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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... Starry Night, and even writing s......ians, artists, and writers? In th...... in the age of machines. Miller, an au......imic the brain and machines that have, Jeopardy!, and Go. In the cen...... us to artists and computer for poetry; and produced the w......nce, staged by Android Lloyd Webber and friends. But, ......ruly creative, machines will need to s...... consciousness and speaks to rese......velop emotions and consciousness ......ive as humans--and someday will art, music, and literature."--
- ContentsI. Understanding creativity ...... of creativity and two marks of, persevere, and don't be afrai...... ; Collaborate and compete ; Beg,......for experience and suffering ; Th......, imagination, and unpredictabili......scious thought and computers The ......ld go champion II. Portrait of t......Dream: how Alexander Mordvintsev ......gether artists and machine intell......: Damien Henry and a machine that dreams a landscape ; Mario Klingemann and His X degrees ......ertwining past and present ; Leon......people ; Refik Andol creates a dr......ool Hod Lipson and Patrick Tresse...... artist robots III. Machines that make music: p...
- Subject HeadingArt and computers Crea......mputer art Art and computers. Computer art. Crea...
National Diet Library
- Contents... of Creativity and Cultivating Creativity 1.Learning as a Creative ...... Creativity in Teaching and Learning / Ai-Girl Tan 4.Creativity and Problem-Based Learning (PBL): A Negle......J. Neuhaus pt. II Studies on Creativity and Cultivating Cr......ity 5.The What and the How of Cre......i 6.Creativity and Early Talent D...... Arts in Young and Schoolchildren......Self-Regulated Learning in School Transition and as a Creative ...... Self-Efficacy and Its Correlates......l Epistemology and Its Relationsh......ef Urhahne pt. III Conceptions and Studies on Creativity and Excellence in' Creativity and Innovation: A Key to Performa...
- Subject HeadingCreative ability. Creative teaching.
National Diet Library
- Contents...n I Historical and Contemporary I......tistics, Data, and Special Educat...... Hauth Section II Legal Aspects ......ateman Section III Research Meth......l Education: Standards and Quality Indica......itudinal Data, and Intervention R...... Meta-Analysis and Special Educat......arch Synthesis and Meta-Analysis ......o Intervention and Multi-Tiered S......g Difficulties and Identifying Learning Disability / J......e J. Kim 14. Standards-Based Reform and Students with ......ccomini 16. Co-Teaching for Students A Critical and Updated Analys......ok 17. General and Special Education Are (and Should Be) Different / Amanda...
- Genre/Form TermsHandbooks and manuals.
- Subject HeadingSpecial education--United States--Handbooks, manuals, etc. Special e...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related matter and disinfection b......aracterization and control in dri......l order Understanding greenhouse ......rate Chemistry and the Division of Microbial and Biochemical Te......976 Mechanisms and synthetic meth...... in Chemistry, and Physical Chemistry, and the U.S. Natio...... physiological and in vitro funct......reen chemistry and engineering Nuclear energy and the environmen...... undergraduate and graduate class......m, laboratory, and local community learning experiences dispersions and micellar behav......Robert D. Vold and Marjorie J. Vo......s Elements old and new : discover......s, challenges, and environmental implications So...
- Author Heading (ID)DA00350159
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialAn introduction to turbulence and its measuremen......s : principles and procedures The......smium, iridium and platinum Econo......nt expenditure and revenue in the......anning, policy and analysis Organ......etal compounds and related aspect......ental planning and management Fro......amics of spark and compression ig......, their design and development Th......can, Caribbean and Pacific states...... to the understanding of the Lomé......relations Data and formulae for e......lopment Health and disease in far......anges : theory and procedures Geo......ion geophysics and its allied sci...... of seismology and oceanography High-voltage eng...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe media handbook : a, research, and buying An Inte......ication theory and research Speak......people behind landmark First Amen......the blood : a handbook on AIDS, politics, and communication ......lobal messages and free market co......on as its site and surface Emotion and the structure, responses, and consequences T......dia, children, and the family : s......psychodynamic, and clinical perspectives Humor and the healing ar......n health care Handbook of visual ......eory, methods, and media Media se......ex differences and similarities i......ritical essays and empirical investigations of s...
- Author Heading (ID)DA0050406X D......81
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related in business and economics engineering and design Modern ......pace approach Vander's human phys......s for business and economics Airc...... to industrial and probability and statistics : principles and applications for engineering and the computing ......Communications and Networking performance and commitment in ......agement : text and cases Consumer......ics : concepts and applications B......: fundamentals and practice Funda......rkets : prices and policies Princ......ematical logic and computability ......nt : knowledge and skills Busines......ports medicine and athletic training Chemistry S...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Information and the practice o......ply of library and information se......tes of America and Canada : repor......Mini-computers and bibliographic ......der constraint and the future co-......on of academic and national libra......cered by the Standing Conference of National and University Libraries and the British Li...... librarianship and information sc......haracteristics and attitudes Use ......brary Research and Development De...... United States and an assessment ......reference to GKIII LaserData vis......iew of library and information se......s in Australia and New Zealand An investigati......00 : recording and reproducing; communications i...
- Alternative TitleBritish Library research and development re......brary research and development reports British L...
- Alternative TitleBritish Library research and development re......brary research and development reports British L...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialSoftware engineering and middleware : t......, SEM 2002, Orlando, FL, USA, May...... Communication and cooperation in......s in web based learning - ICWL 2006 : ......e Agents World II : Second Inter......apers Adaptive and Intelligent Sy......cer World Cup VIII Computer algebra and polynomials : ......ons of algebra and number theory ......edded Software and Systems : Firs......papers Machine learning and knowledge description and design : an ad......ürich, Switzerland, March 5-7, 19......, maintenance, and monitoring programming and combinatorial, The Netherlands, September 27-30, 1998 : pro...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialSecrecy and publicity : di......h century NASA and the space indu......gious politics and secular states...... Egypt, India, and the United Sta......nt in American and European space......ns, Europeans, and the remaking o...... on federalism and free : challenge and response in th......erican writers and the literary m......ture, mimesis, and anthropology T......acy, numeracy, and the computer r......Music in Greek and Roman culture ......ispheres north and south : econom......or examination and evaluation The......c reborn : war and the making of ......0-1820 Slavery and the literary i...... : immigration and the decline of citizenship Co...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...reek mythology and the Greek family Art in East and West : an intr......le Age Anarchy and order : essays......itics Jewish grandmothers : a vib......-life movement and its threat to Inquisition and liberty Justice and the press in the 16th and 17th centuries......o 1800 America and the crisis of ......l spirit : men and movements in t......ies : politics and the press The ......sophy Abortion II : making the r...... of F. W. Maitland Posthistoric m...... history Color and race Behavior mod and the managed so......ty Natural law and the theory of ......way Creativity and learning Force and freedom : ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...Aberdeen, Scotland, April-Novembe......the 1954 movie and its 1983 resto......mate, science, and life on earth ......ories Language and woman's place ......lkner, the man and the artist : a......omen, ecology, and the scientific...... lost boy The handbook of Chinese......state of mind, and other aphorism......awyers, ex-husbands, ex-wives, and past memories ......n She : understanding feminine ps......e myth of Amor and Psyche and using Jungian ......homas Cromwell and the English Re......x decades of scandal, politics, and greed behind H......g heaven : LSD and the American d......m Country inns and back roads, Continental Europ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...Medieval faith and symbolism Rode......ephen J. Field and Andrew Carnegie Th......n D. Roosevelt and the New Deal, ...... main problems and trends of thou......wn as the Blue and Brown books Th......Woodrow Wilson and the progressiv......0-1917 The raw and the cooked The......ries of aether and electricity Th...... Presidency of Andrew Jackson The......osophy of Bertrand Russell The en......rd Observation and explanation : ...... war, industry and the arts The of conduct and of faith The i...... system in England The age of ent......unity Morality and beyond Myths, dreams, and mysteries : th......mporary faiths and archaic realities The outlook...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related schools You and music Object-o......ything Anxiety and neurosis Londo......f politics England in the sevente......tury Apes, men and language A his......on The origins and growth of at spithead and the nore in 17......e Soviet Union and the Middle Eas...... : men, women, and rape A social literature and society The de......ciety The free and the unfree : a......Modern science and the nature of ......ental patients and other inmates Tradition and dream : a crit......vey of British and American ficti......sent day Islam and capitalism The......litical ethics and social change of animals and men The flamingo's smile Man ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...ion processing II : IFIP TC12/WG......on Processing (IIP2004), October......hina Knowledge and skill chains in engineering and manufacturing ......cturing 2002 (DIISM2002), Novemb......y of computing and education 2 (H......y of Computing and Education, Aug......, Italy Mobile and wireless commu......ence on Mobile and Wireless Commu......ts in security and trust : IFIP T......ts in Security and Trust (FAST), ......, Joint Itrust and PST Conference......ust Management and Security, July...... Manufacturing and Services, Niag......06 Information and communication ......e, E-business, and E-government :...... Certification and security in inter-organizatio...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... Union, China, and Cuba, 1928-197......e hundred thousand songs of Milar......tics : America and the end of the......ieval city Sex and society in Swe......dition Therapy and the arts : too......y Ways of the hand : the hunger Gods and games : toward......suicide, drugs and the good life ...... psychotherapy and psychoanalysis The raw and the cooked : i...... society Rites and symbols of ini......eries of birth and rebirth The pr...... Myths, dreams and mysteries : th......mporary faiths and archaic realit...... Making it Men and politics : eur......, Lee, Lincoln and the radicals :......eadership Evil and world order Johnny Panic and ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...ies, a Wiley brand The complete M......le for dummies Android game progr......ies, a Wiley brand Buddhism for d......ies, a Wiley brand Genetics for d......mmies Netscape and the World Wide......mies a Wiley brand Perl for dummi......ies, a Wiley brand Small business......ies, a Wiley brand Economics for ......r dummies Deep learning Controlling ch...... dummies HTML5 and CSS3 all-in-on......or dummies SAT II U.S. history : a Wiley brand Poetry for dum......mies a Wiley brand Basic maths fo......ies, a Wiley brand Urban planning......ies, a Wiley brand HTML for dummi...... Photoshop CS2 and digital photography for dummi...
- Alternative : a Wiley brand
- Alternative : a Wiley brand
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...cepts Strength and deformation ch...... high repeated and sustained load......mic simulation and control of dee......amical theory sandwich plates wit......technical memorandum The physics ......tress analysis and limiting equil......ic programming and approximation ......n during error-and success-feedba......bro-compaction and vibro-pile-driving and -pulling 量子電気力......roup Complexes and Cohomology stimuli and interaction variable bandwidth Influence......neers : volume II : common formu......initions Field and laboratory stu......ion elements. Sandwich panels and sheels (selected articles) In...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...mental reports and theses : abstr......mental reports and titles of thes......racterization, and terminology of...... wall footings and column footing......eting research and business manag......t-bottom vanes and improvements : key facts and basic consider...... study of base and bearing plates for columns and beams What pop......8 The strength and stiffness of s......ain resistance and tonnage rating......g publications and buying behavio......ght about jobs and people in indu...... tubes British and American manuf......: a comparison and interpretation......nt of friction and brake-shoe wea......ts development and present status Causes and con...