Search results 168
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.A biographical and bibliographica......elds including poetry, fiction and nonfiction, journalism, drama, television and movies. Inform......, book reviews and other materials provided by t...
- Contents...bon Kianna Alexander S.K. Ali Tob......opher B. Bean Mandy Berman Mayim ......rer John C. Boland Dave Boling Ra......see John C. Boland Sean Gandert, 1985- Art ......min Han Bruce Handy Stephanie Han....... Jennings Alexandre Jollien, 197......k Ketsoyan Cassandra Khaw Jennife......a Luthman Alessandra Lynch, 1965-......MacNeal, 1985- Andreas Malessa, 1......ingle, 1981- Amanda Prowse D.M. Q......n Rinaldi Kaia Roman Jennifer Romol......see John C. Boland Nan Rossiter C......z L.J. Sellers Andrew Shvarts Ray......illinghast Fernanda Torres, 1965- Fred Van Lente...
- Subject Heading...-bibliography. Dramatists. Journalists. Motion pic...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.A biographical and bibliographica......elds including poetry, fiction and nonfiction, journalism, drama, television and movies. Inform......, book reviews and other materials provided by t...
- ContentsAndersen, Laura 19......y, Tatiana Howland, Leila Hunt, A......dhna Krznaric, Roman Kushner, Dale Lawson, Shandy Lehto, Steve ......rgan, Page Morland, Polly Murphy,......t, Ingrid Thorland, Donna Walsh, Bill 1961- Webe...
- Subject Heading...-bibliography. Dramatists. Journalists. Motion pic...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.A biographical and bibliographica......elds including poetry, fiction and nonfiction, journalism, drama, television and movies. Inform......, book reviews and other materials provided by t...
- ContentsErez Aiden, 1980- Belinda Alexandra Jake Applema......63- Elizabeth Kandel Englander Nicholas Epl......- John Faubion Andrea Feeser Josh......n Seth Fishman Andrew Michael Fle......bara Graziosi Randal L. Hall, 197......0- Patrick Holland, 1976- Bruce W......y Jones, 1967- Andrew W. Kahrl, 1......Ouazad Osman Amanda Owen Edgar Pa......964- Alex Pentland, 1951- Erica J......y Barr Reagan Mandy Retzlaff, 195......7- Meredith L. Roman Ilyana Romanovsky, 1982- Fr......e Penelope Rowlands, 1951- Mark L......ard G. Slingerland, 1968- Sarah Sobieraj Jessica...
- Subject Heading...-bibliography. Dramatists. Journalists. Motion pic...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The British Romantic period is o......ization thesis and rise of more t......udy of British Romanticism and religion"
- Contents...Christianity : Roman Catholicism / ......rtin Priestman Poetry / by Jeffrey E......abeth Burstein Drama / by Frederick Burwick Sermon...
- Subject HeadingReligion and literature--Gr......ntury Religion and literature--Gr......--19th century Romanticism--Great B......ntury--History and criticism Engl......ntury--History and criticism
National Diet Library
- Contents...ory, politics, and religion The W......dern Ukraine / Roman Szporluk Cultural faultlines and political clea......anistic "West" and the Byzantine ......ion in Ukraine and European standards / Andrew Sorokowski Missionaries and pluralism : ho......the religious landscape in Ukrain......s on political and economic issue......ase of Ukraine and the European p......rors, windows, and maps : the typ......mirror images, and western identi...... new Ukrainian drama / Larissa avant-garde poetry today : BU-BA-BU and others / a Europe : Andrukhovych, Izdryk, and the new Ukrain......ges of bonding and social decay in contemporary ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialARCA classical and medieval texts, papers, and monographs
- Periodical TitleARCA classical and medieval texts, papers, and monographs
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe Classical world bibliographies Garland reference library of the huma...
- Periodical TitleThe Classical world bibliographies Garland reference library of the huma...
- Alternative TitleBibliography of Roman drama and poetry and ancient fiction
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...ure -- History and criticism -- C......ture, Medieval and modern -- History and criticism -- Congresses
- Subject Heading (ID)...ure -- History and criticism -- C......ture, Medieval and modern -- History and criticism -- Congresses
- Related MaterialARCA classical and medieval texts, papers, and monographs
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.The study of women in Graeco-Roman antiquity has ......eminist theory and theoretical and interpretive w......shed the field and moved it forwa...... terracottas), and the material f......s from houses, and the remains of......ood processing and textile produc...... as both Greek and Roman societies had ......ped ideologies and cultural ideal......cised profound and pervasive infl......Ancient Greece and Rome, based on a vast of arra...
- Contents...: woman, dirt, and desire / Anne ......egendary women and Greek womanhoo......utiful evil : Pandora and the Athena Par......ther : Amazons and ethnicity in f......ntury Athens / Andrew Stewart Myth and genre on Athen......ripides Hecuba and Troades / Ruth......ythic accounts and dramatic versions of......isogyny : myth and mythmaking in ......ivy's Lucretia and the rape of th......e : Livy, Ovid and the Sabine wom...... Talalay Youth and age in the Women, dogs and flies / Susan ......e Anthropology and spirit possess......n architecture and iconography he......women's ritual and temple sculpture / Eva Stehle...
National Diet Library
- Contents...atus, stature, and verbal contest in archaic poetry / Nancy Worman......hy of rhetoric and the rhetoric o......c, aesthetics, and the voice / Ja...... Wohl Rhetoric and the Roman Republic / Joh......Rosenbloom The drama of rhetoric at......stone Rhetoric and the Second Sop......rical practice and performance in...... / Todd Penner and Caroline Vander Stichele Rediscoveries of c...
Other Libraries in Japan
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ty on research and writing, takes......on of the MLA Handbook. Works are......ted, combined, and modified. Prev......ns of the MLA Handbook provided s......r each format, and new formats re...... best-selling handbook, the MLA recommends inste...
- Plagiarism and academic disho......: 1.1.1. First and subsequent use......mes of authors and fictional char......Capitalization and punctuation ; 1.2.2. Italics and quotation mark......ns: 1.3.1. Use and accuracy of qu......Prose ; 1.3.3. Poetry ; 1.3.4. Drama ; 1.3.5. Ellip......mbers ; 1.4.4. Roman numerals. 1.5. Dates and times. 1.6. Ab...... 2.1.2. Titles and suffixes ; 2.5.2. URLS and DOIs. 2.6. Pun.......7. Formatting and ordering the w......? ; Plagiarism and academic dishonesty ; Think: ...
- Genre/Form TermsHandbooks and manuals.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsINCLUDES BIBLIOGRAPHIES AND INDEX. Introdu......lin Greek myth and hesiod / Jaspe...... Griffin Lyric and elegiac poetry / Ewen Bowie E......rnblower Greek drama / Peter Levi G......storians: life and society in cla......rker Greek art and architecture /......nistic culture and literature / R......tic philosophy and science / Jona......nes Early Rome and Italy / Michae......wson The first Roman literature / P......r Brown Cicero and Rome / Miriam Hellenistic and graeco-roman art / Roger Li......rcell Augustan poetry and society / R.O.......Jasper Griffin Roman historians / Andrew Lintott The......l Silver Latin poetry and the Latin novel / Richard...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.The MLA Handbook is publish......ols, colleges, and publishing houses, the MLA Handbook treats to research and writing in the......hed on the Web and new recommenda...... digital files and graphic narratives.--From the...
- Contentspt. 1: Research and writing 1-1: R......rary resources and services 1-4-8......-6-2: Accuracy and verifiability ...... 1-7-5: Amount and accuracy of no......4: Final draft and the research p......1-10: Language and style. pt. 2: Plagiarism and academic integ...... 3-2-5: Dashes and parentheses 3-......uestion marks, and exclamation po......s 3-3-1: Words and letters referred to as words and letters 3-3-2:......s 3-4-1: First and subsequent use......mes of authors and fictional char......4: Percentages and amounts of mon......y 3-5-5: Dates and times of the d......numbers 3-5-7: Roman numerals 3-6: ......Capitalization and punctuation 3-6-2: Italicized...
- Subject HeadingReport writing -- Handbooks, manuals,....... Research -- Handbooks, manuals, etc. Wetenscha...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... 1950-1990 Icelandic writers Brit......te nineteenth- and early twentiet......terary critics and scholars, 1880......orians British romantic prose write......0-1980 : trade and paperback Henr......age of Pushkin and Gogol : prose ......6-1864 British and Irish short-fi......women's rights and United States ......ritish mystery and thriller Elizabethan dramatists The house......erary scholars and critics Asian ......Late-Victorian and Edwardian Brit......terary critics and scholars, 1850......erican radical and reform writers...... of the French and Occitan Middle......te nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Briti...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...on The Tristan romance in the Meist......Robert Greene, and Lucas Gracian ......alien Literary and philological s......France, Italy, and Spain Arthuria......yes : analysis and commentary Prévost The dramatic works of Lu......lots, sources, and bibliography S......literature The dramatic art of Lope......onary of words and idioms associa......of the english romantic revolt Note......e de Chateaubriand en Amérique (j......thelin Martial and the English ep......hina in German poetry from 1773 to 1......ations : notes and X-ray films of......den : a survey and reference guid......the Elene, the Andreas, and the Christ, in compa...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...fluence of the Roman Empire--the en......em Development and decline of the poetic drama : influence of the court and the people The Renaissance and the reformatio......e of the court and the universities The Romantic movement in English poetry : effects of t......e ; its zenith and decline ; the early Romantic Renaissance The intellectu...
- Alternative TitleHistory of English poetry
- Alternative TitleHistory of English poetry
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingEnglish poetry -- History and criticism
- Subject Heading (ID)English poetry -- History and criticism
- Related Material...ce, its zenith and decline, the early Romantic Renaissance The Romantic movement in English poetry : effects of t......he Renaissance and the reformatio......e of the court and the universities Development and decline of the poetic drama : influence of the court and the people The......fluence of the Roman Empire, the encyclopædic educ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...itter Godefroi and Yolande Take that gir......the Appennines and the Arcadian b......e Gypsey : melodrama, 2 acts Miss i......eorgette Death and the lawyer Brand The widow bewi......ball Old heads and young hearts Harlequin and the white moos...... at versailles and from carnival ......; or, Gil Blas and the Robbers of......t marry your grandmother The turf......e firm of Gamp and Harris The mil...... or, harlequin and the one eyed o......ale curiosity! and male atrocity!......s : operatical romance, 2 acts I ri......opera (Italian and English), 2 ac......hen-pecked husband Monti the pois......s! good news! [and] Mr. Boney's reception in Par...
- Alternative TitleNineteenth century English drama
- Alternative TitleNineteenth century English drama
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...s purposes Two dramas of brandy A case for di...... Mammy Crittie and baby Suzon Dea......lda di Shabran and Corradino; or,......on of Thespis Pandora Three strin......r Through snow and sunshine Der F......, the martyr Grandmother Hildebrand's legacy: or, reward Love and lockjaw Le com......r, the cobbler and the King Waffles Grandpa A charming Harold Duty and safety of eman......mph Wyoming, a drama of the revolut......vesty on Romeo and Juliet Narciss......Orleans Elfins and mermaids; or, ......ce for niente [and] an answer Bea...... or, the false and the true The f...... war Champagne and oysters; or, one lie leads to...
- Alternative TitleNineteenth century American drama
- Alternative TitleNineteenth century American drama