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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc...., applications and examples relev...... water science and water manageme......oadening field and study of water......socio-economic and policy extents......large European and global research and innovation pro......climate change and ecosystem coll......ecision-making and policies. Prov......cise summaries and knowledge from...... a theoretical and practical view......ars, students, and practitioners ......f water policy and governance, agricultural and environmental ...... biodiversity, and marine studies......ld. Uses clear and concise termin......agement issues and approaches. Pr......useful context and background information on how...
- Contents...s in dynamical and statistical do......tural policies and water 5. Analysis and evaluation of ......t-fire erosion and flood protecti......t-fire erosion and flood protecti......uri 8. Chatgpt and water manageme......9. Clean water and sanitation for......bal, European, and regional level......example of Ireland / Hammond Antw...... Computational social sciences in human-water research......p water stress and enhance food s......ns: Challenges and research (Mode......6. EU policies and innovation fin......psychological, and social-justice perspe......nflows to bays and estuaries / Definition and measurement / Antonio Massaru...
- Subject and legislation--Encyclopedias Wa...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsIntroduction and overview Emerg......n the study of social exclusion / C.......n DeWall Basic and historical per......nal acceptance and rejection / Mark R. Leary and Catherine A. C......rell Ostracism and stages of copi...... D. Wesselmann and Kipling D. Wil......ude : how core social motives explain social exclusion / Michael S. North and Susan T. Fiske......otive model of social exclusion / La......he group level Social exclusion of i......Juan M. Madera and Michelle Hebl Theory and research on social exclusion in w......istin L. Scott and Stefan Thau Ex......hin the family and romantic relat......avid A. Sbarra and Ashley E. Mason The importanc...
- Subject HeadingMarginality, Social--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
- Related MaterialOxford library of psychology
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsIntroduction : environmental and conservation psychology / Susan D. Clayton and Carol D. approach to psychology / Harry Heft E......n : wayfinding and spatial cognit......Robert Gifford and Reuven Sussman Environmental values / Linda Steg and Judith I.M. de Groot Justice and the allocation......rrent concepts and future directi......offrey J. Syme and Blair E. Nancarrow Children and nature / Olin ......s Jr. Emotions and environment / Elisabeth Kals and Markus M. Mü Environment and identity / Sus......dential places and neighborhoods ...... healthy life, social integration, and reputable residence / Marino ...
- Subject Heading... Environmental psychology. Human ecology--Psychological aspect...
- Related MaterialOxford library of psychology
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsIntroduction and overview Conce......utline of the handbook of assessment and selection / Ne......itt Historical and social context of selection and the nature of ......nnel selection and assessment / Andrew J. Vinchur and Laura L. Koppe...... R. Murphy The social and organizational......rt E. Ployhart and Benjamin knowledge and suggestions of validity and the process of...... Dan J. Putka, and Rodney A. McCl......ctor measures, and performance ou......drienne Cadle, and Edward L. Levi......ional strategy and staffing / Joh...... P. Hausknecht and Patrick M. Wri......eorge C. Banks and Michael A. McDaniel Individua...
- Related MaterialOxford library of psychology
- Periodical TitleOxford library of psychology
National Diet Library
- Contents...eld of culture and psychology / John W. Berr......: orientations and strategies for......uestions about human social behavior : the social cognitive appr......ach to culture and psychology / Jack M. Feld......connectionism, and the self / Yoshihisa Kashima and Emiko S. Kashi......ective culture and social behavior / Jam......ld A. Litardo, and Choi K. Wan Mu......robes of basic human values / Shalom H. Sc......ective culture and the law / Roy ......cross-cultural psychology / James George......s / Kwok Leung and Darius K.-S. C......iko S. Kashima and Yoshihisa : research and innovations / ......ard W. Brislin and Dharm P.S. Bhawuk Culture and...
- Subject HeadingSocial psychology. Ethnopsychology. Context effects (Psychology) Sociale psychologie. Cross-culturele...
National Diet Library
- Contents...ntroduction to Human Affective Neur......pproach David Sander; Part II. Me......: 2. Objective and subjective mea......rine Gardhouse and Adam K. Anderson; 3. A two......road: efferent and afferent pathw......via D. Kreibig and Hugo D. Critch......y; 4. Electro- and magneto-enceph......udy of emotion Andreas Keil; 5. PET and fMRI: basic principles and applications i......orge L. Armony and Jun Eun Han; 6......ion Perception and Elicitation: 7......n: visual cues and neural mechani......inson; 9. Pain and the emotional ......ion perception and elicitation vi......rajita Mohanty and Jay A. Gottfri......Thomas Ethofer and Dirk Wildgruber; 12. Emotion ...
- Alternative TitleHandbook of human affective neuroscience
- Alternative TitleHandbook of human affective neuroscience
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingSocial psychology. Psychology.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....he SARS-COV-2 pandemic and its consequenc......ty of Palermos values and mission by bri...... of individual and community exis......cs during the pandemic, allowing ...... events unfold and knowledge is r......on the complex and multifaceted p...... the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequenc...... perspectives, and of a variety o......of the changes and crisis generat......both academics and professionals ...... the processes and the consequenc...... forth by the pandemic and presents a sol......ote to society and communities
- ContentsPart 1. Health and Medical Aspect......g transmission and measures to to monitor and to predict the......rt 2. Economic and Social Aspects Chapter 5. Covid-19 and economic crisi......: what we know and what we may ex......omic Scenarios and Policy 8. Covid-19 and Social Structure: Thr...... Part 3. Urban and Environmental 9. Dwelling and Covid-19 Chapt......r 10. Covid-19 and Ecosystems Chapter 11. Postpandemic Urban Habi......r 12. Covid 19 and Smart Cities P...... the COVID-19 Pandemic Chapter 14......hts, Balancing and Certainty Chap......ight to Health and Resource Allocation. Who Gets...
- Subject HeadingCOVID-19 Pandemic, 2020- Pandémie de COVID-19, 2020-
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....everal decades and multiple shift......htenment, Hume and Smith of man and the Smithian e...... with commerce and morality, thes......story of ideas and the history of economic and social theory. Also included is a su...
- Contents.... James Dunbar and Ideas of Sociality and Language in Ei......h-Century Scotland 3. James Dunbar and the Enlightenm......: James Dunbar and the Scottish Case 5. Sociality and Socialisation 6. Rude Religion: The Psychology of Polytheism ...... Adam Ferguson and the Principle ......ity in History and Social Life 10. Lusty Women and Loose Imaginat......stity 11. Hume and the Customary ......try, Knowledge and Humanity 12. Hume's ......Science of Man and the Anthropolo...... View 13. Hume and Superfluous Va......s) 14. Science and Superstition: Hume and Conservatism 1......uage 17. Smith and Science 18. Ad......merce, Liberty and Modernity 19. Adam Smith and ...
- Subject Heading...htenment--Scotland. Philosophy, S......Scottish. Scotland.
National Diet Library
- Contentspt. I. The human drama of abort......g of pregnancy and of a new indiv...... abortion Safe and unsafe abortio......l consequences Social consequences E......ith prevailing social norms Health c......ncerns Lack of social support pt. II. Values 7. Conflicting values encountered by...... professionals and the value of l...... Obstetricians and the fetus Medical technology and the presence o......tus Technology and the acceptance...... Obstetricians and unwanted pregn......c condemnation and private accept......tion to understanding the rule 8. Religious values The historical......ives Christian values about abortion The current po...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."What is national wellbeing and what is progre......ormance needed and how will they ......ere are we now and where to next?......ions are asked and answered in th...... an accessible and comprehensive ......n the country, and identifying and reviewing requ......e definitions, and takes a critic......rces, analyses and summary measur......onal wellbeing and progress"--
- Contents...onal wellbeing and why measure it......wellbeing? 1.9 And how to measure......onal wellbeing and its measuremen......e good society and philosophies o......bout the state and about the stat......ional accounts and GDP 2.6 More t......e than GDP 2.7 Social indicator movement and measuring qual......ife 2.8 Health and wellbeing 2.9 ......y of the goods and services we us...... of life (Sen) and the Human Development Index 2.13 Social capital and public value 2......mits to growth and sustainable de......wards economic social and environmental ......ic Performance and Social Progress 3.2 R......uses, effects, and correlates 4.3.2 Subjective c...
- Subject Heading...ll-being. Cost and standard of living. National income...
National Diet Library
- Contents...anifest in art Human evolution Industrial age and its failings S...... Japan, France and the new civilization Social tasks Social forms New kind...... in the Orient and in the Occiden......ion in history Humanity facing the unknown.
National Diet Library
- Contents... : Instruments and, disability and health : a tool to classify and measure functi......fe Development and assessment of ......culating QALYs and DALYs : methods and applications to fatal and non-fatal cond......certifications and the implicatio......s Completeness and accuracy of death dates and the implicatio......logical issues and advances Subje......ral principles and concepts -- Standard expected ye......ation, meaning and interpretation......isease burdens and economic impac......s, pathologies and metabolic diso......ncy : concepts and estimates Indi......uality of life and survival for comparative risk...
National Diet Library
- ContentsPart I: A psychosocial view of mental......psychoanalysis and mental illness Socialization, command of performance, and mental illness......ce of freudian psychology (1963) The val...... communication and education for ......n world (1963) Social science and psychiatry (19...... an integrated social science of beh......1967) Plea for social scientific syn...... great step in human evolution (196......-1975) Meaning and self-esteem Se......(1971) Culture and personality (1971) Social encounters (19......rger of animal and human studies (1974) Death and denial -- The ......f death (1973) Human character as a...... The nature of social evil (1975-posthumous) Beyond...
- Subject HeadingPsychology. Psychology, Pathological.......llected Works. Psychology, Social -- Collected Works.
National Diet Library
- S. McDougal and twentieth cent......s of authority and control. Mille......romoting peace and violence. Falk......rmination as a human right. of treaties and human rights Institu......egal tradition and the management......Reisman, W. M. and Suzuki, E. Recognition and social change in inte......ernational law and politics of marine science and research. John......n, D. M. Facts and value in the prevention and control of marine pollution.
National Diet Library
- Contents...even W. Hughes and Kenneth J. Mij......ohn S. Gitlitz and Henry A. Landsberger Inter-A...... Gustavo Lagos and Alberto Van Kl......ections on the social psychology of hegemony / ...... United States and Cuba in the se......oyra Democracy and the imposition of values : definitions and diplomacy / Jo...... Martz Part 3. Human rights and U.S. policy to......U.S. diplomacy and human rights in Lati......impact of U.S. human rights policy ......eph S. Tulchin Human rights and development : ......ard L. Clinton and R. Kenneth Godwin.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingSocial psychology -- Addresses, essays, lectures Psychology -- Addresses, essays, lecture...
- Subject Heading (ID)Social psychology -- Addresses, essays, lectures Psychology -- Addresses, essays, lecture...
- Note (General)Includes bibliographical references (p. 402-428) and indexes
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....transformation and preserving sen......dy. Automation and digitization h......ore convenient and comfortable. H......f removing the human element from human-centric system......s technologies and algorithms bec......pable. Leaving humanity behind, esp...... what makes us human from a physiological and psychological standpoint, the auth......physical world and virtual inform...... seeks to free humanity from its constraints and allow free the natural and extended body.......e next step in human evolution starts here
- Contents..., Duplication, and Fusionary-The Future of Humankind Through th......s of Automatic and Jizai 11 with Others and/or AI 16 Freel...... Between Jizai and Human Augmentation 1......rom Perceptual Psychology to VR 6 Manipu......g VR to Change Humans 9 Eliminating......of Dialogue 15 Psychology as Science 16 ...... Mutual Understanding Be Both Theory and Experimentatio......ain Activity 9 Human Body Editing P...... Generation of Human-Machine Intera......4th Generation Human-Robot Interact......r's Intentions and Actions 6 Usin......ill Not Understand Unless You Jum......moving the Arm and Sending It Out 8 Using Ventur...
- Subject HeadingHuman body (Philosophy) Humanity--Philosophy Human engineering Co...... (Philosophie) Humanité (Morale)--Philosophie Erg...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Using real-world examples and vivid illustra......about morality and demonstrates w......ed philosopher and writer Jonatha......s a thoughtful and contemporary t...... gender, race, and non-Western mo......moral theories and the thinkers behind them"--
- ContentsCh. 1 Moral Philosophy and Moral Experiments and Moral Your Understanding Apply Your Relativism and Pseudo-Relativ......enital Cutting and Cultural 3 Nihilism and Subjectivism of Nihilism and Subjectivism M......, Metaphysics, and Epistemology T......h. 4 Free Will and Moral Responsi...... Psychological and Physical Determinism and Moral 5 Religion and Natural Law Re......r Morality God and Moral Obligation Divine Command and the Euthyphro ......lemma Religion and Natural Law Natural Law and Reason The Fac......on Natural Law and Conscience Key Ter ms ch. 6 E...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....15 years or so and now sits along......titutional law and global adminis......rovide a broad and systematic vie......topics covered and the legal trad......nistrative law and regime type, a......trative power' and 'accountability', and deals with the......on, functions, and control of adm......trative power, and values of administrat......olume, experts and leaders in the......ure, exercise, and legal control ......titutional law and international ......great interest and importance not......s, government, and public policy.......h similarities and differences be......vernment power and its control countries and legal traditions"--Provided b...
- Contents...i Mallat Units and methods of com......level polities and governance reg......nistrative law and public adminis......chael Bertelli and Fiona Cece A Lindquist and David M Searle......nistrative law and economics / Nuno Garoupa and Sofia Amaral-G......on, reception, and transplantatio...... international and supranational ......Auby Democracy and authoritariani......nal executives and bureaucracies ......ns, their law, and legal scholars......: facilitating and overseeing pub......hrough 'thick' and 'thin' : compa......nistrative law and regulatory stu......nistrative law values and national security functions :...
- Title HeadingOxford handbooks