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National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."The aim of this tw......development of general relativity and its scientific......d introduction and review to the fascinating and profound subject of general relativity, its historica...... its important theoretical conseq......wave detection and applications to astrophysics and cosmology. The series focuses......ive aspects of the theory: Genesis, Solutions and Energy Empiric......antum Gravity. The first three to......ed in Volume 1 and the remaining two ......ume can be a stand-alone reference volume for the related topic"--
- ContentsVolume 1: A genesis of special relativity / Valerie Messager and Christophe Let......ier Genesis of general relativity: a concise expo...... Schwarzschild and Kerr solutions...... field equation: an introductio......stian Heinicke and Friederich W. ...... energy for GR and Poincaré gauge theories: a covariant Ha......, James Nester and Roh-Suan Tung ......time structure and the cosmic connect......zation rotation: an astrophysic......-T. Ni Pulsars and gravity / R.N. Manchester GWs: classification......s of detection and sensitivities ......roda, W.-T. Ni and W.-P. Pan Intr......T. Ni. Volume 2: General relativity and cosmol...
- Subject HeadingGeneral relativity (Physics)--History. Gravitati...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.The aim of this bo......s to introduce the most important...... in cosmology, and how they altered our perceptions of the origin, size, structure and evolution of the universe. The book covers a, spacetime, the Big Bang, dark matter and dark energy, h......nsions, string theory, neutron stars and black holes, and gravitational radiation. The text contains ......s that clarify and extend the discussion, and which provide ......n-depth understanding of many of the concepts intro...... in particular the mathematics involved......duate students and anyone interes......d in astronomy and cosmology
- Contents1. The scientific met......ntroduction to the scientific met......od 1.2. Some mathematics 1.3. Exp......distances 4.1. The cosmic distanc......Spiral nebulae : are they extragalactic? 4.3. The chemical compo......Spacetime 5.1. The speed of light 5.2. The special theory of relativity 5.3. The general theory of relativity 5.4. Universal expansion 6. The big bang 6.1. The structure and history of the universe 6.2. The geometry of spacetime 6.3. The father of the big bang 6.4. The creation of the elements 7. Co......radiation 7.1. The "smoking gun" of the big bang 7.2. ...... How bright is the CMB? 7.4. "Mat......How uniform is the CMB? 8. Dark matter 8.1. Dark...
- Subject HeadingCosmology--History Cosmologie--Histoire Cosmology & the universe. SCIENCE--Cosmology....
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.This is the first book pub...... in English on the new international value theory, presented ...... a solution to the question on M countries and N commodities ......ormally M <N). The new theory is based on the assumption tha......osts, which is the property derived from the classical value theory. The papers deal with the following: introducing readers to the new theory; presenting......lustrations of the new theory; analysing ......nt patterns of specialization allowin...... examining how the new theory gives a new horizon to the Neo-Ricardian trade theory; investigat......mpetitiveness, the long-period method, and poten...
- ContentsPart I: General Introduction Chapter 1: A New Theory of International Values: An Overview (S......hinori) Part II: Theoretical Topics in and about the New Theory Chapter 2: The New Theory of Internat......onal Values in the Context of Ricardo-Sraffian Theory of Value and Distribution (......hiro) Chapter 3: The Relation between Value and Demand in the New Theory (Oka, Tosihiro) Chapter 4: Analysis of Pr......nt Patterns of Specialization Allowin......rmediate Inputs: The Meaning of Shi......eshi) Chapter 5: The Neo-Ricardian Trade Theory and New Theory of Internat......kira) Chapter 6: Application of...... Trade Analysis: National Self-sufficiency and...
- Subject Heading...CS--Economics--General. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS--Refere...
National Diet Library
- Summary, approaches and basic results connected with the discontinuities of the electromagnetic field. The discontinuitie......ion may be (1) the bounded jump d......ontinuities on the interfaces bet......wo media or on the material sheet......nded values at the edge of wedge ......nded values at the tips of conical structures. The book involves ......o be solved by the readers"--
- Contents...d contents note: Preface. Chapt...... Distributions and derivatives in the sense of distr...... 2.1 Functions and distributions.......est functions. The space C. 2.3 C......tribution. 2.7 The support of a d......tion. 2.8 Some generalizations. Chapt......l equations in the sense of distr......s reduced into the vacuum. 3.2 Un......ary conditions and compatibility relations. 3.3 The concept of mat......ial sheet. 3.4 The case of monoch......ary conditions and compatibility ......ions. 4.2 Some general results. 4.3 S...... Derivation of the boundary conditions by the Special Theory of Relativity when the motion is uniform. 5...
- Subject HeadingElectromagnetic fields--Mathematics. Maxwell equations. Ele...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....fth edition of the bestselling Di......nowned thinker and scholar in dip......omacy research and teaching Geoff......l developments and shifts on the global stage in the last 5 years. At the heart of diplomacy, and a central theme of this book, is the art of negotia...... deadline, for the consequences midnight on the clock of the talks usually ......ntrates minds. The examples included, such as the Iran nuclear t...... background to the diplomatic methods themselves is alwa......instance being the rebranding of propaganda as 'public di......ore lessons of the 2014 G20 summit in Brisbane, and those of the highly topical B...
- Contents...ntroduction 1. The Foreign Ministry Staffing And Supporting Mis...... Policy-Making And Implementation...... At Home PART I: THE ART OF NEGOTIA......tions Agreeing The Need To Negotiate Agreeing The Agenda Agreein......dure 3.'Around-The-Table' Negotiations The Formula Stage The Details Stage ......licity Raising The Level Of The Talks 5. Packa......eetings PART II: DIPLOMATIC REL......cing Stutters Other Means Multiply 8. Embassies The Normal Embassy The Fortress Embassy The Mini-Embassy The Militarized Em......ers Cuckoos In The Nest? 11. Conf......rofessional Anathemas General Case For The Defence Serial Summits Ad Hoc...
- Subject Relations / General. POLITICAL SCIENCE / Internat...
National Diet Library
- Contents...d contents note: pt. I The Setting ch. One Perception and the Level of Analy......ptions Matter? The International ......c Determinants The Bureaucracy Pe......ions, Reality, and a Two-Step Mod......nal Processes, and Intentions Deterrence, the Spiral Model, and Intentions of the Adversary Two ......onal Relations and the Cold War Deterrence The Spiral Model Prophecies and Problems with ......ions Universal Generalizations? Evidence against the Spiral Model E......nce Deterrence and World War II; Spiral Model and World War I Note continued: When Will Force and Threats Work? The Decision-Maker's Choice When ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.Modern physics is the branch of phys......hat emerged in the late 19th and early 20th our understanding of the fundamental laws governing the universe at both the smallest and largest scales......tum mechanics, relativity, nuclear physi...... astrophysics, and cosmology. Thi...... undergraduate and graduate stude......s, introducing them to the mysteries of m......k, we minimize the derivation of ......tuitive understandings of these concepts. By......dding light on the unsolved myste...... to reveal how the progress of experimental tech...
- Contents1. Introduction to the fundamental pa...... physics up to the establishment ...... of light 1.3. Theory of special relativity 1.4. Theory of general relativity 1.5. Quantum m......nics 1.6. Spin and relativistic q......Development of the atomic clock 2......r spectroscopy and atomic clocks ......transitions in the optical region......s using lasers and cold atoms 2.9...... 3.1. Particle and antiparticle 3....... Particles in the first generation and the interactions 3....... Particles in the higher generat....... Violation of the CP-symmetry and T-symmetry 3.6. Theoretical derivation of the violation of C......3.8. Search of the electron electric dipole mome...
- Subject Heading... quantum field theory) SCIENCE / ......sics / Quantum Theory.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsThe UN Charter and its evolution ...... organizations : international relations theory / Shirley S......eaty-making at the United Nations : the view from the Secretariat / ......tephen Mathias The role of treaties in pursuing the objectives of the UN Charter / Christian Tams The place of treaties in the codification and progressive de....../ Giorgio Gaja The choice of a treaty : hard law vs from chaos : practitioner Terrorismá : practitioner r....../ Rohan Perera The peaceful uses Environment and sustainable de......r Segger & Alexandra Harrington The ILO's standard setting : the first one hu...
- Title HeadingOxford handbooks.
- Author HeadingChesterman, Simon Malone, David, 1954- Villalpando, Santiago. Ivanovic, Alexandra.
National Diet Library
- Contents...aurizio Arcari The Effect of Arme......ict on Treaties: A Stocktaking ......ucius Caflisch The Growth of Specialized International Tribunals and the Fears of Fragm....../ Hugo Caminos The "Right Mix" and "Ambiguities" ......ticular Customs: A Few Remarks on the Navigational and Related Rights...... State Immunity: A Swedish Pers......"Generic Terms": Between Respect for the Parties' Original Intention and the Identification of the Ordinary Meani......ent Procedures and Fresh Water: Multiplicity and Diversity at S......vidence Before the International ......ourt of Justice: Issues of Fact and Questions of Law in the Deter...
National Diet Library
- ContentsI. The nature of international law and the concept of sou......duction Formal and material sourc......Enumeration of the recognized for......sources Nature and operation of the sources Whose law? States and non-State actors Are there additional s......between States and international enterprises ; Other proposals Rel......onal source Is the theory of sources ......? II. Treaties and conventions as......Pacta sunt servanda The limits of treaty-law : jus cogens and the relative effec...... Commitment to the treaty-obligat......ate practice ; The opinio juris ; The role of General Assembly resol...... customary law The relevance of ethical principl...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Historically, the scientific proposing a theory, making a p......known, testing the prediction, and giving up the theory (or substan......t) if it fails the test. A theory that leads ......ely treated as the conventional m......ific progress, and was used throughout the twentieth century as the standard route to discovery and experimentatio...... it relates to the development of......nce throughout the last century. ......hilosophically and historically s......ific approach, and Brush blends the two in order t......ral cases from the history of modern physical and biological sci......e for benzene, the light-quantum hypothesis, qua...
- Contents...d contents note: 1. Who Needs the Scientific Method? 1.1. The Rings of Uranus 1.2. Maxwell and Popper 1.3. Wh......1.4. Hierarchy and Demarcation 1.......ntific Chemists: Benzene and Molecular Orbitals 1.8. The Unscientific (......ethod of Dirac and Einstein: Can We Trust E......iments to Test Theories? 1.9. Why...... Icarus? 1.10. The Plurality of S......eception? 2.2. The Copernican Hel...... 2.4. Darwin's Theory of Evolutio...... Bohr Model of the Atom 2.6. Conclusions and Generalizations. 3. Pr......ion-Testing in the Evaluation of Theories: A Controversy in the Philosophy of .......2. Novelty in the Philosophy of Science 3.3. Wh...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingRelativity (Physics) -- Popular works
- Subject Heading (ID)Relativity (Physics) -- Popular works
- Note (General)"The translation by......reprinted from Relativity: The Special and the General Theory (Crown, 1961 cThe Hebrew University of Jerusale...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingRelativity (Physics)
- Subject Heading (ID)Relativity (Physics)
- Note (General)First published in 1916 Includes bibliographical references (p. [159]-160) and index
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingRelativity (Physics)
- Note (General)Translated by Robert W. Larson. Reprinted from the Peter Smith edition of 1931.
National Diet Library
- Contents...h methods from the theory of by Alexander I. Bobenko Generalized Weierstras......ransformations and generalized self-dual ......, Pascal Romon Special Lagrangian 3-folds and integrable sys......ion relations, and the Virasoro conje......y Xiaobo Liu A generalized Weieratras......] arising from the submanifold Di...... Harmonic tori and their spectral dat......etric geometry and related fields......ada Geometries and symmetries of ......iton equations and integrable ell......geodesic flows and geodesic equivalence by Peter...
- Note (General)"As the 9th Internatio......h Institute of the Mathematical Society......y" was held at the University of Tokyo, during the period 17-21 July 2000."--Pre...
- Author/Editor (Series Title)chief editor: Toshitake Kohno edited by the Mathematical Society of Japan
National Diet Library
- ContentsVision in aviation The challenge Avia......oach Sensation and perception fou......down processes and theories of vision attention The physiology of vision Specialized visual pro......ue integration and applications in aviation The vestibular system and body perceptio......disorientation : vision and vestibular con......ons Conclusion The role of basic correction : lenses and surgery Visual fields and useful field o......ception Vision and aging Summary ......n Approach to landing Low level integration and cognitive chal......ol in approach and landing Visual-moto......ues, illusions and misperceptions Spatial orient...
- Author HeadingGibb, Randy. Gray, Rob Scharff, Lauren.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingRelativity (Physics)
- Subject Heading (ID)Relativity (Physics)
- Note (General)"First published in the United States ...... by Henry Holt and Company 1920. ......estions for further reading": p. [xxix] Includes index
National Diet Library
- ContentsProduct and process innova......edge dynamics, and institutional change : an T. H. Meeus and Jerald Hage Product and process innovation : introduction / T. H. Meeus and Charles Edquist Product and process innovation : a review of organizational and environmental ......borz Damanpour and Deepa Aravind ......onal relations and innovation : a review and a theoretical T. H. Meeus and Jan Faber innovation : Toyota Prius c......Ikujiro Nonaka and Vesa Peltokorp......, competition, and enterprise : foundations fo......l innovations? : an analysis of the role of regulations in the pu...
- Note (General)...ctober 2003 at the Department of ......ation Studies, the University of Utrecht, Netherlands, and a second May 2004 at the Keck Graduate ......ia. Related URL: Table of contents only http: //
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingRelativity (Physics)
- Note (General)"Unaltered and unabridged republication of the 1923 translati......hed by Methuen and Company." "S81."
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.The first full bio......on sprang from the rebellious nat......a struggling father in a difficul......torate--became the locksmith of the mysteries of the atom and the universe. His ......ntional wisdom and marveling at m......s that struck others as mundane. ......ace a morality and politics based...... free spirits, and free individuals. These traits are j......creativity, as they were for the beginning of the last century, ......elped usher in the modern age.--From publisher d...
- Contents...racters ch. 1. The light-beam rid......79-1896 ch. 3. The Zurich Polytec......96-1900 ch. 4. The lovers, 1900-1904 ch. 5. The miracle year : quanta and molecules, 1905 ch. 6. Special relativity, 1905 ch. 7. The happiest thoug......06-1909 ch. 8. The wandering professor......09-1914 ch. 9. General relativity, 1911-1915 ch......., 1919 ch. 13. The wandering Zionist, ...... Unified field theories, 1923-193......'s God ch. 18. The refugee, 1932-......t, 1935 ch. 21.The bomb, 1939-194......-1948 ch. 23. Landmark, 1948-1953......1-1954 ch. 25. The end, 1955 Epilogue : Einstein's brain and Einstein's mind Sources Notes...
- Subject Heading...955 -- Friends and associates. Ei...... -- Biography. Relativity (Physics) Unified field theories. Physicie......hamp unitaire, Théories du.