abridged from the Funk & Wagnalls standard dictionary of the English language by James C. Fernald, Francis A. March ; associate editors: John W. Palmer ... [et al.]Funk & Wagnallsc1915
abridged from the Funk & Wagnalls standard dictionary of the English language by James C. Fernald, Francis A. March ; associate editors: John W. Palmer [et al.]Funk & Wagnallsc1909
abridged from the Funk & Wagnalls standard dictionary of the English language by James C. Fernald, Francis A. March ; associate editors: John W. Palmer [et al.]Funk & Wagnalls1908
Abridged from the Funk & Wagnalls Standard dictionary of the English language by James C. Fernald, editor, Francis A. March, consulting editor ; associate editor John W. Palmer ... [et al.]Funk & Wagnallsc1905, 1906
abridged from the Funk & Wagnalls standard dictionary of the English language by James C. Fernald, Francis A. March ; associate editors: John W. Palmer [et al.]Funk & Wagnalls1899