Whittlesey house, McGraw-Hill book company, inc.[1944]<636.5-J94s>
National Diet Library
Whittlesey house, McGraw-Hill book company, inc.[1943]<636.5-J94s>
National Diet Library
by Morley A. JullMcGraw-Hill1951
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Morley A. JullMcGrawーHill1951
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Jull,MorleyA.US Armed Forces Institute1943
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- Title HeadingSuccessful poultry management
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- Title HeadingSuccessful poultry management
byMorleyA.Jull ; withtheeditorialcollaborationofW.A.Ross.McGraw-Hill Book Comc1943.
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- Title HeadingSuccessful poultry management.
Morley A.JullThe Mcgraw−Hill Book Company, Inc.1944
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MorleyA.JullMcGraw‐Hill Book Co.c1943
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- Title HeadingSuccessful poultry management
by Morley A. JullPublished for the United States Armed Forces Institute by the MaGraw-Hill1944, c1943
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by Morley A. Jull ; with the editorial collaboration of W. A. RossPublished for the United States Armed Forces Institute by the MaGraw-Hill1944
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by Morley A. Jull, with the editorial collaboration of W.A. RossPublished for the U.S. Armed Forces Institute by McGraw‐Hill Book Co.c1943
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by Morley A. JullMcGraw-Hill1943
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Pubished for the United States Armed Forces Institute by McGraw-Hillc1945
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adapted by T.C. ByerlyPublished for the United States Armed Forces Institute by McGraw-Hillc1945
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Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...farm buildings Successful poultry management Using and managing soils Grow...
Published for the United States Armed Forces Institute by the Macmillan
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- Related Material...to the present Successful poultry management Adventures in ......rse, based on "Successful poultry management" by Morley A. Jull Turkey man...