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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Authority(Subject Heading/altLabel)Pacific Ocean
- Note (General)布装 原タイトル: THE PACIFIC
- Additional TitleTHE PACIFIC
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....t phenomena in the Asia Pacific region in the context of ear......y, focusing on the effects the Japanese langu......d societies in the Pacific. Beginning in the early 20th century when these islands were taken over by the Japanese Empir......ontinuing into the 21st century, the book examines changes in these loanwords wh......mental part of the lexicons of these Pacific Island languages even now in the twenty-first century. The authors examine the usage of Japan......riting some of the local language, and the Pidginoid phen......derstanding of the Japanese language's usage in the region from colonial times th...
- ContentsThe historical Nan'yo and other Japanese colo......inguistics and the Japanese loanword dictionary
- Subject Heading...eign languages Pacific Area--Languages
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... Boege address the various dimensions of the climate change...... shed light on the overwhelming c......mate change in the Pacific Islands region......ook highlights the multidimensionality of the problems: poli...... by experts in the field, the chapters highlight the centrality involved in the large-scale gl......ctors come together in sharing about the complexities o......l contexts and the conflict-drivi...... strategies on the ground, which ......ocally-focused Pacific approaches wit......nal debates in the climate change......ontributing to the development of......on measures in the Pacific region. An important ...
- Subject HeadingClimatic changes--Pacific Area Climat--C......imatic changes Pacific Area
- Title HeadingRoutledge studies on the Asia-Pacific region
National Diet Library
- ReplacesStatistical yearbook for Asia and the Pacific (ISSN:0252-3655)
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.In this companion book to the HBO series on the war in the Pacific, historian role in the difficult and ......paign to reach the Japanese mainl......, Okinawa, and the lesser-known P......'s eye view of the events, conveying the great valor and sacrifices of...
- Subject Heading...45--Campaigns--Pacific Area. Marines--United States-...
- Note (General)"NAL caliber." Companion book to the television miniseries.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Description based on the latest issue
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...ry ; America ; Pacific Part II: Americas ; Pacific ; Other languages Americas ; Pacific Part IV: Indexes. Language na...
- Alternative TitleLanguages of the Americas and the Pacific
- Alternative TitleLanguages of the Americas and the Pacific
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....aurants around the world, Japanes......lobal. Through the transnational ......ranging from authenticity claims have shaped the transmission a......s. Ultimately, the restaurant is ......intermediaries The Global Japanes......ive account of the creation and reception of the "global" in the modern world. ......ook centers on the stories of migrants in the first half of the twentieth century, and then on non-Japane......stralasia, and the Americas whose......ilities, since the mid-1900s, who......anese cuisine. The narrative cove......les. It shifts the spotlight of Japanese culinar...
- ContentsIntroducing the Global Japanes......d Fashions and Their Cultural Int......Migrations and the Mass Market Ja...... Chuanfei Wang The Izakaya as Glo...... Reflecting on the Global Japanese Restaurant / ...
- Related MaterialFood in Asia and the Pacific
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....n relations in the 1930s, a vital...... and following the decade"
- Contents...rld War II and the study of Japan......ican history : the untold 1930s /......s' California. The Kibei movement of the 1930s in relat......can history in the 1930s / Michae......Perceptions of the 1930s in local......s in Hawai'i : the Nikkei communi......s portrayed in the Maui Shinbun /......pan relations. The outbreak of the Pacific War and Japane......e companies in the United States to war with the United States / Tosh Minohara...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc...., Yukikaze was the only elite Imp......ourney through the treacherous oc......attlefields of the Pacific War, this uniq......s told through the eyes of the crew, who saw ...... unfold before their eyes"--
- Contents...and samurai of the sea Oil empire......and Japan's southern advance Conquest of the South Seas Esc......anal Defending the Solomon Sea Islands and the collapse of Ja......e sphere Leyte theater Dangerous ......yed Yamato and the spectre of his...... Surrender and the enduring dangers of Yukikaze'...
- Subject, 1939-1945--Pacific Area Guerre mo......aval--Japanese Pacific Area
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."In the fall of 1999, the World Trade Or......ce in Seattle. The event be known as the Battle in Seattle. The convergence represented the pinnacle of of color in the Pacific Northwest, yet the images and mem......readers beyond the Battle in Seat...... wider view of the organizing cam......ns that marked the last half of the twentieth century"--
- Contents...d construction The roots of coali......ade workers in the face of recession In the name of land: ......tle Aztlán in the Pacific Northwest: mul......ivism Battling the Kingdome: the international district, the Alaska canneri......crimination in the Seattle trades......nsnationalism: the skilled Mozambique: the Northwest Labo...... challenges to the New Right The Seattle Gang of Four and beyo...
- Subject Heading...ty--Northwest, Pacific--History--20th......onomic aspects Pacific Northwest Washington (State)-...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...-Encyclopedias Pacific Area--Languages--Encyclopedia...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....erseas stay is the search of true self and the work they really want t......Japanese trans-Pacific sojourners as the case study. migrants in their twenties to ......ho had entered the job market between the early 1990s an......0 and left for the English-speaki......and Singapore, the book argues that their practices and unique, the products of gl......trial country, their struggles sh......ent picture of the West-centric w......t workers from the Global South. Including exten...
- Subject HeadingImmigrants--Japan Japanese--Pacific Area Self-realization--Pacific Area Job satisfaction--Pacific Area Japonais-......Social aspects Pacific Area--Emigration and immigrat...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.This book investigates the phenomenon of ...... policy during the interbellum. In the mid-1930s, Jap...... both sides of the Pacific Ocean since the early 1920s. B......arms race with the United States ......also destroyed the last instituti......ure regulating the relationship between the two Pacific powers. Japan and the United States ......ulminated with the attack on Pear......1. Puzzling is the fact that the international environment in the Asia-Pacific was relatively stable in the mid-1930s, whi......lanced against the United States its rush to the Pacific War. The book explains ...... that combines the literatures on threat percept...
Peaceful maritime engagement in East Asia and the Pacific Region (Oceans law and policy ; volume 25)
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents... East Asia and the Pacific Region / Shunji Yanai The legal regime of the deep seabed as......e solutions in the Southeast Pacific / Ronán Long ......ska Revisiting the legal status o......? / Dai Tamada The applicability ......t/revisionist' theory of In quest of the optimal legal ......ate vessels in the territorial se......nal rights and the coastal state'......urisdiction in the Northern Sea route / Kentaro Wani The role of East / Zhen Sun The quest for a solution in the delimitation o......ental shelf in the East China disputes in the South China Se......odiversity for the Asia-Pacific Region / Joanna ...
- Subject HeadingLaw of the sea--Pacific Area--Congress......International--Pacific Area--Congresses Law of the sea--East Asia......gresses Law of the sea. Security, East Asia. Pacific Area.
- Note (General)...Policy (COLP), the event continues under the auspices of the Stockton Cente...... Law (SCII) of the US Naval War C......lege. Although the Center for Oce......ed in 2020 ... the 44th COLP was ...... virtually) by the Japan Institute of Internatio...
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading...ain--Commerce--Pacific Area--History--Exhibitions Pacific Area--Commerce--Spain--Histor...
- Note (General)Published in the occasion of the exhibition Man......: From Asia to the Americas, held at the Asian Civilisations Museum, S...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Since its adoption in 2015, the 2030 Agenda on......ation but also the design of nati......n tandem with other global agenda...... year (such as the Paris Agreemen......da) it remains the global and reg......opment despite the COVID-19 pandemic. The term "localizing the Sustainable De......sed to capture the importance of ......ndas. However, there is little analysis of the required nexus......l governments; their involvement ......rategies); and the need for local......ata systems on the one hand, and ...... strategies on the other hand. It is t......s aspect which the publication ex......tual analyses. The text will be of interest to p...
- Subject Heading...e development--Pacific Area Développ......lopment. Asia. Pacific Area.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."From the 1920s to the eve of the Pacific War in 1941, m......barked on transpacific journeys to the Japanese Empir...... ocean between themselves and per......sian racism in the American West.......ations between the U.S. and research in the United States recuperates the stories of thi......n emigrants at the crossroads of ......e empire. From the Jim Crow American West to the Japanese colon......o Hiroshima on the eve of the atomic bombing, these individuals ......d belonging as they encountered m...... both sides of the Pacific. Citizens, Immigrants, and the Stateless examines the deeply intertwined histories ...
- ContentsFrom citizens to emigrants : the Japanese Ameri...... generation in the U.S.-Japan citizens to the stateless : mi......enemy aliens : the "Kibei problem......nationalism in the making of a Ja......and loyalty in the Pacific theater Buried wounds of the secret suffere......, history, and the Japanese American politics of...
The Routledge handbook of sustainable cities and landscapes in the Pacific Rim (Routledge handbooks)
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... and cities in the Pacific Rim, drawing c......ections around the what, why, practices. These include the connection and scales; the persistence of......nequities; and the growing impact......roaches across the Pacific Rim and makes ......ontribution to the scholarly and ......emerged out of the Western, focus on a theme or dimension......lopment goals. The collection of ......holars through the APRU Sustainable Cities and L...
- Subject Heading...n development--Pacific Area City plan......ental aspects--Pacific Area Regional ......ental aspects--Pacific Area