Search results 19
National Diet Library
- GPO Item No.0570-A (MF)
- Subject's Office -- Archives -- Microform catalogs World W...
- Note (General)...ion." Shipping list no.: 2003-0363-M Reproduction...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... Naturalization) が設立された. 1907年2......on Service, INS) が設立された. 1940年にはルーズベルト大統領の再編計画...
- Note (General)...ization Service) in 1954 and box markings) and transferre......o the National Archives on microfilm R......ed on next roll). Part of manifest for General...
- Note (Ownership and Custodial History)...米国国立公文書館 (RG 85) 原蔵. 1954-55年に移民帰化局が海軍省のマイクロ複写...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingUnited States. National Archives and Records Ad......New York (State) -- Bibliography -- Microform ...
- Note (General)Shipping list no.: 98-0055-M Physical descr...
- Note (Original Version)....C. : National Archives and Records Ad......理番号: 0570-A (MF)
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... Naturalization) が設立された. 1907年2......on Service, INS) が設立された. 1940年にはルーズベルト大統領の再編計画...
- Contents...x Box 4 (part 1). May 9, 1934 (first few pages) Box 4 (part 2). May 9, 1934 - June 23, 1936 ...
- Note (General)...ecord Group (RG) 85
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.資料の概要: ハワイ島ホノルル到着 (1852-1948), 出発 (1900-1949) 船舶のリスト. 乗客に関する...... / Foreign Port) の別, 簿冊番号, ページ番......, 「本土 (mainland)」にはアメリカとカナダが含まれ...... / Foreign Port) の別, 簿冊番号, ページ番....... 「本土 (mainland)」にはアメリカとカナダが含まれ...... Naturalization) が設立された. 1907年2......on Service, INS) が設立された. 1940年にはルーズベルト大統領の再編計画...
- Contents... in the Public Archives of Hawaii (now......e Hawaii State Archives) Series 2: Vessel Index to Inb...
- Note (General)...ization Service) in July 1955 a......o the National Archives on microfilm
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading...ates. National Archives and Records Service. Logbooks...
- Title HeadingSpecial list (National Archives (U.S.) ) ; no. 44.
- Author HeadingUnited States. National Archives and Records Service. Bradley,...
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading...ian Affairs -- Archives. United States. National Archives and Records Service. Indians ...
- Note (General)Previous ed. (1954) issued by the ...... U.S. National Archives and issued under title: List of cartographic records of th...
- Title HeadingNational Archives (U.S.) . List of cartographi......ndian Affairs. Special list (National Archives (U.S.) ) ; no. 13.
National Diet Library
- Title HeadingSpecial list (National Archives (U.S.) ) ; no. 42.
- Author HeadingUnited States. National Archives and Records Service. Mendelso...
National Diet Library
- Title HeadingSpecial list (National Archives (U.S.) ) ; no. 35.
- Author HeadingUnited States. National Archives and Records Service. Rowland,...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...n the National Archives Publisher's na......nged: National Archives and Records Administration
- Related Material... et al. (case V), March 3, 1947......n alphabetical list of names of accused, list of accused by ......Monroe Doctrine), 1910-1949 Rec......f Korea (Chosen), 1910-1929 Des......mania (Roumania) 1880-1906 Reco......n Porto (Puerto) Principe and X......hrifttums (PPK.) Despatches fro...... in Puerto Rico) CA. 1815-1845 ......ate, 1817-1906 Special interrogation ......hrifttums (PPK.) ; NSDAP - Gau ......en (Mainfranken) Despatches fro......ropaganda (RMVP) ; Reichspropag......Machtuebernahme) Guides to Germ......and Hiogo (Kobe), Japan, 1868-1......ena (Carthegena) Spain, 1863-19...... in Cette (Sète), 1802-1840 [microform] Despat...
- Alternative TitleFile microcopies of records in the National Archives
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...s in force : a list of treaties an......s in force : a list of treaties an......s in force : a list of treaties an......s in force : a list of treaties an......s in force : a list of treaties an......s in force : a list of treaties an......s in force : a list of treaties an......s in force : a list of treaties an......sdam Conference) Charter for th......s in force : a list of treaties an...... to Negotiate, list of products to......s in force : a list of treaties an......s in force : a list of treaties an......s in force : a list of treaties an......s in force : a list of treaties an......s in force : a list of treaties and other interna...
National Diet Library
- Contents.... Feb. 19 (1941) Def. Doc. No. ...... Mar. 11, (1941) Def. Doc. No. ...... Mar. 13, (1941) Def. Doc. No. ...... Apr. 12, (1941) Def. Doc. No. ...... Apr. 14, (1941) Def. Doc. No. ......Sept. 14, (1941) Def. Doc. No. ...... Apr. 19, (1941) Def. Doc. No. ...... of Showa (1938) Def. Doc. No. ......erdam (J.C.J.L.) represented by......Tokyo (N.K.K.K.) represented not Included) and Netherland...... (July 30, 1941)/ Consul-Genera......HIZAWA (Batavia) Def. Doc. No. ...... (July 30, 1941)/ Consul-Genera......HIZAWA (Batavia) Def. Doc. No. ...... (Aug. 28, 1934)/ The Chief of Mukden Special Services Kenji Doihara Def. D...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...tle 15, sec. 13) The elements o......c The structuralist controversy : ......mmittee of the Special Libraries Asso......nd design with special reference to i......e Group of the Special Libraries Asso......ion (with book lists in chapter II revised, 1948) Geological ske......ingway : journalist and artist Tax......Kallawaya herbalists and their med......uchea (Cambodia) : documents an......e Group of the Special Libraries Asso......r in the capitalist world-economy ......нашего времени Special nationwide survey what the pu...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...for prevention specialists General guide with special reference to t...... him (1826-1980) Multicultural ......identities Royalist officers in En......e Guide to the Archives of the and nationalist literature Sel......ion, 1789-1799 Listen to the stori...... international list of articles to research Special needs adoption......ive trends and specialized strategies......parative study Special education : a ......: a classified list of 3,150 American, Canadian, ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...s : a selected list of references ......nd Table (CPERT) of the Interna...... for the blind Special libraries-worl......and libraries, archives and museums Mu......blications (UAP) : a programme ......countries with special reference to A......Countries with special reference to Asia held at the...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... 1979 A select list of newsletters......atalogues with special reference to (13/2/86) Review of libr......on science (LIS) and informatio......on science (LIS) and informatio...... management (IM) Automated cata......ndard Book Code) : its developm...... Medicine (CSTM), held at the R......ouncil (England) Applications o......Buckinghamshire) and Leighton B......e (Bedfordshire) Research (12/2/86) The European i......nal Council on Archives Planning for h...... a preliminary list indicating pol......umentation (FID), National and ......ntation (ECSSID) : technical me......unified probabilistic model : report on an overse...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... writing A handlist to James Joyce......aking subject(s) : literature with a checklist of his publica......ction : a checklist of fiction in ......Cambridge ritualists James Joyce's......icae restitutae) : the 1651 tra......s Arcanum (1650) King Arthur : .......D. 1700, with special attention to t...... supplementary list of general (non-review) articles on li...... supplementary list of general (non-review) articles on li......ormation guide Listeners' guide to......eliminary checklist Perspectives o...... a descriptive list of manuscripts......dbook for film archives Civil War nove...... a descriptive listing and annotated bibliography...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...h author/title list and index
- Related Material...rfan (Turkistan) Исторія сасани......n (or Moravians) among the Tibe......layas : with a list of contributio...... Khiva, Khoqand) depuis les der......adir Châh (1153), jusqu'en 1233......gire (1740-1818) : traduction f......'oung Pao, ou, Archives concernant l'h......йцевъ (сойотовъ), абаканскихъ т......chaier (Sojonen), Abakan-Tatare......ческихъ таблицъ) Пролетариат и ......ха, сунны и пр.) Образование Ка......s well as civil) of those count......malereien Социалистическое строите......овари (фарханги) Nachrichten üb......rch 76-March 83) Description du......трехсотлѣтіе A list of inscription......(ок. 750-815 г.) : очеркъ изъ исторіи арабской...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... (Ibn Gebirol's) im Entwicklung......à 1258 de J.-C.) : scènes de la......ell'èra volgare) corredato dell......mann expedition) Rapport présen......1002-1071 J.-C.) Les saints lie......ire ottoman et spécialement en Égypte......nisation capitaliste au Maroc Nel ...... de Van (Aménie) Mogreb-el-Acks......e vollständige Liste der im Jahre ......or, A complete list of books, pape......1209+ und 1273+) mit einem Anha......(il Conte verde) Einer historis......and Established) : Sunday, 22 (15 mai 1860) La Russie en f......lcutta (1814-18) editions of th......ves de l'École spéciale des langues o......oman characters) : with English phonetic pronu...