnson Germany does l...... Cleary From economic growth to ......amy Globalization for whom? / Ia......mkella India's modern economic history : a brief revi......f the global economy / Mzukisi Qobo Developing ...
- Subject HeadingSustainable development. Economic developmen......ial aspects. Economic developmen......ts. Globalization. Wirtschaftsentwicklung Nachh...
- Note (General)"Based on statements of ......burg Trilogue conferences in 2011 and 2012"--Fo...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."An illustrated collection of more than between regional analysis, po......a metaphorical history of trousers. T......oramic view of modern and contemporary Asian......ying its focus on the impacts of invention, tradition, exchange, colonization, politics, soc......Yeesookyung, among many others. ......esource for anyone seeking to understand contemporary art and the way it o...
- Contents...ippered pantaloon Going global :...... the Museum of Modern Art Oxford Fro......ish Republic : modernity at a time o......yo-Berlin : a continuing dialogu......n and hell in contemporary Japan......n and earth : contemporary art of times : contemporary art along the and revelation Xu Bing : tradition, representation and language A......f the desert? Song Dong : "Art, My La...... "Somewhere Beyond Rape and the face of history Makoto Aida : world Heri Dono's Paradox : t...... funerary oration Rodel Tapaya : "The One You Feed" Choi Jeong Hwa : Gangbuk...... Yeesookyung : reflections on a Korean urn Part 3. Migra...
- Genre/Form TermsHistory.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The author has constructed a chronicle of the lif......ian and French modernism, and enriched this chronicle with commentary on the process of...... and a discussion of the twentie......fused with the reflections of his accidental biographer on the his professional life as Ilia......he pre-Revolutionary artistic ci......e limited edition books in Paris...... major exhibitions in Moscow, hi......jor figures of modern art—Pablo Picasso, Sonia Delaunay, Ma......Miro, Natalia Goncharova, and Mikhail Larionov, among others. His 1......first international anthology of....... The list of contributors is a veritable "Who'...
- Contents...tle Copyright Contents Preface Note on Spelling 1 Enc......rk Routines Chronologies and Evi......ales Introduction to Futurism (1......Formal and Personal Exchanges Larionov and Goncharova Pirosma......tics The Creation of Forty-One Degrees Tbili......ities of Forty-One Degrees Poetics Publications Zaum How We C......nt in the Dras Reflections on Modernism and the Ava......-1921: Transition: Tbilisi, Constantinople, Pa......he Enormity of History 5 1921-1926: Paris The New Context Lectures a......23 Interpretation of the Events ......bric, and Fiction Taboos about the Personal Realm Marria......d New Books Second Marriage Notes from the Dead...
- Genre/Form TermsBiographies. Criticism, interpretation, etc.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The Immigration and Nationality Act of 19......rican immigration policy that be...... 1790 restriction on naturalization to free white persons of "good char......their immigration laws and achie......blind international system. Unde......enges this notion, revealing how...... global migration despite the en......ctive and seek only to restrict ...... traces how colonialism and whit......taged institutions around the wo......ows how postcolonial states rema......uires them to continuously of international borders has ......f sovereignty, one that imposes ......rsher restrictions on non-white migrants. Drawing o...
- ContentsIntroduction: A ruinous, re......ty, and migration policy Colonialism, immigra......lind" world Colonialism and the construction of undesirability The expansion of closure in the modern international order Conclusion: Reflections on the future
- Subject HeadingEmigration and immigration--Government policy Emigration and immigration--Social aspect......rialism Postcolonialism POLITICA......icy / Immigration HISTORY / United States / 20th Centur...
National Diet Library
- Contents...ament of Religions ; Okakura Kak......d cultural nationalism ; Representations of Japan and ......Shin Buddhist context ; Shin Bud......shū ; Literary reflections on personal experiences ......hū : Aoki Shinmon's Coffinman : ......tics and religion in Yanagi Mune......d cultural nationalism) ; The wo...... ; Representations of the Pure Land in contemporary visua......ent trends in contemporary Japan......d the tea ceremony. Images of ch...... in the tradition of chanoyu ; A connection between the Honganji-ha and ch......f tea ; Traditional culture in a Jōdo Shinshū t...
- Subject Heading...n -- Civilization -- Pure Land i......n -- Civilization -- 1868-
- Title HeadingStudies in the history of religions ; 121.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....cks the evolution of the histori......he rise of the modern scholarly discipline of art history. Synthesising ......sodes, and personalities, this original and acc...
- Contents800-1400 p. 47 Cleric Adam von Bremen on the images of ......urches Excavation of Etruscan va...... A Byzantine icon in Nuremberg A......lia in Rome Chronicles of Florentine art history: Filippo Villa...... Martin Luther on progress in th......istian evaluation of non-Christian art:......lativism: Ciceronians and anti-Ciceronians Doubts abo......ourist Marc-antonio Michiel's discriminations Giorgio Vasar......Vasari, the second edition His Sow opinion of medieval ar......shared by his contemporaries Reformation and Counter-reformation Mixed reactions to the redisc......lers' descriptions of South Asian monuments Netherlandish artists' ...
- Genre/Form TermsHistory.