Search results 32
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingDrug and Narcotic Control -- United States. Substance-Related Disorders. Heroin.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.This book attempts to "bridge the gap between the explosion of n......l knowledge in the past three dec......should fulfill the role of a comp......derpinnings to the treatment of patients in clin...
- ContentsEmerging health perspectives The epidemiology o......nimals Role of the human laboratory in the development of......ubstance abuse The overview of the empirical lite...... phencyclidine The biology and tr......gical gambling The addiction mode......stracting from the Chinese experi......wing: emerging theory, research, ......ive behavioral therapy for addict......ncy management therapies Relapse ......erventions for the treatment of alcohol or other drug addictio...... and treatment The therapeutic commun......t unfolding in the recovery movem......tcomes Pharmacotherapy for alcoho......cation Pharmacotherapy of cocaine addiction Opio...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)... (series XXVI, Theater arts), 07421923 (series X...
- Related MaterialThe voices of African American women : the use of narrati......orial voice in the works of Harri......opian colleges The return of the gods : a philosophical/theological reappraisal of the writings of Er......led defense of the mother world A Beeth......e practice and the piano sonata, ......s 111 Anger in the Old Testament The co-existence o...... evil Critical theoretical inquiry on the notion of act in the metaphysics of......istic study of American punctuation Po...... modernity and the (un)Commonweal...... contemporánea The promised end :......nce closure in the Gawain-poet, reading of the theology of Walter Rauschenbu...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Issued by: Weatherhead East Asia......hington Press, The University of Chicago Press, ...
- Related Material...ese sources on the history of the Chinese Commun......f materials in the East Asiatic L......University and the Division of Or......n prewar Japan The Korean Communi......ent, 1918-1948 The North Korean r......ion, 1945-1950 The first Vietnam ......tarianism, and the limits of Budd......lizing without the masses :, Japan, and the political econ......demption after empire Contemporary J......nstruction and the formation of a......mic narratives The cultural revol......rial : Mao and the Gang of Four A......ina & Russia : the "great game" The Pacific basin ......challenges for the United States Reformer in mod...
- Alternative TitleA study of the East Asian Ins......ute Studies of the East Asian Ins......y A studies of the East Asian Ins......ity Studies of the Weatherhead East Asia......ute A study of the Weatherhead East Asia......ute Studies of the Weatherhead East Asia......ity A study of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Co...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related et Zéphyr ; The yellowplush correspondence ; The tremendous Melville's The confidence-man......his masquerade The Regency compan......n encyclopedia The new Arthurian encyclopedia The musical microc......resource guide American women short to research The "Jewish questi......a bibliography The lives of Jesus...... literature of the British Isles ......f paintings in the visual collect......lic meaning in The rainbow and Women in love The Romantic movem......ibliography of the writings of Wa......gita Kunio and the folklore movement : the search for Jap......istinctiveness The critical history of Edgar All...
- Alternative TitleGarland reference library in the humanities
- Alternative TitleGarland reference library in the humanities
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialCalifornia crucible : the forging of modern American liberalism Rob......rt McNamara's other war : the World Bank and......y Luce's media empire Set the world on fire ......list women and the global struggl......rning bodies : American politics and the shaping of the modern physiqu......gregation, and the myth of American sectionalism W......E.B. Du Bois : American prophet An army of lions : the civil rights struggle before the NAACP Media nation : the political hist......a Camden after the fall : decline...... of progress : the left-liberal t......s Bolsheviki : the origins of fem......onservatism in the United States Peace and freed...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialFrances Trollope and the novel of social change The stone and the scorpion : the female subject of desire in the novels of Char......nd narrative : the early novels Stein Latin American women : histor......opean women on the left : sociali...... feminism, and the problems faced......women, 1880 to the present Nobody......less women and theories of the welfare state (Un)doing the missionary pos......emporary Asian American women's writin......divorced women The repair of the world : the novels of Marg...... politics, and the United, and the Hormel Strike ......85-86 Women of the Grange : mutuality and sister...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... school reform The challenge of the passing years ...... time Close to the bone : illness and the search for meaning The Iraq war reade...... Heat and dust The happiest man a......f Henry Miller The varieties of r......n human nature The closing of the American mind Our bodie...... for a new era The pursuit of virtue and other Tory notions his class : the biography of McCain : an American odyssey The agency : the rise and decline of the CIA A beautiful mind : the life of mathematical genius ......eate John Nash The giants : Russi......ife Walking in the sacred manner ......icine women of the Plains Indians Life in motion...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe tragedy of Chi...... International theory : to the brink and beyo......rry S. Truman, the man from Indep......change Getting the donkey out of the ditch : the Democratic releases in American political camp......autonomy in southern Africa Polit......and conflict : the Palestine Johnson and the uses of power ......ced capitalism The U.S. Constitut...... : terminating the Taiwan Treaty ......ons policy and the political proc......nal innovation The president and ......hip and change The later security......nfederations : the American, "new" Swiss, ......prosecution? : The inducement and implementation...
Other Libraries in Japan
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Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Publisher varies: Basic Books, Harper & Brothers
- Related MaterialThe Hellenic world......oderick Hudson American conservatism in the age of enterpr......ndrew Carnegie The philosophy of mathematics : an int...... Roosevelt and the New Deal, 1932-1940 The house of intel......n spirituality American ethnic politics The nature of life : the main problems ......ry studies for the Philosophical ......rally known as the Blue and Brown books The travail of rel......row Wilson and the progressive era, 1910-1917 The raw and the cooked The Logic of scien...... of immigrants The class structure of the advanced socie......s A history of the theories of aether and electricity The social insects Imperial democ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...tion in Mexico The Generation of ...... culture after the Holocaust In D......eria--feminism The scandal of Susan Sontag The apparitional l...... : feminism at the turn of the century The Poetics of gen......inking through the body Engaging ......ism Gender and the politics of hi......erspectives on the well of loneli......sion, and Afro-American women's novels......nist writing Mothers in law : feminist theory and the legal regulation of motherhood George Sa......orary feminism The dialogic and d......ference : "An/other woman" in Vir......en writers and the novel of devel......t Cool men and the second sex Rape and represent...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...ritical papers The English spirit...... Walpole, and others A fable for ......e portraits of the authors de qui......ry composers : American music in the twentieth century The Western intell......nardo to Hegel The French ideal :...... Fénelon, and other essays The danger of bein......entleman, and other essays The human worth of...... Guatemala and the Southwest Note......-five papers hitherto unpublished...... writers Great American foundresses The little package......r and create : the contemporary Tomorrow in the making Criticism and other addresses Challenge to the New Deal The tenth muse : essays in critic...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...listic world Fathers and sons : Russia at the cross-roads Madame Bovary : the end of romance Our town : an American play The narrative of A......rdon Pym : and the abyss of inter...... A portrait of the artist as a : voices of the text Death in ......aking a master The scarlet letter : a reading The grapes of wrath : trouble in the promised land ......oy's mirror of the world Wuthering Heights : the writing in the margin Sons an......ion and desire The interpretation......eams : Freud's theories revisited The secret garden ......oll Flanders : the making of a, Yerma, and The house of Bernarda Alba : Garc...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe case for grammatical theory Japan and the city of London The making of Menander's comedy The man behind the bridge : Colonel Toosey and the River Kwai Women, Europe and the new languages of politics The Elizabethan pa...... Criticism and the nineteenth century The Honda book of ......onsibilities : the case of arms control The Falklands crisis : the rights and the wrongs Ways : a quantum-theoretical approa...... Language and other semiotic systems of culture The political econ......rical contexts The developing countries and the world economic......try Cinema and the second sex : women's filmmaki...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...untability in Athenian government...... of splendor : the relief mirrors of the Etruscans Polykleitos, the Doryphoros, an......: an anthology Theocritus' pastoral analogies : the formation of a......ora's senses : the feminine character of the ancient text The slave in Gellius and the fantasy of the Roman library ...... reintroducing the Iliad Repeat p......repetition and the Metamorphoses Wit and the writing of history : the rhetoric of hi...... courtesans in the ancient world Roman elegy The styles of ca. ....... Worshipping Athena : Panathenaia and Parthenon Kallimachos : the Alexandrian Library and the o...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...economy : a synthesis Building the unfinished : a......h by telephone The American corporate netw......unity politics The struggle for p......: who controls the schools in England and the United States ......ture and law : theoretical and em...... colonialism : the future of inte......blic affairs : the Chicago School......: an appraisal The violent home C...... participation The economics of c......ns Persuasion, theory and context......articipation : the decline of com...... birth defects The structure of a......uman reflexion Heroin, deviance, and morality The last frontier : the social meaning......of growing old The penalty of death The legal pr...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Other publisher : Plume
- Related MaterialNew American short stories 2 : the writers select their own favorite......: a history of American animated cartoons The making of The African Queen,......field guide to American architecture Managing for the future : the 1990s and beyo...... Montessori in the home : the school years Banana : the fate of the fruit that changed the world The book of looks and discuss their favorite fil......lim women lift the veil of silence on the Islamic world to colleges The Spanish Inquis...... of connection The Fed : the inside story of how the world's most p......itution drives the market from around the world The Womanly art of brea...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...ord, H.C.G. Matthew, H.M. Mayr-Harting, A.J. Nic...
- Related MaterialPhilo-semitism and the readmission of the Jews to England, 1603-1655 The rise of histor......d authority in the Middle Ages : prophets and their critics from...... and physician The role of art in the late Anglo-Sax......ts of Moscow : the Hungarian Comm......nist Party and the origins of soc......tism 1941-1953 The foundations of Ostpolitik : the making of the Moscow Treaty Germany and the USSR The Protestant Cru......d barristers : the Inns of Court and the English bar, 1......and society in the Norman princip......and society in the fin de siècle ...... James Fox and the disintegration of the Whig Party, 1782-1794 Policy-...
Other Libraries in Japan
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