Search results 18
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingLamb, Charles, 1775-1834 Lamb, Mary, 1764-1847 Heycock, David.
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)ラム ラム, チャールズ ラム, チャールス ラム, メアリー Lamb, Mary Ann
National Diet Library
- ContentsArthur Rackham / by Margery Darrel......Rip Van Winkle / by Washington Seven fairy tales / by The Brothers G......ures in Wonderland / by Lewis Carroll Three tales from Shakespeare / by Charles and Mary Lamb A Christmas carol / by Charles Dickens Fables / by Aesop.
- LC Control Number72081255 /AC/r73
- DDC823/.008 Fic
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingShakespeare, William, 1564-1616 -- Adaptations.
- Author HeadingLamb, Charles, 1775-1834 Lamb, Mary, 1764-1847
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)ラム ラム, チャールズ ラム, チャールス ラム, メアリー Lamb, Mary Ann
National Diet Library
- Author HeadingLamb, Charles, 1775-1834 Lamb, Mary, 1764-1847
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)ラム ラム, チャールズ ラム, チャールス ラム, メアリー Lamb, Mary Ann
National Diet Library
- Authority(Title Heading/broader/narrower)エリア随筆 ハムレット (戯曲) オセロー リア王 マクベス 終わりよければすべてよし ヴィーナスとアドーニス ソネット集 ウィンザーの陽気な女房たち タイタス・アンドロニカス リチャード二世 冬の夜話 ジュリアス・シーザー 尺には尺 じゃじゃ馬馴らし アントニーとクレオパトラ ヘンリー四世 テンペスト
- Author HeadingLamb, Charles, 1775-1834 Lamb, Mary, 1764-1847 Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)ラム ラム, チャールズ ラム, チャールス ラム, メアリー Lamb, Mary Ann シエィクスピア シェクスピア シェークスピア シェイクスピア, ウ......シエクスピア セキスピア シェークスピヤ セーキスピーア シエクスピヤ 沙士比阿 塞格斯比亜 西基斯比亜 Шекс...
National Diet Library
- LC Control Number55012628 /L/AC/r912
- Subject HeadingShakespeare, William, 1564-1616 -- Adaptations -- Juvenile literature. Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 -- Adaptations.
- Author HeadingLamb, Charles, 1775-1834 Lamb, Mary, 1764-1847
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingShakespeare, William, 1564-1616.
- Alternative TitleLamb's tales from Shakespeare.
- Alternative TitleLamb's tales from Shakespeare.
National Diet Library
- ContentsAlice in Wonderland / by Lewis Carroll Tales from Shakespeare / by Charles and Mary Lamb Gulliver in Lilliput, from Gulliver's travels / by Dean Swift Tales from the Arabian nights.
- Authority(Title Heading/broader/narrower)Through the looking-glass and what Alice found there Alice's adventures in Wonderland
- Author HeadingCarroll, Lewis, 1832-1898
Other Libraries in Japan
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Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Publisher varies: Bell & Daldy; G. Bell and Sons
- Related of Austria, from the accession revolution, by an officer of ...... Luther Novels and tales The letters of......ndence of Gray and Mason Memorial......e in the early and middle ages : ......: their church and state and especially of ...... the sixteenth and seventeenth Revolution, from 1789 to 1814 T......s of Louis XI. and Charles VIII kings of France, and of Charles the Bold, added the scandalous chronicle......y of Louis XI. by Jean de, sculptors, and architects The......gion : natural and revealed to the constitution and course of natu......sonal identity and on the nature of virtue, and ...
- Alternative TitleHenry Bohn's standard library Bohn's British classics Standard works
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Founded 1906 by J.M. Dent (d. 1926) ; edited by Ernest Rhys (d. 1946)
- Related MaterialChildhood, boyhood and youth Villette...... A Wonder book and Tangle wood tales Wild Wales Van......cial contract, and, Discourses Mi......Nicholas Nickleby Hans Brinker, ...... English songs and lyrics : with ......e Cristo Great tales of detection :......erbury Scarlet and black The shep......erd's calendar and other poems Po......tale of a tub, and other satires ...... Burns's poems and songs Tales from Shakespeare English poetry, 1700-1780 : contempo......aries of Swift and Johnson Utilit......t : selections from Auguste Comte and positivism Hyp......ship & Old age and Select letters......through Wales, and The description of Wales The ...
- Author Heading (ID)DA02670933
Other Libraries in Japan
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- Author Heading (ID)DA02227470
Other Libraries in Japan
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