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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."One of the greatest A......nent portrayer of youth. His famous wr......t children and youthful themes are ......Mark Twain and Youth make Twain eve......ully exploring youth themes in both......riginal essays offer new perspec......and adaptation of his works; and youth themes in his of Huckleberry Fi......The adventures of Tom Sawyer, Th......lson, and Joan of Arc. The book also includes a...
- ContentsMark Twain on youth and aging / Ho......eptive promise of youth / Lawrence Ber......blings / Henry Sweets Sam and Livy ......parents / John Bird Langdon Clemen......The adventures of Tom Sawyer / J......riends / Henry Sweets Health, disea......The adventures of Tom Sawyer / P......vis Adventures of Huckleberry Fi...... recollections of Joan of Arc / Ronald J......lack and white youth in Mark Twain's Hannibal / Sh...
- Subject Heading...0--Characters--Youth. Twain, Mark, ......-Childhood and youth. Twain, Mark, 1835-1910--Fami...
Recording Media映像資料
National Diet Library
- Alternative TitleSweet bird of youth
- Alternative TitleSweet bird of youth
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)"Sweet bird of youth first pusblish......d 1959. Period of adjustment fir......961. The night of the iguana first published in...
- Alternative TitleSweet bird of youth and other plays
- Alternative TitleSweet bird of youth and other plays
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...on a hot tin roof / Philip C. Kolin -- Sweet bird of youth / Katherine Weiss.
- Alternative TitlePlays of Tennessee Williams
National Diet Library
- Contents...ngales. Battle of angels. I rise......27 wagons full of cotton (1946) ......27 Wagons full of cotton (1953) ......on a hot tin roof [v. 2] 1957-19......y last summer. Sweet bird of youth. Period of adjustment. The night of the iguana. Th......eccentricities of a nightingale.......lated. Kingdom of earth (The seven descents of Myrtle). Small craft warnings...
Recording Media映像資料
National Diet Library
- Contents...bery (3)Refuge of the roads (4)Sweet bird of youth (5)Banquet (6)You're so squar...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingSweet bird of youth
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative TitleSweet bird of youth and others plays
- Alternative TitleSweet bird of youth and others plays
Recording Media映像資料
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative TitleSweet bird of youth
- Alternative TitleSweet bird of youth
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingSweet bird of youth. A streetcar named Desire. Th...
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan