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- Toc / Article...ous Studies of the Absolute Infin...... Miyuki Nishio The Absolute Infin......tive in Middle English: With Special ......nce to Chaucer The Absolute Infin......iroji Fukumoto The Absolute Infin......s Akemi Sasaki The Use of Absolute Infinitive in...
- Author introduction...‘Variations in the use of listen among the earliest manus......ed editions of The Canterbury Tal......近代英語協会,2023年),‘The use of ouen in......ed editions of The Canterbury Tal......島大学英文学会,2022年),The pleasure of English language and literature(共編著,溪水社,2018年)...
- Related MaterialStudies in the history of the English language
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)原タイトル: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of The English Language 原著第3版の翻訳
- Additional TitleThe Cambridge Encyclopedia of The English Language
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Toc / Article... 渡辺拓人 語用論標識but the fact is thatの定型化―後期近代英語と現代英語を...
- Contents.../拓人‖著 語用論標識but the fact is thatの定型化 ESPの観点からの定型表...
- Related MaterialStudies in the history of the English language
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The global spread of English has had widesp......ons, affecting the lives of milli...... people around the world. This te......ction to world Englishes, describing ......a, and setting them within their historical a......guided through the material with ......ssary, helping them to understand......t varieties of English, and apply des......e terminology. The book is examples of the varieties introduced in the text, and link......e embarking on the study of world Englishes, this book has become the leading introduction to the subject"--
- Contents... background 4. Language crossing an oc......and locals: Southern Hemisphere Englishes, transported......nts, and more: English is useful, English is ours 7. Language development: a general perspe...
- Subject HeadingEnglish language--Variation--Fo......eign countries English language--Variation--English-speaking countries English language--Variation. English language--Variation--Fo......ign countries. Language. English-speaking countries.
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.The most compact, ......ormation about the English language available, edition of the Oxford Companion to the English Language increases coverage of World Englishes and the impact of advances on the English language.
- Subject HeadingEnglish philology--Encyclopedias. Language and languages--Encyclopedias. English philology. Language and languages. English language--Dictionaries.
- Alternative TitleCompanion to the English language English language
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingEnglish language--Grammar. Construction gramma...
- Related MaterialEdinburgh textbooks on the English language
- Periodical TitleEdinburgh textbooks on the English language
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingEnglish language--Encyclopedias. English language.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."A compelling history of the national confl......rts to produce the first definiti...... dictionary of English. ... [English professor] Pet......artin recounts the patriotic fervor in the early American...... Dictionary of the English Language. But what bega......tering forever the dream of a unified American language. The overwhelming questions in the dictionary war......hich and whose English was truly American and whether a dictionary of English should attempt....... Martin tells the human story of the intense represent the soul and ident......ctionary, like the American language, ought to be informed by the ...
- Contents...Noah Webster: "The wildest innova......cing Delilah ; The lexicographer'......Spelling wars: the rise of Lyman Cobb ; The "common thief"......line Part two. The Merriams at wa......amily feuds to the Merriam Brothers ; Waiting for Worcester ; The Bohn affair ; standard of language?" ; The "terrible riva......n resurgence ; The Merriams trium......on Appendix A: The "Webster" bran......ictionaries of the English language Appendix C: Pu......s Appendix D: "The spelling bee at Angels (repor...
- Subject HeadingEnglish language--United States...... dictionaries. English language--Lexicography. United States....
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....nd analysis of the language covering lexic......s evidence for the diversity of the language through focus is on the overall patter...... also examines the present and fu......iterature and other media and ongoing language policy and planning
- Subject HeadingScots language FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY--Miscellaneous. Scots language. Schottisch
- Title HeadingEdinburgh textbooks on the English language. Advanced
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....史の問題を身体表現(body language)の機能に焦点を当て、顔・目・手・視線・動作などの身体に関す...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Author introduction...))、“Revisiting the loss of the verb wit in co......” in Phases of the History of English (2013, Peter L......』(大阪洋書、2013))、“The word pairs in Chomsky and Language Descriptions (......現在進行中(2015-19)のThe Scots Syntax, S. (2017) “The unstoppable glottal” English Language and Linguistic......n early stage” English Language and Linguistics 18(01) などがある。
- Author/Editor (Series Title)the Japanese Association for Studies in the History of the English Language [編]
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)Tani, Akinobu Japanese Association for Studies in the History of the English Language
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingEnglish language--Study and tea......igher)--Japan. English teachers--Trai......cation--Japan. Language and culture--Japan.
National Diet Library
- Alternative TitleHow English became English
- Alternative TitleHow English became English
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)原タイトル: The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language
- Additional Title形態論と語形成 The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Thanks in part to the survival of ma......l manuscripts, the study of Old and Middle English goes back hund......ially, much of the research was p......n nature, i.e. the emphasis was o......d history with the study of the language as change from the middle of the 18th century o......instance, sees the establishment of the Philological Society with the aim of studying languages and their histories. The general introd......iefly describe the history of English historical lin......uistics, using the work by e.g. H......s, and discuss the distinction be......nd linguistics.The four proposed volumes will co...
- Subject HeadingEnglish language--History. LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguist...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)原タイトル: Pragmatics and the English Language
- Additional TitlePragmatics and the English Language
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...Taavitsainen 著 The shift from Alw......s to Always in the history of English Yoko Iyeiri 著 Closing the gap-the developmment o......ombinations in English between 1810 a......tefan Diemer 著 The historical Suzuki 著 At the End of the Day: Detecting......expressions in the history of English Akiyuki Jimura 著 From less ir...
- Related MaterialStudies in the history of the English language
- Periodical TitleStudies in the history of the English language
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)原タイトル: The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language
- Additional Title情報構造と照応表現 The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language