Search results 1,417
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... and developed the genres anteced......minal "Book of the Science of Music" from the early eighteen......, this work is the first to bring together contemporaneo......d iconography. These present a synthetic picture of the emergence of O......on of items in the notated earlier-together with relevant treatises, rev...
- Contents...ssionalism and the Music of the Ottoman Court ......ssionalism and the Music of the Ottoman Court:......entalists ; 4. The Ottoman Cyclic......t 2. Makam. 5. The General Scale ......ogression ; 8. The Taksim and Mod......ev and Semai ; The Peşrev/Pishrow ; 10. The Ottoman Peşre......Analyses ; 12. The Seventeenth-Ce......ransmission of the Ottoman Peşre......pertoire ; 14. The Instrumental Semai ; 15. Conc...
- Related MaterialHandbuch der Orientalistik = Handbook of Oriental studies
Available onlineNational Diet Library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The present edited...... collection of new concepts and approaches to the study of mobil......erent parts of the Islamic world that examine the professional mobility within the literati and, especially, the social-cum-cul......amā") between the eighth and the eighteenth cen......tionaries and other primary sourc......d Damascus and the Hejaz, Abbasid......rious parts of the Seljuq Empire, and Hotakid Ir...
- Related MaterialHandbuch der Orientalistik = Handbook of Oriental studies
- Periodical TitleHandbuch der Orientalistik = Handbook of Oriental studies
National Diet Library
- Note (General)...ile, made from the microfilm master copy of the original disse......tion or master thesis published by UMI. UMI numb...
- Alternative TitleAsian American performativity in the New Orientalism
- Alternative TitleAsian American performativity in the New Orientalism
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....s a history of the kingdom of Cilicia (southern Anatolia), f......its origins to the fall of the Hittite evidence in the discussion, this book is the first comprehe......Kizzuwatna and the region of Cilicia in the second millennium BC. The book presents ......language. Some new findings and proposals further contribute to......derstanding of the history of the Hittite kingdom and other neighboring regions in the Middle and Late Bronze Age (c...
- Contents...tna Cilicia in the Middle Bronze ......) "And He Made the Lands the Borders of the Sea": Cilicia and the Old Hittite Ki......(17th-16th c.) The Age of Kizzuwa......Kizzuwatna and the Hittite New Kingdom in the Late 15th to M......zuwatna during the Hittite Empire...... an Outline of the History of Kizzuwatna
- Note (General)Revised version of the author's thesis (Ph.D.)--New York Universit......ubmitted under the title: The land of Kizzuw...... of Cilicia in the second millennium BCE until the Hittite conquest (ca. 2000-13...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....rrespondent in the North West bor......experience was the beginning of h......ationship with the Islamic world. Overturning the widely-accepte......ers concerning the Middle East, t......derstanding of the edges of the British Empire......ckter analyses the future Prime M......experiences of the East, includin......r-Secretary in the early 1900s, h......relations with the Ottomans and conduct during the Dardanelles Ca......I. Challenging the popular depict......hen it came to the Middle East, D......en compared to the Orientalist prejudices of many of hi...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingNew horizons in regional science.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....lim regions of the "global West".......ufi guides and their movements, the many faceted e......ricism and its new articulations ......nal experts in the field"--
- Contents...nalytic Essay: The Idea of Sufism in the West / Gregor...... 3. Sufism and New Religious Move......yber Sufism in the Global West / ......h 10 Sufism in the Benelux Countries (Netherlands and Belg......(Australia and New Zealand) / Milad Milani Index...
- Related MaterialHandbuch der Orientalistik = Handbook of Oriental studies
National Diet Library
- Alternative TitleРоманизирање на ориентални богови? : ......tion des dieux orientaux? : transfor......proceedings of the international ......maniziranje na orientalni bogovi? : religiski trans...
- Alternative TitleРоманизирање на ориентални богови? : ......tion des dieux orientaux? : transfor......proceedings of the international ......maniziranje na orientalni bogovi? : religiski trans...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....atolia between the 8th century BC and the Roman Imperial......ic approach is the core of the book, it cover......h on Phrygian: the historical and......texts in which the Phrygian overview of the linguistic con......osition within the Indo-European ......n and index of the Phrygian inscr......ns, a study of the Phrygian gloss......l catalogue of the Phrygian inscriptions with new readings and interpretations"...
- Contents...ct sources for the Phrygian language : the epigraphical subcorpora The scripts used to note the Phrygian language The Phrygian language Lexicon of the Phrygian inscriptions The indirect sources : the Glosses Catalogue of the Phrygian inscr......n inscriptions New Phrygian inscr...... enumerated in the traditional list of new Phrygian inscriptions Maps Ep...
- Title HeadingHandbook of Oriental studies. Section 1, Ancient...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.Re-Orienting the Fairy Tale: Co......s seeks to "re-orient" the fairy tale acr......s and proposes new approaches to the ever-expanding......ardi bring together emerging and from around the world to and suggest new avenues into the increasingly complex world of...
- ContentsPart I. Disorienting cultural as...... wonders of disorientation, challenges of orientation / Cristin...... Kamahaʻo 2.0: the art and politics of the modern Hawaiia......ʻomanawanui Re-orienting China and Marionette: the tale of a Japa......t II Exploring new uses Japanese ......oine tales and the significance o...... & Co.? Modern theory meets three......little pigs in the classroom / Sh......aptations from the past decade / ......ew Trespassing the boundaries of ...... ethics and aesthetics Re-orienting the fairy tale, re......essa Joosen Re-orienting fairy-tale ......odski Alice on the edge: Girls culture and "West...
National Diet Library
- Contents...l agreements : new orientations for EU e......IP, and TiSA : new trends in inte......ctoral Issues. The contents of CE......IP, and TiSA : the (envisaged) tr....../ Erich Vranes The reform of inve......TA, TTIP, and other recent EU-FTA......agmentation in the (envisaged) di......ransparency in the EU trade polic......TIP, TiSA, and their relationship......IP, and TiSA : New Challenges for......Legitimacy? On the expected econo......ralisation and the Transatlantic ......hristoph Moser The struggle for a......agreements and the democratic que......ient issues of the new comprehensive ......efan Griller A new generation of trade agreement...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."In the bilingual Engl......h-Arabic work, The Oral Art of So......m all parts of the island, presen......ange of poems. These were documen......on directly to the scholar, or th......ngs collected. They are presented in Soqoṭri (t...
- Contents...tion A Note on the Authors Acknow......s Introduction The Soqoṭra Archi......ry of Soqoṭra The Soqoṭri Langu......evious Work on the Poetry and Son......t'? Threats to the Oral Art of So......on of Oral Art The Book : The Oral Art of So......nto Arabic and the Involvement of......s Reactions to the Project on Soq......a Selection of the Material Excluded Material The Material Metho......f Material for the Book New Pieces Soqoṭr...... Arabic Editor Thematic Glossarie......s to Accompany the Book Notes on the Poetry and Song of Soqoṭra The Composition of Poetry The Poet 'Code' or......Song Lullabies The kīllo ~ ... Butter-Churning ...
- Title HeadingHandbook of Oriental studies. Section 1, Near an...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, Sciences in Theory and Practice brings together the latest to showcase the range of pione...... being done in these areas, but a......action amongst the disciplines co......d of study. Furthermore, the book provides the rare opportunity to bridge the gap on an inst......el by bringing the academic and c......esca Leoni, Matthew Melvin-Koushki, Michael Nobl...
- ContentsThe three division......harles Burnett New light on early......lum A study on the Ikhwān al-Ṣa......stle on magic, the longer version......urid manual of the occult science......Maria Subtelny The Kitāb Sharās......trist call for the conquest of Cairo and the development of......perialism / Matthew Melvin-Koushk......c talismans on the battlefield / ...... Calligrams of the lion of ʻAlī in southeast Asia / Faro......ts in today's "new Turkey" / Chri...... how to think otherwise in the maze / Travis Zadeh.
- Note (General)"... the present volume, which gathers some of the papers present......c Occultism in Theory and Practice,' held at the Ashmolean Museum of Art and A...
National Diet Library
- Contents... excavation of the Amarna Tablets-the formative stag......hnical matters The Tell El-Amarna letters: trans...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....sheds light on the new dynamics and e......egionalisms in the post-Trans-Pacific Partnershi...
- Contents...e De Lombaerde The dynamics of in......regionalism in the Pacific Rim : ......z Chile : Asia-oriented globalizatio...... Latin America-oriented regionalism ....../ Alan Fairlie The political econ......integration in the Pacific Rim / ......or not to join the Pacific Allian......ive / Kevin Parthenay The long shadow of......integration in the Pacific Rim / ......Jeremy Paltiel The development of......rade policy in the Asia-Pacific /......rade policy in the Pacific Rim / Deborah Elms Au...
- Related MaterialThe international political economy of new regionalisms series
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Sufism in Central Asia: New Perspectives o......ies brings together ten original ......ution: what is the relationship b......egion prior to the Russian conquest and the Soviet era, on the one hand, and the features of Is......igious life in the region during the Tsarist, Sovie......Soviet eras on the other? The authors addres......d sources from the Russian to the post-Soviet period, and socia...
- ContentsRe-envisioning the history of Suf...... Devin DeWeese The works of Ḥusa......s a source for the study of Sufis......rghinan during the collapse of the Khanate of Kho......sney Sufism in the face of twenti...... Sufi imams in the Volga-Ural Reg......rank Sufism on the Soviet stage: ......hirbek Muminov The biographical tradition of Muh...
- Title HeadingHandbuch der Orientalistik. Achte Abteilung, Hand...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ology and Art. New Discoveries evidence - the architecture, ......hich attest to the importance of the synagogue. Whe......s a whole, all these pieces of evidence confirm the centrality of the synagogue institution in the life of the Jewish communi...... Israel and in the Diaspora. Most importantly, the synagogue and ......werful role in the preservation of the fundamental be...... traditions of the Jewish people following the destruction of the Second Temple and the loss of Jewish......sovereignty in the Land of Israel. The book also incl...... supplement of the report on the Qazion excavation. -- Publish...
- ContentsIntroduction The synagogue Seco...... excavated and newly published sy......Jewish symbols The Jewish calenda......represented in the zodiac design ......ions Coins and the synagogue Women Dating Conclu...
- Title HeadingHandbook of Oriental studies. Section 1, Ancient...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ntation of all the known textual remnants and the preserved arti...... Arabic shadow theatre, a long-li......adition - from the earliest sightings in the tenth century to the turn of the twentieth century. The book consists ......of Arab shadow theatre through a ......scholarship on the subject. Part ......d studies, and the current knowle...... Arabic shadow theatre: language,...... shadow plays. The documentation is based on man...
- ContentsResearch. Arabic Shadow Theatre in Histori......rn Scholarship New Researches Res......Dāniyāl and others Ottoman Egyp......ue: Notes from the Field. Arabic Shadow Theatre Today.
- Related MaterialHandbuch der Orientalistik = Handbook of Oriental studies