Search results 4
National Diet Library
- Note (General)... for Airframes and Missiles of the ASTM-ASME ......ttee on Effect of Temperature on the Properties of Metals, and the Structural......tee, Institute of Metals, Metall......rgical Society of AIME ... held ......1963, in Cleveland, Ohio." On spine: Ultrahigh-strength steels.
- Alternative TitleUltrahigh-strength steels.
- Alternative TitleUltrahigh-strength steels.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...for production of multifunctional properties Zenji Horita 著 Strength and electrical conductivity of ultrafine grai...... High strength and high electrica......aracterization and application fo...... Strengthening and electrical conductivity of metals with na...... Investigation of phase transfor......he achievement of multifunctiona......ering in a nanostructured FePd alloy to...... a combination of high strength and high coercivit......ional bulk nanostructures:grain boundary structure and grain boundary diffusivity of severely strai......g the magnetic properties in a bulk Tao Wang 著 Soft magnetic and magnetostrictiv...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingMetallurgical Society of AIME American Society for Testing and Materials
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialSymposium on methods of testing buildi......54 Performance and durability of the window-wal......, September 17 and 18, 1956, Amer......ium on methods of measuring visc...... at high rates of shear Symposiu......d at a Meeting of Committee D-12 on Soap and Other Detergen......ty for Testing and Materials, Bos......Building seals and sealants Pesti......e formulations and delivery syste......the challenges of the current cr...... Skiing trauma and safety : seven...... investigation of zinc-coated and incoated wire and wire products ......nt maintenance and rehabilitation......Impact testing of metals Effects of radiation o...