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National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Makes a case for nuclear energy as a clean-energy solution."--
- ContentsMachine generated contents note Table of Contents Introduction Part 1 Global Warming and Energy Production 1 Global clima...... myth? What is the debate about? The IPCC and International Conventions The greenhouse eff......t 10,000 years of climate - the Holocene Recen......eas Models Response to Singer an...... Avery Predictions of future global warming and consequences Sea l......and acidification Global weirding 2 Where our Energy Comes From A brief history of energy Coal Oil and n......anium How much energy do we use and from? World energy usage What can be done to reduce our carbon-intensive energy economy? 3 T...
- Subject HeadingNuclear energy--Environmental aspects.......rming--Prevention. Nuclear industry--Safety measures. Nuclear industry--Acci......sal. SCIENCE / Energy.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingNuclear industry. Fuel trade.
- Related MaterialReport on the productive uses of nuclear energy
- Periodical TitleReport on the productive uses of nuclear energy
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingNuclear industry -- United States.
- Note (General)Cover title: Productive uses of nuclear energy; report on nuclear energy and the U.S. fuel economy, 1955-1980.
- Related MaterialReport on the productive uses of nuclear energy
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingNuclear industry -- Brazil.
- Related MaterialReport on the productive uses of nuclear energy
- Periodical TitleReport on the productive uses of nuclear energy
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingNuclear industry -- Israel.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingNuclear industry -- India. Power resources -- India. India -- Economic policy.
- Author HeadingGold, Norman Leon, 1909-
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingNuclear industry -- Japan.
- Alternative TitleNuclear power in Japan.
- Alternative TitleNuclear power in Japan.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingNuclear power -- Economic aspects.
- Related MaterialReport on the productive uses of nuclear energy
- Periodical TitleReport on the productive uses of nuclear energy
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingNuclear industry -- Japan
- Subject Heading (ID)Nuclear industry -- Japan
- Related MaterialReport on the productive uses of nuclear energy
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialReport on the productive uses of nuclear energy
- Periodical TitleReport on the productive uses of nuclear energy
- Alternative TitleReport on regional economic development and nuclear power in India
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...nth symposium Nonlinear dynamics in astronomy and physics : in memory of Henry E. Kandrup Computation for cardiovasc......gical applications Texas/ESO-CERN Symposium on Relativistic A......cs Advances in the understanding and treatment of asthma HIV-ass......gical insights The role of I[131] hazards and the design of constructed facilities in the eastern United......tates Myelination and dysmyelination A French engin......ering realization : the development of the Rhone river basin T......d time perception Chemistry, bio......, and clinical uses of nucleoside ana......nces in odor : theory, measurement, and control ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...884)" also has the number of "STI/PUB/...",......rd. but it has the number of "STI/PUB/..."
- Related MaterialPeaceful nuclear explosions : phenomenolo...... : proceedings of a panel on the peaceful uses of nuclear explosions Uranium depos......y and exploration : proceedings of a regional advisory gro......g organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and hel......gia y exploracion : actas de una reunion del grupo asesor regional organizada p......nismo Internacional de Energia A......e de 1978 Role of computers in radiotherapy : report of a panel on the role of computers in radiotherapy The sterile-insect......field applications : proceedings of a Panel on the Practical Use of the Sterile-Male T......ue for Insect Control organized by the Joint FA...
- Alternative Title...ries (International Atomic Energy Agency) IAEA p......g series IAEA conference series STI/PUB
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialLipid oxidation in food Natura...... and disinfection by-products : characterization and control in drinkin......c chemistry Synthetic macromolecu......ouse gas emissions from agricult......symposium co-sponsored by the Division of Carbohydrate Chemistry and the Division of Microbial and ...... Technology at the 172nd meeting of the American Chemi......hanisms and synthetic methodologi......mistry : based on a symposium cosponsored by the ACS Divisions of Computers in C......Chemistry, and the U.S. National Resource for Computation in Chemistry at the Second Chemical Congress of the North American Continent (180th ACS National Mee...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialInformation technology as ......ry : issues in the history and management of computers The econometrics of political economy in transition : from Lenin to Gorbachev The intellectual legacy of Thorstein Vebl......ssues Soviet economy today : wit......guidelines for the economic and social development of the USSR for 1981-1985 and for the period ending ......ollars through the doors : a pre-1930 history of bank marketing in America The Politics of industrial rec......vestment and economic development in the American state......dustrial relations in Europe The pillage of sustainability......ommunities and the creeping shadows of hegemony ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialStability and variation in Hopi song The copepodologist......Early transactions of the American Philo......phical Society The fate of the medieval Archi......5 Charles Willson Peale Under he......ligious tradition in Chuuk Aftermath of war : Bainbrid...... Colby and Wilsonian diplomacy, ......ts relating to the American Indian in the library of the American Philo......klin and Italy The production, distribution and readership of a conservative journal of the early French Revolution : the Ami du roi of the abbé Royou Of elephants & ro......a : essays in honor of Whitfield J. B......ustice between the Norman Conquest and the Great...
- Alternative TitleMemoirs of the American Philosophical Societ...
- Alternative TitleMemoirs of the American Philosophical Societ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialRegional economic development and nuclear power in India Nuclear power and economic development in Brazil Energy requirements and economic growth Nuclear energy and the U.S. fuel economy, 1955-1980 The outlook for nuclear power in Japan Nuclear energy and world fuel prices
- Alternative TitleProductive uses of nuclear energy Reports on the productive uses of nuclear energy
- Alternative TitleProductive uses of nuclear energy Reports on the productive uses of nuclear energy
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialDecommissioning of small medical,......Building a national position for a new nuclear power programme Nuclear fuel cycle obj......ative analysis of methods and tools for nuclear knowledge preservation Determination and use of scaling factor...... characterization in nuclear power plants F......ating multinational cooperation for the development of a radioactive ......ity aspects in nuclear power reactor ......neering Review of fuel failures ......essing dynamic nuclear energy systems for su......: final report of the INPRO collabor......GAINS International safeguards in the design of nuclear reactors The management system for the dev...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Description based on: 86-19
- Related Material...lefag Dislocations in anisotropi......raries A study of two-body effects in the particle-rotor......oving dislocations : surface wav...... interactive ''on-line'' program for the PDP-7 used in nuclear physics experiments at the University of Oslo General features of inclusive and pn-interactions at 19 GeV/c A...... data acquisition system Dislocations in continuous elastic media The deuteron in high energy collisions : a review Nuclear physics group ......lusive production of Δ++ (1232) in pn-interactions at 19 GeV/c Dislocations interacting with surfaces, i...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialDesign of radiotracer ex......stems Handbook on nuclear activation data Management of abnormal radio......tive wastes at nuclear power plants Manual on radiation haematology : ......undertaking by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the World Health Organization Manual for the operation of research react......rveying Status of and prospects methods for nuclear desalination Techniques and......r pretreatment of low and interm......oactive wastes Nuclear power plant instrumentation and control : a guidebook Guidebook on non-destructive examination of water reactor fuel Application of membrane technologies for ...
- Alternative TitleSTI/DOC/10/ IAEA Technical reports series Technical reports series (International Atomic Energy Agency) Technical report seri...
- Alternative TitleSTI/DOC/10/ IAEA Technical reports series Technical reports series (International Atomic Energy Agency) Technical report seri...