Search results 813
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....his History of the Four Last Years of the Queen. A syste......rvasive use of the past. Studying Swift and history e...
- Contents1. Swift and the historians, an......t, Temple, and the history of England 3. The uses of histor......l Tory-book" : the aims and motives of The History of the Four Last Years of the Queen 5. Swift and authority ...
- Subject Heading...45. History of the four last years of the queen. Tory Party (Great Brit...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialAthena library of English studies
- Periodical TitleAthena library of English studies
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingEnglish language--Translating into Ko...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... it would have the world's fourth......opulation. How these newcomers ar......ntegrated into the state will not......t also that of the entire country......eyond. This is the contention from across the state, Immigra......omprehensively the issues related to the process of becoming Californi...
- Contents...ia Immigration past, present, and ......oger Waldinger The innovation economy English language learn......ntegration and the law
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...n Appointments The edicts The visits The auto-da-fé Status Representat...
- Subject HeadingInquisition--Europe, Southern. Europe, Southern--Church history. Inquisitio...
- Note (General) Librairie Arthème Fayard, 1995"--T.p. verso.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsIntroduction: The social history of the archive : reco......xandra Walsham The rise of archiv......rie Nussdorfer The archive of ori......: re-imagining the histories of A......-Paul Ghobrial The clerk's tale :......ven Tales from the 'Yarmouth hutc......Wood Archiving the present and chronicling for the future in earl......cord-keeping : the counter archives of the Catholic diasp......rens Recording the Wars of Religion : the 'drolleries of the League' from e...... Tom Hamilton 'The accounts of the kingdom' : mem...... community and the English Civil War / An......on Germany and the Netherlands / Jesse Spohnholz.
- Related MaterialPast and present supplements, new ...
- Periodical TitlePast and present supplements, new ...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."English is increasingl......ive situations the world over with the acceleration o......s in line with the increased introduction of English-medium instruc...... many parts of the world to further promote both ......bility to make them competitive a...... employable in the globalised wor......d, and to make their institutions......vestigated together despite the fact that the spread of EMI ......volume tackles the issue head on ......F perspective. The volume include......rporating also theoretical and The volume will be....../programmes in their institutions......tries all over the world"--
- Contents... Kumiko Murata The internationali......cation, or can the global south s......enezes Jordão English-medium instruc......elopments over the past decade / Maria Kuteeva English-medium instruction in the Korean higher ......ntext: from an English as a lingua fr......Joo-Kyung Park English-medium instruc......ation: from an english as a lingua fr......rse in EMI: on the dynamics of mu......n ELF-informed English-medium instruc......nalisation and the growing demand for English in Japanese hi......toral study in English / Jaroslaw Kri......cola Galloway "English"-medium instru......mplication for English-medium education / Yoko Nogam...
- Subject HeadingEnglish language--Stud......eign speakers. English language--Stud......ign countries. English language--Globalization.
National Diet Library
- Contents...d conventions: past and present / ......age guides and the age of prescri......disapproval in English usage books / ......sse, Kirsten Gather and Ingo Klei......conventions on English title-pages up...... Lucia Kornexl The proverbial dis......e tradition in the history of English: a usage-based......metric tool in the study of Middle English documentary te......d Early Modern English official letter writing / Chr...
- Subject HeadingEnglish language--Standardization. English language--Gram......r, Historical. English language--History.
- Note (Content)...conventions in the English language, as d......ive centuries. The contributions discuss the interplay of s......l attention to the communities wh......l interaction. The volume is enri......approaches and the introduction o......alisation into the diachronic investigation of h...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The Burden of the Past reexamines the dispute over h......, going beyond the descriptive em......early identify the many independe...... have affected the situation. From the history textbook debates, to the Occupation-per......ort women," to the Dokdo/Takeshim...... Kimura traces the rise and fall ......rns underlying these complex and ...... discussion of the two countries'......rceptions from the end of World War II to the present, The Burden of the Past provides readers with the historical framework and the major players ...... seeing behind the public discour......discussion and the steps toward resolution"--
- ContentsA theoretical framew...... for examining the historical per......ree factors in the dispute over perceptions The history textbook issue The turning point of the 1980s Japan-So......a relations at the end of the Cold War Issue......ars Revisiting the Japan-South Korea historical ...
- Title HeadingNikkan rekishi ninshiki mondai to wa nani ka. English
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...hod Berlin and the east - chronic......amity foretold The great fear The Red Army comes......rotect us from the Americans? No ......on of power by the occupiers Para...... approaches to the victims Victim......Fraternization The abortion's children "The other victims are of" First the French, then the public authori......ild as much as the others" The long shadow The effects of the experience of violence The myth of female......Anonymous" and the censorship of ......"BeFreier" and the German victim debate The past today.
- Subject Heading...tury. Single mothers--Germany--Social conditions...
- Alternative TitleRape of German women at the end of the Second World War
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.This book is the first full-sca......f East Anglian English. The author is a na......ted decades to the study of the speechways of ......x. He examines their relationships to other varieties of English in Britain, as well as their contributions to the formation of American English and Southern Hemisphere Englishes
- Contents...6 East Anglian English in the world 7 East Anglian texts 8 The dynamics of East Anglian English: past, present and future Reference...
- Subject HeadingEnglish language--Dial......d--East Anglia English language--Vari......d--East Anglia English language--Dialects. English language--Variation. Language...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."The seminal Dartmo......tial moment in the history of English teaching. Bringing together leading voice......n contemporary English education, thi......ook celebrates the Conference and...... achieved, and the questions it h......reflections on the Dartmouth Conference, The Future of English Teaching readings of the meeting and it......w insights for English scholars and address both theoretical and pr......ts of teaching English in a variety including the place of new media in English curricula, the role of the canon, poetry and grammar, the text is divide......tions: but for the future This powerful collecti...
- ContentsLondon English, the Darmouth Semin......growth through English / Simon Gibbs Growth through English and the uses of English: literature, k......perspective on the pasts and presents of English teaching / Jory Brass The impact of the blue books pri...... in Australia: the New South Wale......n curricula of the 1970s / Wayne ......nd Cal Durrant The manifold ways ......anguage works: the generation aft......John Willinksy The many voices of......ated model for the 21st century / Smagorinsky The status and relevance of the growth model f...... generation of English teachers in Ne......Carter Growing the nation: the influence of Darm...
- Subject HeadingEnglish language--Study and teaching.
National Diet Library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary,, and Japan, past and present. I......tualization of the English Renaissance by......different from the increasingly Sinocentric worl...
- ContentsIntroduction: "What's past is prologue" D......than Magus and the search for Cat......i William" and the English in Hirado, 161......Shakespeare in the twenty-first c......ox, parody and pastiche Afterword: the rise of East Asia and the future of early modern studie...
National Diet Library
- Summary, England's cathedrals and their relationship......history and in the present day. The volume brings together historians, s......entists, and cathedral overview of the topic, thematic studies, ......discussing how they see pilgrimage as part of the contemporary cathedral experience
- Contents...lgrimage and Cathedrals in Early ......lgrimage and Cathedrals in the Later Middle Englands Cathedrals from the Reformation to the Early Nineteen...... Century- Ian Atherton 5. Pilgrimage and Cathedrals in the Victorian Era-......lgrimage and Cathedrals from the 1900s to the Present Day- M......r Part II: Key Themes and Issues, Past and Present 7. The Multivalent Cathedral- Simon Col......n Jenkins 8. Cathedrals, Communit...... Tiina Sepp 9. The Role of Sensor......Taking Away: Cathedrals and Mater......kins Part III: The View from English Cathedrals Today 11.......lgrimage and Cathedrals Today- Michael Tavinor 1...
- Subject Heading...and--History Cathedrals--England Cathédrales--Angleterre Cathedrals Christian pilgrims and p...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingʻAvar be-lo tsel. English.
National Diet Library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... perspectives, The Cambridge Hist......Early Medieval English Literature off......exploration of the earliest writi...... Ireland, from the end of the Roman Empire to the mid-twelfth century. "--
- Contents... M.H. Smith 2. The art of, object / Catherine E. Karkov ......four nations': the earliest 6. Bede and the northern kingdoms / S......wley II. Early English Literature 7. ......on England and the Germanic world......remmer, Jr. 8. English literature in the ninth century ......usan Irvine 9. The writing of history in the early Middle Ages: the Anglo-Saxon ch....... Trilling 10. The literary languages of Old English: words, styles......Davies 11. Old English poetic form: g......vering 13. Old English lyrics: a poet......e sanctity and the relics of earl......istory and Old English religious poetry / Andrew Sch...
- Subject HeadingEnglish literature--Middle English, 1100-1500--Hi......M / European / English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsStambolov, the Russophiles, and the Russophobes in Bulgaria The rule of the Bulgarian Agra......onal Union and the "worker-peasant alliance" The debate on fascism and the anti-fascist Conclusion: The truth and objectivity questio...
- Title HeadingOt Stambolov do Zhivkov. English