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National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Poliziano's chief claim to fame as a philologist rests upon the work edited here, the Miscellanea, the first set published in 1489, the second left unfinished at his death and published for the first time in 1972. His essential model was the Attic Nights of Aulus Gellius (2nd century CE). Like Gellius, he produced individual chapters on a set topic and with a corresponding title, with the titles listed at the beginning of the work as a guide to readers. Another model was the Natural History of the Elder Pliny, from which he borrowed the practice of listing at the beginning the sources he had used in the course of the project in...
- Subject HeadingClassical literature--Criticism, Textual
- Title HeadingI Tatti Renaissance library ; 89-90
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.The two works published in this volume were written at different times and under widely different circumstances. They also represent two very different moments in the career of their author, the once famed but......ten forgotten Milanese humanist Pier Candido Decembrio (1399-1477). The first work--a life of the Duke of Milan Filippo Maria Visconti (1392-1447)--was essentially a product of Decembrio's twenty-eight years of service, from 1419 t...... and personal literary factotum to Duke Filippo Maria and his advisors: "The picture of the fifteenth century would be incomplete without this unique biography, which is characterist...
- ContentsLife of Filippo Maria Visconti The Deeds of Francesco Sforza.
- Subject HeadingFilippo Maria Visconti, Duke of Milan, 1392-1447--Biography--Early ......orza, Duke of Milan, 1401-1466--Biography--Early ......orks to 1800. Milan (Italy)--History--To 1535-......orks to 1800. Milan (Italy)--Kings and rulers--Biography--Early works to 1800.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.Although Pontano did not polish De sermone c......pletely or provide books 2-6 with prefaces, as Summonte indicates in his own preface ("Appendix One"), he had substantially completed it about a year before his death. Although most appreciated as a collection of witticisms, De sermone is first and foremost a treatise of Aristotelian moral philosophy about the virtues and vices of speech. In 1.4.3 Pontano presents the treatise as a continuation of his other studies of the moral virtues and insists upon the concept that guides him, the Aristotelian doctrine that every moral virtue is a mean betwee......xcess and a deficiency, both of which are vice...
- ContentsIntroduction Chapter headings On speech. Book I ; Book II ; Book III ; Book IV ; Book V ; Book VI Appendix I: Summonte's preface Appendix II: Pontano's coinages.
- Subject HeadingAristotle--Influence--Early......rks to 1800. Aristotle. Rhetoric, Medieval--Early works to 1800. Virtue--Early works to 1800. Influence (Literary, artistic, etc.) Rhetoric, Medieval. Virtue.
National Diet Library
- ContentsVolume 4. Ennead III, part 1.
- Subject HeadingPlotinus. Plotinus. Enneads. Neoplatonism.
- Note (General)Description based on volume 4. "This is a facing-page volume: Latin on the versos; English translation on the rectos"--Provided by publisher concerning volume 4. Projected publication from publisher: Volume 1: Ennead I -- volume 2: Ennead II, part 1 -- volume 3: Ennead II, part 2 -- volume 4: Ennead III, part 1 (Books I-IV) -- volume 5: Ennead III, part 2 (Books V-IX) and Ennead IV -- volume 6: Enneads V and VI.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.We naturally think of Petrarca first as a poet. ......ore than that. The first of the great scholar-poets of the Renaissance, Petrarca was instrumental in establishing as a cultural goal the rediscovery and collection of manuscripts of the ancient Latin authors; thanks to Petrarca the humanist scholars who followed him became the main conduit for the transmission and revitalization of classical learning, a necessary condition of the wider European Renaissance. Even more significant was Petrarca's role in shaping the literary movement...... known as humanism, a movement that for centuries promoted the study and cultivation of Lati...
- Subject HeadingPetrarca, Francesco, 1304-1374--Correspondence. Poets, Latin--Correspondence.
- Title HeadingI Tatti Renaissance library ; 76-77.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingGreek literature--Translations into English. Manuzio, Aldo, 1449 or 1450-1515.
- Related MaterialThe I Tatti Renaissance library
- Periodical TitleThe I Tatti Renaissance library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingManetti, Giannozzo, 1396-1459. Apologeticus. Bible--Translating--Early works to 1800. Bible. Psalms. Latin--Versions--Early work...... 1800. Translating and interpreting--Early works to 1800.
- Note (General)English translation based on the Latin text edited and published by Alfonso De Petris in 1981 of the Apologeticus, a 5 book, mid-fifteenth century, treatise by Giannozzo Manetti in defense of his own translation of Psalms from the original Hebrew.
- Related MaterialThe I Tatti Renaissance library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."It was by his own account during this period, sometime in 1342-43, when he was still resident at Vauclus...... Petrarch was visited by a beautiful woman whom he quickly identified as Truth personified. They were immediately joined by an be St Augustine (354-430 AD), to whose writings Petrarch ha...... been devoted. These facts are related in the Secretum, his Secret Book, which he apparently did not intend for publication, and to which he gives the subtitle "The private conflict of my thoughts." It records the extended discussion that took place in the silent presence o......Truth between himself and the Saint, or more e...
- Subject HeadingPetrarca, Francesco, 1304-1374--Fiction. Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430--Fiction.
- Related MaterialThe I Tatti Renaissance library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsAngelinetum Carmina varia Appendix I. Illustrative texts Appendix II. Marrasio's masque in Ferrara (1433).
- Subject HeadingMarrasio, Giovanni, approximately 1404-1452. Elegiac poetry, Latin (Medieval and modern)--History and criticism. Elegiac poetry, Latin (Medieval and modern)--Translations into English.
- Related MaterialThe I Tatti Renaissance library
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingPlotinus Plotinus.
- Author HeadingFicino, Marsilio, 1433-1499 Gersh, Stephen
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)フィチーノ, マルシーリオ Ficin, Marsile
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Aldus enjoyed widespread fame as a scholar-printer-publisher. Aldus' mission in life was less to display his own erudition than to serve the scholarly needs of his contemporaries, whether they were young st...... learned academics or distinguished authors. To this end Aldus accomplished much; his contribution to the promotion of classical languages and literature was a considerable one, and was recognized as such by his contemporaries. This volume contains editions of Ancient Latin authors, Humanistic authors, and others."--
- ContentsEditions of ancient Latin authors. Julius Firmicus, Astronomica; Manilius, Astronomica (October 17, 1499) Lucretius (December 1500) Prudentius, Prosper, Jo......f Damascus, Christian poets, volum......uary 1501) Vergil (April 1501) Horace ......) Juvenal, Persius (August 1501) Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius (January 1502) Cicero, Letters to friends (April 1502) Lucan (April 1502) Sedulius, Iuvencus, Arator, Christian poets, volum......June 1502) Statius (August 1502) Valerius Maximus (October 1502) Ovid, Metamorphose......ctober 1502) Ovid, Heroides, Amores, Ars amandi, Remedia amoris, etc. (December 1502) Ovid, Fasti, Tristia, Ex ponto (F...
- Genre/Form TermsPrefaces. Early works. Criticism, interpretation, etc.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The threat of the Turks to the West dominated the period of the conception and writing of Rome in Triumph. The Fall of Constantinople (1453) has been emphasized as an important factor in Biondo's advocacy of Roman civilization in this work. Its framing certainly sets it in the context of resistance to Turkish encroachments, now threateningly close to Italy. In his dedication to Pius II Biondo speaks of an alliance of Italy, France, Spain and Germany for "the liberation of Europe" and of the role his work might play in stimulating such an enterprise. In the light of the lack of real success achieved by the Congress of Mantua...
- Contentsvolume 1. Books I-II.
- Subject HeadingRome (Italy)--Antiquities--Early works to 1800. Rome--Civilization--Early works to 1800.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The young Verino became a pupil of Cristoforo Landino. Verino had very high respect for Landino, and his first work, Fiammetta, was almost a tribute to his teacher, being a collection of poems abo......outhful love (with various other themes, especially in Book Two), greatly influenced by, and often consciously imitating and borrowing from, Landino's own recent...... extent follow the course of the relationship between Verino and Fiammetta, at represented in the poems. Having completed Fiammetta, Verino left love poetry behind as a thing of youth. His extensive output thereafter became more serious, often reflecting his devo...
- ContentsIntroduction Fiammetta Paradise Appendix I: Summary of Paradise Appendix II: Scribal marginalia Appendix III: Variant titles in Fiammetta Note on the texts Notes to the translations.
- Genre/Form TermsLatin poetry, Medieval and modern.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Brought to Florence at the instance of Lorenzo de' Medici to become lector to the Dominican community at San Marco, Girolamo Savonarola would ultimately be responsible for the events that convulsed the city in the 1490s and led to the overthrow of the Medici themselves. Savona......ola's apocalyptic sermons, preached from the pulpits of San Marco and the Duomo, predicted dire consequences for a sinful Florence, a scourging, if the Florentines did not mend their ways and form themselves into a commonwea......for God. Fully in the ascendant by 1......95, Savonarola increasingly used his platform in Florence to urge a renewal o...
- Subject HeadingSavonarola, Girolamo, 1452-1498--Political and social views. Savonarola, Girolamo, 1452-1498--Religion. Savonarola, Girolamo, 1452-14......espondence. Dominicans--Italy--Florence-......ce. Reformers--Italy--Florence-......ce. Alexander VI, Pope, 1431-15......nce. Florence (Italy)--History--1421-173......ces. Florence (Italy)--Church history--Sources. Excommunication--Catholic Church--History--To 1500--Sources.
- Related MaterialThe I Tatti Renaissance library
National Diet Library
- ContentsVolume 1. Mystical theology and The divine names, Part I (chapters 1-135) Volume 2. The divine names, Part II (chapters 136-351).
- Genre/Form TermsEarly works. History. Commentaren (vorm) Vertalingen (vorm) Proza (teksten)
- Subject HeadingPseudo-Dionysius, the Areopagite. Mystical theology. Pseudo-Dionysius, the Areopagite. On the divine names. Ficino, Marsilio, 1433-1499. Dionysius Areopagita ca. 5./6. Jh. De divinis nominibus Dionysius Areopagita ca. 5./6. Jh. De mystica theologia Mystical theology (Pseudo-Dionysius, the Areopagite) On the divine names (Pseudo-Dionysius, the Areopagite) Neoplatonism. Mysticism--Early works to 1800. Philosophy and religion--History. Christianity--Philosophy--History. Christianity--Philosophy. Mysticism. Philosophy and religion. Nyplatonism. Mystik--historia.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingCiriaco, d'Ancona, 1391-1452--Correspondence. Ciriaco, d'Ancona, 1391-1452--Trav...
- Related MaterialThe I Tatti Renaissance library
- Periodical TitleThe I Tatti Renaissance library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Like most of Florence in the late Middle Ages and the early Renaissance, Coluccio Salutati was born in the contado (as Florentine territory was then called) into a family of rather humble condition. This volume contains Salutati's De Tyranno, many of his state letters, Antonio Loschi's invective against the Florentines and Saluati's long reply to that invective, and Salutati's letter to Pietro Turchi"--Provided by publisher.
- ContentsSalutati, Selected stat......tters - Salutati, On tyranny - Antonio Loschi, Invective against the Florentines - Salutati, Letter to Pietro Turchi - Salutati, Reply to a sl......ctor - Note on the texts and translations - Notes to the texts - Notes to the translations.
- Subject HeadingSalutati, Coluccio, 1331-1406--Political and social views. Salutati, Coluccio, 1331-1406--C......espondence. Political science--Italy--History--To 1500-......Sources. Despotism--Early works......00. Statesmen--Italy--Florence-......nce. Florence (Italy)--Politics and government--To 1421--So...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading... 1571--Poetry. Italian poetry--16th......ntury--Translations into English. Latin poetry--Translations into English. Spanish poetry--16th......ntury--Translations into English.
- Related MaterialThe I Tatti Renaissance library
- Periodical TitleThe I Tatti Renaissance library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Francesco Filelfo's philosophical dialogue On Exile (ca. 1440) depicts a prominent group of Florentine noblemen and humanists, driven from their city by Cosimo de'Medici, discussing the sufferings imposed by exile such as pove......loss of reputation, and the best way to en......e and even profit from them."--Slip cover.
- Genre/Form TermsDialogues, Latin (Medieval and modern) Early works.
- Subject HeadingMedici, Cosimo de', 1389-1464--Adversaries. Filelfo, Francesc...... 1398-1481. Medici, Cosimo de', 1389-1464. Exile (Punishment)--Early ......800. Florence (Italy)--Politics and governme......1421-1737. Enemies. Exile (Punishment) Politics and government. Italy--Florence. Dialog. Neulatein.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe I Tatti Renaissance library
- Periodical TitleThe I Tatti Renaissance library