クリス・ヴァン・オールズバーグ 絵と文, 村上春樹 訳河出書房新社1985.9<YQ11-488>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)原タイトル: The wreck of the Zephyr
- Additional TitleThe wreck of the Zephyr
Houghton Mifflinc1983.<Y19-A660>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
Allsburg Chris Van/著Books1986
Other Libraries in Japan
ChrisvanAllsburg 著Houghton Miffli1983
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingThe Wreck of the Zephyr
ChrisvanAllsburg textandillustrationsBostonHoughton Mifflin1983
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingThe wreck of the Zephyr
ChrisvanAllsburgHoughton Mifflin1983
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingThe wreck of the Zephyr
written and illustrated by Chris Van AllsburgAndersen1984
Other Libraries in Japan
Allsburg Chris Van/著Houghton1983
Other Libraries in Japan
written and illustrated by Chris Van AllsburgHoughton Mifflin1983
Other Libraries in Japan
ChrisVan*Allsburg 作・絵Houghton Mifflin社1983年
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Chris,VanAllsburg 文・絵Houghton Miffli1983
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingThe Wreck of the Zephyr
ChrisVanAllsburg/〔作〕Houghton Mifflinc1983
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingThe wreck of the Zephyr
Other Libraries in Japan
C・V・オールズバーグ/絵と文, 村上 春樹/訳河出書房新社1994
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative Title原書名:The wreck of the Zephyr