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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Authority(Subject Heading/altLabel)アメリカ合衆国--対外関係 Imperialism
- Note (General)原タイトル: The new imperialism
- Additional TitleThe new imperialism
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingImperialism -- History. Co......story, Modern. Imperialismus. Kolonialismus. Europe -- C...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."In the late-nineteenth......eth centuries, the states of Japan......ssia and later the USSR, vied for ......heast Asia. In the process, they c......ntested and at the same time adopted, many of the physical and rh......s of Old-World imperialism, mitigated by ......perspective on the competing imperialisms in Northeast Asia in the period 1894-1953, exploring the encounters betw......old rivals and new protagonists. ......and drawing on newly-discovered a......perspective on the symbiotic relat......tance to them. The contributors fo...... understanding the imperial postur......etween some of the same protagonists today"--
- Subject HeadingImperialism East Asia--Foreign relations-...
- Related MaterialRoutledge studies in the modern history of Asia
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... book uncovers the League of Natio......n East Asia in the inter-war perio......By researching the field of social......ssues, namely, the trade in narcotics, the trafficking of women and the work in terms o......erm impacts on the international relations in the region but also argues that the Leagues works challenged the existing imperi......outheast Asia. The book offers a k......r East Asia in the twentieth century
- ContentsIntroduction Part I The League of Natio......rian Issues of the League of Nations Challenging the Imperial Order:......pium Expanding the Range: Japans Reaction to the Technical Co-op......ion with China The TWC as Another ...... for a Seat on the Council Who Controls the Co-operation: T......peration after the Outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War The Question of Emp......o-operation in the Yunnan-Burma Bo......erland in 1939 The Limits of the Leagues Control......m East Asia in the Architecture of the Post-War World: From the League to the UN Economic and Social Council...
- Title HeadingNew directions in East Asian hist...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ssible land on the peripheries of ......azakhstan, and the Xinjiang provin......fact stands at the crossroads of w......halid provides the first comprehen......tral Asia from the mid-eighteenth ......dding light on the historical have shaped the region under im......d populations, the peoples of Cent......ese rule after the 1700s. Khalid s......connections to the wider world. He explores how the Qing and Tsaris...... He highlights the deep interconnections between the "Russian" and "......mporary China. The essential history of one of the most diverse an......ant regions on the planet, this panoramic book re...
- ContentsThe Multiple Herita......f Central Asia The Manchu Conquest......Colonial Order New Visions of the World Imperial ......Disappointment The Threshold of the East A Soviet C......tern Turkestan The Crucible of War......nese Communism The Frontlines of the Cold War Unwant......Independence A New Central Asia Nationalizing St...
National Diet Library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...tion to Taiwan The decision to go ......rers Punishing the "savages" The fading dream of......ent Justifying the expedition in the Japanese media Conclusion.
- Subject HeadingImperialism--History--19th......tic relations. Imperialism. Politics and government. Jap...
- Related MaterialNew directions in East Asian hist...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The Oxford Handbook of Economic Imperialism examines unequ......tment gains at the international l......ive relations. The book contains t......and experts in the field of intern......tical economy. The chapters in the Handbook look at the history of economic imperialism from the early modern age to the present. They demonstrate the persistence of economic imperialism in today's pos......nial world and the enduring contro......ers even after the end of formal empire. The book reveals ho......mic control in new geographic and......ical contexts. The Handbook highlights the significance of economic imperialism in the structures, relations,...
- ContentsIntroduction: Economic imperialism in theory and ......rt one: Theory Imperialism and its critic......ssical Marxist imperialism theory: theories of imperialism in the post-cold war e......e and economic imperialism / Bill Dunn Capitalism, imperialism, and crises / Shireen Moosvi The clash of, and making the world market / Toby Carroll Imperialism from the eleventh century to the twenty-first ce......apitalism, and imperialism / Sébastien R......velopment, and the north-south div......transfer Susan Newman Internation......aoki Yoshihara Imperialism, unequal excha...... labour within the contours of imperialism: A his...
- Subject HeadingImperialism--Economic aspects Postcolonia...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Near the end of October ...... soldiers from New Brunswick were among the 1,975 Canadian ......r to reinforce the British Colony ......battle against the Imperial Japanese Army, the island fell to the invaders on Chr......o surrender by the governor of Hong Kong. The survivors were ......tive. Based on the first-hand accounts of the author's father......uet River, NB, The Endless Battle explores the Battle of Hong ......rmath, through the eyes of the soldiers. Durin......eir captivity, the POWs endured st......m illness. But the soldiers stuck to sabotage the Japanese war ef......sitively about the lingering effects of the traum...
- Title HeadingNew Brunswick military heritage s...
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading... 21st century. Imperialism. Militarism -- United States....
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.Assessing the transformation ......t discourse in the 21st century Ru......c issues. This new ethno-national...... but also in a new intellectual m......ea in 2014 and the subsequent transformed the nationalist dis......ian experts in the field of nation......igrantophobia; the relationship be......nationalism in the media; national......nationalism in the strategy of the Putin regime as well as a surv...
- ContentsThe ethnification nationalism The imperial syndro......ionalists from the start of Medved...... presidency to the war in Donbas: ......ration Backing the USSR 2.0: Russi......allying 'round the leader more than the flag: Changes i......ussia Blurring the boundary betwee......ic and ethnic: The Kremlin's new approach to na......litical crisis The place of economics in Russian ...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."The process of globalisation in the late nineteenth......ound effect on the trajectories of......onalism. While the existing literature on the subject has lar......emained within the confines of Conrad uses the example of mobi......nsformed under the auspices of glo......gration. Among the effects of cros......rculation were the emergence of di......c nationalism, the racialisation of the nation, the implementation of new border regimes, and the hegemony of ide....... Ranging from the African colonie...... and Brazil to the Polish speaking......onstrates that the dynamics of Ger...... negotiated in the Kaiserreich but also need to b...
- Contents...ive policy' in the colony and the metropole : 'ed......lia 3. Between the poles : mobilit......eal colony' 4. The politics of seg......l networks and the 'colourless peril' 5. 'Here, the German is not d......emigration and the nation's founta......ialisation and the globalisation of the national.
- Alternative TitleGlobalization and the nation in imperial Germany
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ory history of the British in India from the formal impositi......1857-1947) and the Americans in the Philippines fro......t analyzes how the senses created ......impressions of the agents of imperialism and their subj......ems, including the lived experience of empire, the comments (and c......s and reports, the appearance of lepers, the sound of bells, the odor of excrement, the feel of cloth against skin, the first taste of ......rial India and the Philippines had......ent ideas from the start about wha......d or bad. Both the British and the Americans saw themselves as the civilizers of w...... vital part of the civilizing process was to put ...
- Contents...bodied empires The senses and civi......ed Educating : new soundscapes Sanitizing : the campaigns again...... hapticity and the hazards of cont......s Conclusion : the senses at empire's end.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ction examines the philosophy, pol......f An Chunggun. The contributors an......o nationalism, imperialism, and the role of violence in politics.
- Contents...-gŭn Peace in the East, Xu YongCh......Chung-gŭn and the Genealogy of on Peace in the East, Suh Young......’s On Peace in the East, Franklin ...... RauschChapter The An Chung-gŭn’s......l and Peace in the East: The Effect of the 1905 "Japan-Kor......ung-gŭn’s and the Political Philo......ia, Yi Tae-Jin The Philosophy and ......ed On Peace in the East, Yamamuro ......ŭn’s Peace in the East : A Pioneer of the New Concept of East Asian Communi...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The end of Japan's ......e-establishing the postwar order. Moreover, as the authors argue, ......ves, which, in the case of Japan' considers the details of de-i......ese personnel, the redrawing of bo......war criminals, new arrangements f...... media and for the regulation of t......also discusses the continuing impa...... of empire: on the countries Asia, where the shadow of Japan......ues concerning the correct 'hub,' with the rest of the region not comfortably settled...
- Contents...e Section One. The new postwar order ...... Kato Kiyofumi The decline of the Japanese Empire and the transformation of the regional order ......zo Collapse of the Japanese empire and the great migration......als, POWs, and the imperial breakd...... Sandra Wilson The shifting politics of guilt : the campaign for the release of Japa......d death during the Pacific War Fra......rial Japan and the Soviet versions......macy, law, and the end of empire M......nn Sublimating the empire : how Ja......ast Asia" into the postwar period Kanda Yutaka The transformation ......r supporter of the Yoshida Doctrine : the case of Shiina Etsusaburo Park...
- Subject HeadingWorld War (1939-1945) Imperialism--History--20th......tic relations. Imperialism. Influence (Literary, artisti...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ceton in 1943, the collection of e......s largely held the field as the key book that studied the means and ends ......d thought, and the historical figu...... that history. The books, in two e......tegic studies. The first edition, ...... Princeton and the Institute of Ad......obal conflict. The subsequent prepared in the early 1980s and......Machiavelli to the Nuclear Age. In......reprinted from the earlier book, f......e revised, and the remainder-twent......ys-were wholly new, to reflect the updates in the field and also how the global politica......t had changed. The two books regarded as the founding and leading text in m...
- Contents... Introduction: The Indispensable A......s 1. Strategy: The History of an I...... Polybius, and the Legacies of the Ancient World /...... 3. Sun Zi and the Search for a Ti......achiavelli and the Naissance of Mo......hew Kroenig 5. The Elusive Meaning...... and Strategy: The Triumph of the Essential / Ant......ayer Mahan and the Strategy of Sea......r Hamilton and the Financial Sinews of Strategy /......Equilibrium in the Seventeenth Cen....... Napoleon and the Strategy of the Single Point / ......incy Adams and the Challenges of a......: Tecumseh and the Shawnee Confede......rancis Lieber, the Laws of War, and the Origins o...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... recent years, the charge has been......ies that break the bounds of law and the Constitution. I...... both parties. The Imperial Presidency and the Constitution ex......ves: analyzing the president's role in the administrative occupant of the modern 'Bully P......h Congress and the Supreme Court. The volume also deepens the discussion by t......e power during the Civil War where the tension between...... into question the 'rule of law' itself. The volume conclude......ination of how the Constitution's ......nd duties' for the president can p...... for assessing the propriety of executive behavio...
- Contents...tive state and the imperial presid......l history, and the invisible Congr......Rudalevige Can the Supreme Court c......Going to war : the constitutional ......tegic roots of the imperial presid......Presidency and the new "Bully pulpit" : exploring the powers-duties distinction / Jo...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....sian actors in the League of Natio......otal moment in the early stage of the development of ......ons. It breaks new ground by draw......ow actors from the region played s......les in shaping the emerging norms ...... that underpin the international system. The chapters cover cases from the three East Asia......s that involve the intersection of...... co-operation. The research draws on new material that outlook and the decolonization of the curriculum. Chr......l Relations at the LSE, where he Director of the Asia Research C......ign policy and the impact of cultu......y and power on the evolution of international soc...
- Contents...stern Asia and the League in globa......tsue Shinohara The League of Natio......idered : inter-imperialism, liberalism, and the League of Nations in Asia and the Pacific / Tomoko Akami The League’s technical work in the years of growin......civilisations. The Far-Eastern Bureau of the League of Nations : linking the regional and lawyers and the codification of......ational law in the League of Natio......ements between the League of Natio...... : coping with the League of Natio......s diplomats in the League Council : the challenge of ma...... and ideals in the Pacific settlem......'s response to the Ethiopian crisis (1935-1938) /...
- Title HeadingNew directions in East Asian hist...