Search results 87
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."The past twenty ye......s, prompted by the early experience of the European Econo......y Union and by the existential cr......experienced by the euro area as a part of the global a range of themes in these two waves of...... currency area theory, new views on the policy choices, and the past and prese......that addresses the question of complementary ins...
- Contents... Rose (1998), 'The Endogeneity of the Optimum Curren......erfections and the Theory of Optimum ......Functioning in the Euro Area', Jo......o Borrows from the Lender of Last......rauwe (2013), 'The European Centr......Last resort in the Government Bon...... Lane (2006), 'The Real Effects o......e is Europe to the USA?', Journal......oductions, and the Real Exchange ......ield Curves in the Euro Area', Re......i (2015), 'Has the Eurozone Becom...... Lane (2012), 'The European Sover......baugh (2012), 'The Euro's Three C......), 'Inspecting the Mechanism: Leverage and the Great Recession in the Eurozone', American Economic ...
- Title HeadingInternational library of critical writings in finan...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....atively affect the physical and p......f its members. They raise importa...... practical and theoretical questi......ld treat each other in times of 'crisis'. The articles selec......olume focus on the nature and sig......s in emergency public policy and law......ergencies; and public health and hum......ergencies. Together they demonstrate the normative impl......erspectives on the ethics of emergency response.
- Contents...ts note: pt. I THE NATURE AND SIG......, in Political Theology: Four Chapters on the Concept of Sov......George Schwab, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. 5-1......Proceedings of the Aristotelian S......king Sense of "Public" Emergencies',......uld We Blow Up the Fat Man?', in ...... Naomi Zack 5.`The Moral Black Hole', Ethical Theory and Moral P......`Deontology at the Threshold', Lectures on the Philosophy of ......vid Wiggins 9.`The Ethics of Emergencies', in The Virtue of Self......S IN EMERGENCY PUBLIC POLICY AND LAW......t P. Green 14.`The Ethics of Pric......MERGENCIES 15.`The Ethics of Emergency', in The ...
- Related MaterialThe library of essays on emergency ethics...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingChicago Public Library. Libraries and metropolitan areas -- Illinois -- Chicago.
- Note (General)...d J. Sager and the administrative...... submission to the Illinois State Library, July 1979." Cover title: The five-year plans of the Chicago Public Library and the Chicago Library System, 1979-1983.
- Alternative TitleThe five-year plans of the Chicago Public Library and the Chicago Library System, 1979-1983.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsThe library in its social ......lan Lushington The library user as custom......Norma Blake On the typology of the library / Ursula Kleef......nd function in library design / Karl-Heinz Schmitz Public libraries in the United States ......hington Toward the design of libr....../ Liliane Wong Library spaces for chi......otek. National Library Singapore. Bib......reno. National Library of China. Deut...... Nationalbibliothek ; Large public libraries. Bur......n Barr Central Library. Millenium Library. Seattle Public Library. OBA - Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam. Stadtbibliothek am Mailänder Platz. Library of Birmingham ; Small public ...
- Subject HeadingLibrary architecture. Library buildings.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingAdult education -- Illinois -- Chicago Libraries and adult education -- Illinois -- Chicago
- Alternative TitleFinal performance report for the Chicago Public Library North Austin Branch
- Alternative TitleFinal performance report for the Chicago Public Library North Austin Branch
National Diet Library
- ContentsChicago standard opera......n community at the Concordia University Library / Krista M. Re......s Santa Monica Public Library collaborates w......ot every green library needs to be Sustainable library design : a case study of library construction on the East end of Lo......e University's Library Environmental ......Ostrom Tending the garden : growi......your own green library committee / Hisle, & Matthew Reynolds West......ouver Memorial Library : green by nat......ker Greening a library, greening a community : the Calgary Public Library's eco-action p......semary Griebel Library-sponsored sustainable living ...
- Subject Heading...and community. Library buildings--Environmental aspe...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingUniversity of Chicago. Graduate Library School -- History. Library education -- Illinois -- Chicago -- History.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingChicago Public Library. Libraries and......-- Illinois -- Chicago. Organizationa......e. Bibliotecas Publicas.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, I situates the Holocaust as a...... II focuses on the prosecution of...... III describes the efforts of Hol......t IV considers the extent to which the First Amendmen...... modern Nazis. The first casebook...... kind, Law and the Holocaust features 71 princip...
- Contents...sellschaft; In the Matter of M.; ...... II. Punishing the Perpetrators B. The IMT, Dachau, a...... v. Johnson C. The Eichmann trial......I. Restituting the Victims B. of Wally G. The political ques......hiteman v. Dorotheum GmbH H. The foreign immunity. Republic of Austria v. Csepel v. Republic of Hungary; Simon v. Republic of Hungary J. The act of state d......kaya Part IV. Other Vestiges B. "......f Survivors of the Riga Ghetto, I...... v. California Library Association; In the Matter of the Application of......Grutzmacher v. Chicago Sun-Times, Inc...... Department of Public Safety and Correctional Servi...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading図書館 (地理区分) Public libraries -- Congresses.
- Note (General)"The papers in this volume were published originally in the Library Quarterly, October 1978."
- Author HeadingRayward, W. Boyd, 1939- University of Chicago. Graduate Library School.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingLibraries and metropolitan areas -- Congresses. Public libraries -- Congresses.
- Note (General)"Papers ... published originally in the Library quarterly, January 1968."
- Author HeadingCarnovsky, Leon, 1903- University of Chicago. Graduate Library School.
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingChicago Public Library. Libraries -- Illinois. Chicago (Ill.) -- Libraries.
- Note (General)Issued also as thesis (PH. D.) University of Chicago.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingChicago Public Library. Libraries -- Illinois. Chicago (Ill.) -- Libraries.
- Note (General)Issued also as thesis (PH. D.) University of Chicago.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Reprint of the author's thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Il...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Reprint of the author's thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Il...
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe undergraduate and the Harvard Library, 1877-1937 / R......bert W. Lovett The undergraduate and the Harvard Library, 1937-1947 / K......yes D. Metcalf The Lamont Library, II, function ......Metcalf Lamont Library : the first year / E. William The selection of E. Williams The Lamont catatlo......ur M. McAnally The college library at the University of Chicago / Stanley E. Gwynn Lamont Library, Harvard Colle......William S. Dix The vital core / Wyman W. Parker The divisional plan library / Frank A. Lun......William S. Dix The case for the separate undergraduate library / Frederick H. Wagman The undergraduate library at the ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingChicago Public Library. Library surveys.
- Note (General)Half-title: The University of Chicago studies in library science.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...of visitors to the U.S. Chicago Japanese YMCA ......regulations of the Chicago Japanese YMCA ......基督敎靑年會歌 (葉書) = The Chicago Japanese YMCA song (post card...
- Related MaterialBunseishoin digital library
- Periodical TitleBunseishoin digital library