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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."A study of the origins of noh theater. The first part of the book delves into the performance fo......aped sarugaku (the early form of noh), whose roots lay in the performance of religious ritu......orcise demons. The second part of the book focuses on the transformation of sarugaku into a high art by the great actor, playwright, and theoretician Zeami......o (1363-1443). The contents are e......m a wide array of contemporary s......anese culture. The translation aims to make the book accessible to a theater audience a......; explanations of technical term......een woven into the text, and been added. The endnotes provide supplementar...
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe origins of the movie theater in Thailan......nd redundancy: the rise and fall of the stand-alone theater in Thailand Analysis of change in Bangkok's movie theater geography The binds between movie-theater and commun...... in Chiang Mai The declining neighborhood movie theater and the rise of the multiplex.
- Subject HeadingMotion picture theaters--Thailand. Consumer behavior. Motion picture theaters. Thailand.
- Alternative TitleContraction of the urban commons
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Persistence of Folly revises the conventional l......ical narrative of German theater (and literature) through the lens of the stage fool. Including original interpretations of Goethe's Faust (1808)...... considers how the stage fool literature of world-historical rank"--Provi...
- ContentsThe fool at play F......omedy and fate of the fool in the age of reform Life, theater, and the restoration of the fool The vitality of folly in Goethe's Faust and Kleist's Jug.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....dachi ("friend of Seattle") comic strips for The North American Post. These comics chronicled the lives and stories of early Japanese settlers and their American-born offspring. Throug......tured elements of culture, nosta......higeru -- with the samurai values of courage, respe......lects on her father's legacy as s......ction so that others can be inspi......d wise look at the world."
- Contents...series is born The first Seattle ......amurai Shigeru The art of the sword Bushidō : the samurai way to America The Klondike Gold Rush Stories of illegal entry ......ston WA Perils of manual labor J......ersight A tale of two sisters Pi......nged marriages The original pandemic (1918) Into the roaring '20s Life behind the fence Respecting property The other side of the fence The Hunt Hotel Liv......ntegrity (gi). The Nakanishi dair......le's Japantown The Panama Hotel U...... family legacy The Occidental Caf......ket Nippon Kan Theater 6. Respect......his is Seattle The Pacific Northwest Coastal liv...
- Subject Heading... Américains d'origine japonaise Seattle (Wash.)--C...
National Diet Library
- ContentsSad stories of the death of kings : sovere......gnty : heaven, the monarch, the people, and the intellectuals ...... and praxis in the rise of the Manchus / Nicola Di Cosmo The living image of the people / Jason......Public health, the state, and rel......ts for fleeing the plague / Justin Stearns The dancing despot...... Hideyoshi and the performative symbolism of power / Stanca......utionalism and the sovereign pard......nadette Meyler The vanishing slaves of Paris : the lettre de cachet and the emergence of an imperial Re-touching the sovereign : biochemistry of perpetual Leni......Ben-Dor Benite The neurology of regicide : decap...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents... to labyrinths of gendering Intr......n: a labyrinth of onnagata Geneses of a maze: androg......ho pass Denial of transience: forfeiting the androgynous ch......le onnagata in the porous labyrinth: the enunciated femininity and the enunciating masculinity Origins of onnagata: mode......nagata: art in their blood Epilogue: the journey continues.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ual sites like the Colosseum and ......rviving-layers of history. Over ......y 3,000 years, the Rome of the Caesars has given way to the Rome of the Popes, the Rome of the Grand Tourists......ations down to the present. Along the way, it has al......become perhaps the most frequentl......mapped city on the planet. This book is the first ever pub......nglish to tell the story of Rome through i......rical overview of one key era a selection of maps, details,......izations, and other images-all pr......hat illuminate the themes of that era. From the city's first w......rd millennium, the Romes depicted in these maps ...
- Contents...and reality Further reading Chapt......pter Two: Rome of the Caesars Destin......e Making sense of the shattered past Filling in the gaps A model Three: Rome of the Popes Sacred b......ecular symbols The medieval citys......r its close-up The city seen thro......ide-angle lens The city measured ......panoramic view of urban revitali......ter Five: Rome of the scholars Archa...... ancient Roman theme park A ghost......pter Six: Rome of the saints and pilgrims The way of the faithful Scene......rimage map for the modern era Seven: Rome of the grand tourists Rome as theater The origins of the tourist plan R...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.""The Crisis of Connection: Ro......ument that one of the main problems of the 21st century is the crisis of connection bot......n individuals. The book provides evidence of the crisis and exp....... Eventually, "The Crisis of Connection" su......e solutions to the state of disconnection that the world has foun......n, encouraging the readers to pursue common huma...
- ContentsCartography of a lost time : mapping the crisis of connection / C......, and a crisis of connection / J...... Victoria Ward The "black box" : ......evelopment and the crisis of connection amo......ers In pursuit of our common humanity : the role of education in overcoming the empathy gap and the crisis of connection / as a crisis of connection : Humanizing the scientific method : the integration of structural com...... in addressing the crisis of connection thr...... / Mary Gordon The listening proj...... Joseph Nelson The courage to car......ades Splitting the world open : c......on't come from the same background . . . but I g...
National Diet Library
- ContentsGrowing up Kaufman and the TV years Why M......ssions lead to the darkly unprodu......ernal sunshine of the Academy Award Hope leaves the theater and what I really want to...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.The study of women in Graec......mong which are the rise of feminist theory and theoretical and in...... approaches to the study of women's lived ......ion brings together the best established the field and moved it forward. The articles colle......o conversation the full range of evidence for women in the classical worl......racottas), and the material houses, and the remains of food exercised profound and pervas...... implicated in these ideologies every genre of source materia...... Edited by two of the leading scholars in the field, this se......mplete picture of women in Ancient Greece and R...
- Contents...Early Greece : the origins of the western attitu......ek womanhood : the Heroines pyxis in the British Museum...... : Pandora and the Athena Parthenos / Jeffrey Imag(in)ing the other : Amazons and......fifth-century Athens / Andrew Ste...... and genre on Athenian vases / Gloria Ferrari The captive's dile......del Discourses of sexual violati......matic versions of "The Girl's Tragedy...... Adele Scafuro The dynamics of misogyny : myt...... mythmaking in the Oresteia / Fro...... Zeitlin Women of early Rome as ......s Lucretia and the rape of the body politic /......ndienst Joplin The erotics of rape : Livy, Ovid ...
National Diet Library
- Contents... percussion in the twenty-first c......d technique in the twenty-first c...... Garry Kvistad The percussion : a history of electronic per......mber music and the modern age / A......rie Percussion theater : the drama of performance / ......Steve Reich In the pocket : how a...... Peter Erskine The "funky drummer......ckman Speaking of rhythm / Russe......chael Williams The gamelan belega......n Lessons from the laboratory : the musical translation of scientific res......hael Schutz In the beginning was the beat : evolutionary origins of musical rhythm in humans / Jo...
- Has FormatTable of contents only
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This handbook examines the use of horror in stor......s that explore the origins and evolution of horror fiction, the recurrent themes that can be......rror, and ways of understanding ......y and cultural theory, the text analyses, chapbooks, the Gothic novel, ......nism and trace themes such as vam......via postmodern theory, evolutiona......, postcolonial theory, and New Ma......tigates issues of gender and sexuality, race, c...
- Contents...n Corstorphine The Origins and Evolution of Literary Horro......ka (horror and the horrific) in Indian aesthetics / Dhananja......ingh Horror in the medieval north : the troll / Ármann Jakobsson The horror genre and aspects of Native America......g Australian aboriginal horror in theory and literar......flows freely : the horror of classic fairy ......ansacting with the inner self : a......' perspectives of reading horror......ndrew J. Power The Jacobean theater of horror / Tony ......rrello "A mass of unnatural and ......entury English theater / Sarah A.......Natalie Neill "The horror! The horror!" : tracing horror in ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsPart 1. Histories of migration and the rise of Korean America The origins and construction of Korean America......ane Hong After the watershed:" A vision of Korean America......orean American theater and perfor......arts: networks of practice and bodies of work / Ju Yon ......hnic formation The changing dynamics of race, class an......Chung Race-ing the Korean America...... Kim In search of mixed Korean A......m Transmitting the monumental sty......poricity," and the osmotic flow of transnational ......ughan A review of Korean America......a single story of model minority......s A case study of the nail salon industry / Mil...
- Related MaterialBrill's companions to the Americas: history, societies,...
- Periodical TitleBrill's companions to the Americas: history, societies,...
National Diet Library
- Contentsv. 1. From the beginnings to the baroque / Marg......old v. 2. From the English Restoration to the present / Felicia Hardison Lo...
- Subject Heading演劇 (地理区分) 歴史. Theater -- History.
- Note (General)Translation of: Weltgeschichte des Theaters (v. 1) . ......k Ungar book." Originally published: New York : Ung...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsMC origins : rap and spo......kenberg Hansen The fifth element ......eligion : from the mosque to the church / Chris......nfagna Hip-hop theater and perfor...... Oliver Kautny The musical analysis of hip-hop / Kyle Adams The glass : hip-ho......n Thirty years of rapsploitation......can cinema / Geoff Harkness Barb......: explorations of gender and sex......hop in boyz in the hood, do the right thing an......Council estate of mind : the British rap tr......i Colleen Neff Off the grid : instrum......entalism after the golden age / M......kish German as the resistance vernacular of German hip-hop......l locations in the Obama era / Michael P. Jeffri...
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe origins of theatre Theatre and drama ...... and Byzantine theatre European theatre in the Middle Ages English theatre to 1642 Spanish theatre to 1700 Italian theatre to 1700 French theatre to 1700 English theater to 1800 It......nce to 1800 Northern European theatre to 1800 Co......ental European theatre in the early nineteen......glish-language theatre in the early nineteen......glish-language theatre in the late nineteent......Latin American theatre in the late nineteenth century The beginnings of modern realism......Latin American theatre in the early twentiet......glish-language theatre in the early twentieth century Conti...
- Subject HeadingTheater -- History. Drama -- Hist...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....9}s Children gathers together leading scholars to explore the reverberations of the Arabian Nights......national range of cultural endeavors.
- ContentsThe sea-born tale:......h translations of The thousand and one nights and the lure of elemental diff......d continuation of The thousand and o......aurent Châtel The collector of worlds: Richar......tan translator of the Nights / Paulo Lemos Horta The porter and por......d narrative in the Nights / Elliot Colla The rings of budur and Qama...... Roger Pearson The Arabian nights and the origins of the Western Novel ......iny: Hugo von Hoffmanstahl's "Tale of the 672nd night" /......ien Borges and the missing pages of the Nights / Philip F. Kennedy The politics of conversation: ......umpener Sinbad the Sailor: textual, visual, and ...
- Subject HeadingArabian nights. Scheherazade, Queen, consort of Shahryar, King of Persia (Legendary character)
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.Discusses the best literature related to the major topics and themes of World War II. ......udes essays on the major theaters of military opera...... Also analyzes themes of domestic histo...... mobilization, the home fronts, and women in the military and c......e. Also covers the Holocaust.
- Contents...e 1. Histories of the War in Europe and the Pacific / Dona....... Schilling 2. The Origins of the War in Europe ......nal Narratives of War Leaders / ......nal Narratives of Sailors, Soldi......Loyd E. Lee 8. The German Onslaug......rth Africa and the Mediterranean Theater, 1939-1945...... Sadkovich 10. The Soviet-German ...... M. Glantz 11. The Battle of the Atlantic / Mar......d Strategy and the "Second Front" Debate / Brian...
- Is Format Of...e, Africa, and the Americas, with general source...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Originally published: Tokyo : Iwanam...
- Author Heading松岡, 心平 Goff, Janet Emily Shirane, Haruo