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National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Contents...cluding issues of composition as well as of activities and competences of the election a......nd functioning of the electoral administration in Bosnia and ......ovic Electoral administration in Armenia / G......d competencies of the electoral administration in the pre-ele......d impartiality of the electoral administration on election da......the importance of the management of the elections and the role of the electoral administrator /...
- Title HeadingScience and technique of democracy ; no. 41.
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)ヨーロッパ評議会 欧州会議 Council of Europe
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Available onlineNational Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading...Evaluation Tax administration and procedure -- United State...
- Note (Original Version)...84-6015) : The Office : The Office [distributor, 1997] SUPTD...
- Alternative TitleMore criteria needed on IRS' use of financial status audit techniques
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Note (General)...braries in microfiche Shipping list no.: 95-002...
- Note (Original Version)... G.P.O., Supt. of Docs., Congressional Sales Office, 1995 ISBN: 0160464161 SU...
- Author HeadingUnited States. Congress. House. Committee on House Administration. Subcommittee on Elections
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... and theories, techniques and practices......major health professions, including nursing, ph...
- Contents...ear Activities of daily living e......ture Addiction Administration of medication Ado......g Aerosol drug administration Affordable Car......scites Aseptic technique Asperger syndr......ed preparation techniques Behavioral, regulation of Breech birth B......Classification of teeth Clinical......s Cocaine Code of ethics for nur......usness, levels of Constipation C......lement, models of Disease transm......ysiology study of the heart Elec...... biophysical profile Fetal cell, properties of Gastric analys......ealth services administration Healthcare administration Healthcare fin......hcare, quality of Healthcare reform Healthcare ...
- Alternative TitleEncyclopedia of nursing & allied health
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... third edition of The Handbook of Security provi......nsive analysis of scholarly secu......he convergence of the cyber and ......hrough various offence types discussions of the impact of the pandemic. ......ions from some of the world's le......It speaks to professionals working in security ...
- Contents...e Subject Area of Security 2. Se......The Boundaries Of Security: Mean......d Implications Of Covid-19 On Cr......n And Analysis Of Crime Patterns......mato 7 PART 2. Offence Types. - ...... The Evolution Of The Terrorism ......ape In The Age Of Covid-19, Kuma......The Challenges Of Fraud In A Dig......, Dr. Yuriy Timofeyev And Mike S......aracteristics, Techniques And Response,......For Security Professionals, Professor Mike Levi......oring The Role Of Cyberbiosecuri......order Crime, Prof Anthony Minnaa...... The Evolution Of College And Un......knet: The Case Of Brand Abuse, Criminology Of Private Policing In Film, Ste...
Available onlineNational Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Contents...erican Academy of Child & Adoles......iety reduction techniques Apathy disorder Biofeedback Biomark......ychotic Trials of Intervention E......istical Manual of Mental Disorde......isease concept of chemical dependency Disorder of written expres......onal Institute of Mental Health ......isorder Origin of mental illness......ealth Services Administration Substance Abus......rentiated somatoform disorder Va......Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome Wide range achievem...
- Is Format Of...e encyclopedia of mental health. Fourth edition...
- Alternative TitleEncyclopedia of mental health
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....anged entries, of which about 10...... and theories, techniques and practices......major health professions, including nursing, ph...
- Contents...ear Activities of daily living Acupuncture Administration of medication Ado......g Aerosol drug administration Aging and the ......stosis Aseptic technique Asperger syndr......ed preparation techniques Behavioral, regulation of Breech birth B......Classification of teeth Clinical......s Cocaine Code of ethics for nur......usness, levels of Constraint-ind......lement, models of Disease transm......ysiology study of the heart Elec...... biophysical profile Fetal cell, properties of Gastric analys...... care, quality of Healthcare fin......ealth services administration Hearing Hearing aids Hearing ...
- Is Format Of...e encyclopedia of nursing and allied health. Fa...
National Diet Library
- Contents...blic personnel administration/HRM History, d......blic personnel administration: a conceptual ......blic personnel administration in historical ...... HRM in an era of downsizing, de......trategies, and techniques / Stephen W. ......ity in the age of globalization ......testing models of change / B. Gu......tegic analysis of the past, pres......PM Phase model of burnout as lev......commitment and off-campus consulting by public administration and affairs fa......blic personnel administration Equal opportun......sparate impact of traditional hu...... Changing role of government, challenges and op...
- Subject HeadingPublic administration. Manpower plan......zation. Public administration -- United States. Civil servi...
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents only http: //www.loc...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...tting. Geology of the Valley of the Kings / Ju......ury ; Toponyms of the Valley of the Kings and ...... The hydrology of the Valley of the Kings : we......he development of the royal necr......yptian concept of a royal necrop......yal cemeteries of Thebes, and the beginnings of the Valley of the Kings / Ai...... the workmen's techniques and tools, units of measurement, K......omponent parts of KV royal tombs...... in the Valley of the Kings / Ly......The technology of royal tomb dec......nd development of scenes / Heath......s. Royal tombs of the eighteenth...... ; Royal tombs of the nineteenth...... ; Royal tombs of the twentieth dynasty / Aidan...
- Subject HeadingValley of the Kings (Egy......-Egypt--Valley of the Kings--Han...... Egypt--Valley of the Kings. Gravar--historia. ...
- Alternative TitleHandbook of the Valley of the Kings Valley of the Kings
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...k Emerton Rule of Law / Kenneth ......orth Authority of the High Court of Australia / Kr......tone Standards of Review in Cons......utional Review of Legislation / ...... / Jeremy Kirk Techniques of Adjudication /...... Ng Separation of Legislative an......ens Separation of Judicial Power......utionalization of Administrative Law / Debra Mo...
National Diet Library
- Note (General)...raduate School of Administration"--Tech. rept. ......braries in microfiche "DOT/RSPA/DMA-50/84/19." ...
- Note (Original Version).... : U.S. Dept. of Transportation......ecial Programs Administration, Office of University Res......: 982-K-5 (microfiche)
- Author Heading... States. Dept. of Transportation. Office of University Res......raduate School of Administration
National Diet Library
- Note (General)Distributed to depository libraries in microfiche Physical description for ...
- Note (Original Version)原資料の出版事項: Washington, DC : The Office, 1988 SUPTDOC番号: Y 3.N 88...
- Author HeadingMeeting on Ultrasensitive Techniques for Measurement of Uranium in Bio......Nephrotoxicity of Uranium (1985 ......ry Commission. Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research P...
National Diet Library
- Note (Original Version), U.S. Dept. of Transportation, [1987] SUPTDO...
- Author Heading...Transportation Administration. University Research and Trai...
National Diet Library
- Note (General)...ision"--P. [2] of cover Physical description fo...
- Note (Original Version).... : U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Geological Surv...
- Author Heading...ederal Highway Administration
National Diet Library
- ContentsPt.1. The logistics of a national ass......reparation for administration in schools ; Administration in schools ; Tasks following administration Pt.2. School s......the population of interest ; Cre......ame ; Elements of sampling theor......; A comparison of SR400 data and......ith resampling techniques ; Creating jacknife zones an...
- Title HeadingNational assessments of educational achievement ; v. ...