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National Diet Library
- Note (General)At head of title: Technical University of Varna.
- Alternative TitleThe crash of Albert Einstein's theory of relativity
- Alternative TitleThe crash of Albert Einstein's theory of relativity
Recording Media電子資料
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- ContentsIntroduction : a difficult theory The speed of light and clas......sics Light and the structure of space-time Toward a new theory of gravitation Einstein's principles The birth of general relativity General relativity : a physical geometry Relativity verified : Mercury's anomaly Relativity verified : the deflection of light rays Relativity verified : the line shift The crossing of the desert An unpopular theory The rejection of black holes Pa...... and cosmology The paths of general relativity.
- Subject HeadingEinstein, Albert, 1879-1955. General relativity (Physics) Spac......e relativiteitstheorie. History of science - Nuclear physics - 2...
- Note (General)Translation of: Einstein et la relativité générale.
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Authority(Subject Heading/altLabel)相対性理論 相対論 特殊相対性理論 一般相対性理論 Relativity (Physics)
- Note (General)原タイトル: The Einstein theory of relativity
- Additional TitleThe Einstein theory of relativity
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingEinstein, Albert, 1879-...... ドイツ語. Special relativity (Physics) Manuscripts, German...
- Alternative Title1912 manuscript on the special theory of relativity
- Alternative Title1912 manuscript on the special theory of relativity
National Diet Library
- Contents...ace Prologue : The immortal : Einstein's secret 1. Hi......second birth : the fateful year 1...... Albert became Einstein : the psychological makeup of a genius 3. " inventor 4. Of dwarfs and gia...... brief history of science, according to Einstein 5. The burden of inheritance : Einstein detectives in ......lsa or Ilse" : the physicist and the women 7. The miraculous path to the miraculous year : Einstein's angels 8. Squaring the light : why Einstein had to discover the theory of relativity 9. Why is the sky blue? : Einstein - a career 10......., your Papa" : the drama of the brilliant father 11. Anatomy of a discovery :...
- Subject HeadingEinstein, Albert, 1879-1955. Physicist...
- Title HeadingEinstein. English.
National Diet Library
- Contentsv. 1. Einstein's Zurich noteb......[et al.] v. 2. Einstein's Zurich noteb......Gravitation in the twilight of classical phys......chanics, field theory, and astron......Gravitation in the twilight of classical physics : the promise of mathematics / edited by Jürgen Renn...
- Subject HeadingEinstein, Albert, 1879-1955. Einstein, Albert, 1879-......, etc. General relativity (Physics) Relativity (Physics) Relativiteitstheorie. Natuurwet......etenschapsfilosofie.
- Note (General)...ted URL: Table of contents only http: //www.loc...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."The aim of this two-volum......hensive review of one hundred years of development of general relativity and its scient...... and review to the fascinating and profound subject of general relativity, its historica...... its important theoretical conseq......and cosmology. The series focuses......n five aspects of the theory: Genesis, S......antum Gravity. The first three to......n Volume 1 and the remaining two ......nce volume for the related topic"--
- ContentsVolume 1: A genesis of special relativity / Valerie Mess......ellier Genesis of general relativity: a concise exp......Kerr solutions of Einstein's field equati......Poincaré gauge theories: a covari...... structure and the cosmic connect......ophysical test of fundamental ph......r-system tests of relativistic g......urces, methods of detection and ......ume 2: General relativity and cosmology ...... Davis Physics of the cosmic microwa......lation, string theory and cosmic ......s / David Chernoff and Henry Tye...... brief history of ideas and some...... gravity comes of age / R. Woodard Black hole thermodynamics / S. Carlip Loop q...
- Subject HeadingGeneral relativity (Physics)--History. Gravitati...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsTable of contents Prefa......e: New look at the legacy of Albert Einstein Part I: First ......Physics before Einstein Early years Special relativity and "The Miracle Year" ......e-time General relativity and "The Happiest Thoug...... Unified field theory Unification and the quantum, peace, and Einstein's prophetic legacy.
- Subject HeadingEinstein, Albert, 1879-1955. Space and time. Relativity (Physics)
- Note (General)...ted URL: Table of contents http: //
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Historically, the scientific proposing a theory, making a prediction of something not ......known, testing the prediction, and giving up the theory (or substan......t) if it fails the test. A theory that leads ......ely treated as the conventional method of achieving scie......sed throughout the twentieth century as the standard route...... it relates to the development of science throughout the last century. ......d Brush blends the two in order t......ral cases from the history of modern physica......e for benzene, the light-quantum hypothesis, quantum me......cs, chromosome theory, and natural selection. In...
- Contents...: 1. Who Needs the Scientific Method? 1.1. The Rings of Uranus 1.2. Ma...... Orbitals 1.8. The Unscientific (......essful) Method of Dirac and Einstein: Can We Trust ......iments to Test Theories? 1.9. Why...... Icarus? 1.10. The Plurality of Scientific Met...... by Historians of Science 2.1. W......eception? 2.2. The Copernican Hel...... 2.4. Darwin's Theory of Evolution by N.......5. Bohr Model of the Atom 2.6. Conc......ion-Testing in the Evaluation of Theories: A Controversy in the Philosophy of Science 3.1. I.......2. Novelty in the Philosophy of Science 3.3. W......ories 3.6. Are Theorists Less Tru......bservers? 3.7. The Fallacy of Falsifiability: Ev...
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading宇宙論. 相対性原理. 光. Cosmology. Relativity (Physics) Light -- Transmissi...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingEinstein, Albert, 1879-1955. 物理学. 科学論....
- Note (General)Translation of: Filosofskie vozzrenii͡a A. Ėĭnshteĭna...
National Diet Library
- Author HeadingSotheby's (Firm)
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingEinstein, Albert, 1879-1955
- Note (General)新装版 原タイトル: Albert Einstein and the theory of relativity
- Additional TitleAlbert Einstein and the theory of relativity
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading相対性原理. 科学論. 認識論. Relativity (Physics) Science -- Philosop...
- Note (General)Translation of: La déduction relativiste.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingRelativity (Physics) . Relativity (Physics) -- Bibliography.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....pseudoscience. The material is presented in layp...
- Contents.../ Bill Poirier The singular quant......ird? ; What do the experts say? ; What hope is there for the rest of us? ; What mat...... use this book The bipolar quantu......uantum soccer: the double-slit ex......iment: quantum The plural quanta: expanding the wavefunction. ......ödinger's cat The "spooky" quant......ables ; Bell's theorem ; EPRB as a game of coin toss: cla......EPRB as a game of coin toss: qua......sion ; Playing the "What If?" game Where the weird things are. Where are they? Where are we......nterpretations of quantum physic......lar depictions of quantum physic...... Looking under the hood: the mathematical "metho...
- Subject HeadingQuantum theory. Black holes (Astronomy) M...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....atic treatment of both the interpretation and the foundations of quantum mechan......horny problems of fundamental physics. The first aspect c......nterpretation. The author raises the central proble......and causality. The main positions on these subjects analysed. The aim is to show that the main schools c......nterpretation. The second aspect ...... is shown that the whole theory can be grou......on information theory. The distinction be...... mechanics and relativity. Category theory is presente......rmation shown; the logic and epis......ological bases of the theory are assessed. Of r...
- Contents...viations; List of Figures; List of Tables; 1 Summary of the Basic Elements of the Theory; 1.1 The Beginning of Quantum Mechan......cs; 1.1.1 From the Classical to the Quantum World; 1.1.2 The Quantum Postul......tinuity; 1.1.3 The Road to the Schrödinger Equation; 1.2 The Basic Principles of Quantum Mechanics; 1.2.1 The Superposition ......inciple; 1.2.2 The Quantisation 1.3 Some Further Principles1.3......nd Spin; 1.3.2 The Correspondence......inciple; 1.3.3 The Complementarit...... References; 2 The Main Problems;......1 Two Pictures of Quantum Dynami.......1.3 What Does the Quantum-Mechan...... Tell Us?; 2.2 The Measurement Problem; 2.2.1 It...
- Subject HeadingQuantum theory
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingEinstein, Albert, 1879-......story. General relativity (Physics) -- History.
National Diet Library
- ContentsEinstein's Europe / Fel......Gilbert Albert Einstein : encounter wi...... / Harry Woolf Relativity and twentieth-....../ Ernest Nagel Einstein's scientific program : the formative year......olton On some other approaches to......Miller Special relativity theory in engineer......lfgang K.H. Panofsky Comments on "Special relativity theory in engineer......enges posed by the general theory of relativity / Irwin I. Sha...... "Experimental relativity / David T. Wilkinson Theoretical advances in general relativity / Stephen W. H...... S. Hawking's "Theoretical advances in general relativity" / William G. ......m foundation : Einstein and the early quantum theory ...
- Subject HeadingEinstein, Albert, 1879-......-- Congresses. Relativity (Physics) -- C......esses. Quantum theory -- Congresses. Astrophysic...
- Author HeadingEinstein, Albert, 1879-1955 Woolf, Har...