Search results 7
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- Note (General)...riginal title: The Naiad queen : a grand roma......on : Torrey Brothers (promters) "Best copy avail...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...riginal title: The Naiad queen; or, the revolt of the Naiades : a grand romantic operatic...
- Alternative TitleThe Naiad queen The revolt of the Naiades French's standard drama
- Alternative TitleThe Naiad queen The revolt of the Naiades French's standard drama
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...riginal title: The Naiad queen; or, the revolt of the Naiades : a grand ro......encer's Boston theatre "19th century English and...
- Alternative TitleThe Naiad queen The revolt of the Naiades Spencer's Boston theatre
- Alternative TitleThe Naiad queen The revolt of the Naiades Spencer's Boston theatre
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...t's pride Hal, the highwayman Wap......ragedy, 5 acts The marriage day; or, the life Chase Gli......hat girl away! The storm fiend of the Appennines and the Arcadian bower......quin prince of the blood red plume Rookwood The gay deceivers:...... killed Gordon the Gypsey : melod......her teens; or, the medley of Love......ette Death and the lawyer Brand The widow bewitch'......troisième mari The end of the tether; or, a legend of the patent office The Bastile The original Horace et Lydie The snowball Old h...... Harlequin and the white moose; o......chard Madeline The grecian daughter The contract; or, the fête at versailles and from c...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...and translated The flood of Thessaly The poetical recreations of the Champion Julia Alpinula : The echo of antiqu...... ; An elegy on the ancient Greek a friend on the death of John Palestine ; The sonnets ; Sele......tage poems and The rural minstrel......tus and Ode to the Duke of Wellin......rope, lines on the present war ; ......lestine : with The passage of the Red Sea Poems on the abolition of the slave trade Po......eral occasions The fall of Cambri......Odes Poems and The missionary A p......and adapted to the weekly church service The siege of Valen......e Sonnets and other poems, and The spirit of dis...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...uneral march ; There are seven that pull the thread ; The crown of India......Glasglocke und Theebrett) = Toy s......ancien, op. 2 Othello : op. 93 Ob...... Parzen von Goethe : für sechssti......n = A night at the castle of Carl......rches nos. 1-5 The wand of youth ......pressions from the country Sympho......on J.W. von Goethe : Op. 50 Conce......nt d'orchestre The land of the mountain and the flood : dances and other music from En......einungen eines Themas von Hector ......drei russische Themen Streichquar......ene Spinnrad = The golden spinnin......t-Marsch zu Goethe's Jubiläums Fe......e et orchestre The forest : op. 19, symphonic fa...