Search results 37
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingRoyal Society (Great Britain)
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- Subject HeadingRoyal Society (...Great Britain...) -- Hist...
- Subject Heading (ID)Royal Society (...Great Britain...) -- Hist...
- Note (General)...phy references and index ISBN for subseries: 978...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingRoyal Society (Great Britain)
- Subject Heading (ID)Royal Society (Great Britain)
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingRoyal Society (Great Britain)
- Subject Heading (ID)Royal Society (Great Britain)
- Note (General)Includes bibliographical footnotes and index
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialStudies in the Semiotics of B......blical Law Law and liminality in the Bible Midian, Moab, and Edom : the history and archaeology of late Bronze and Iron Age Jordan and north-west Arabia Text and context : Old Testament and semitic studie......r F.C. Fensham Creation in Jewish and Christian trad...... is it anyway? The psalms of the return (Book V......salms 107-150) The Psalms and their readers : in......s for Psalm 18 The making of the Pentateuch : a......tudy Retelling the Torah : the deuteronomisti...... in Daniel 1-6 The persuasive appeal of the chronicler : a......rical analysis The Bible and the enlightenment : a case st...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialRacial exclusionism and the city : the urban support of the National Front Studies in the economic policy of Frederick the Great Marxist analyses and social anthropology The evolution of the nursery-infant......tory of infant and nursery educat...... management in the power industry......ple, resources and power Plato to......y of Rome from the origins to the empire Language, schools, and classrooms Int......onal business handbook Social pol......, collectivism and the origins of the welfare state resources and disequilibrium macrodynamics The contributions ...... foreign trade theory and policy, 1909-1946 Banking pol...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialMechanization takes command : a contributi......history Poetry and Humanism The problem of anxiety The quest for power : the lower houses of assembly in the southern royal colonies, 168......ay fishermen : their peasant econ......: architecture and sculpture : with 254 black and white plates : 23 maps and plans Consensus and continuity, 1776-1787 Play and development : ......frican Negroes The natural histor......s Evelina, or, The history of a y...... entrance into the world Captain, madrigals, and rounds Understanding causality The human habitat ......ic semantics Mothers of the South : portraiture of the white tenant farm woman Clini...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...1: "Studies in the history of chr......-: "Studies in the history of Christian traditio...
- Related MaterialThe Huguenots : history and memory in tran......says in honour and memory of Walt......t Paracelsus : the man and his reputation, his ideas and their transformati......resurrection : the debate between......illiam Tyndale and George Joye in......its historical and theological contex......annotations on the New Testament : Galatians to the Apocalypse : facsimile of the final Latin te...... : John Calvin and Karl Barth on ......diptych Milton and the Reformation aesthetics of The Passion Der Ik...... into words in the twelfth centur......akramente in Luthers Sermonen von......9 Where heaven and earth meet : e......el F. Callahan Creational theology and the history of...
- Alternative TitleStudies in the history of Christian traditio...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe performance of......corporations : the case of Jamaic...... Latin America The Structure of the Soviet economy : analysis and reconstruction of the 1966 input-out......nomic, social, and political change : the development of......ore prosperous and open society The production, marketing, and consumption of copper and aluminium The Fertility of w......g women : a synthesis of international research The role of trade unions in the development pr......s imports from the Soviet Union : financing the North Star Joi......ject Strategic and long-range planning for the multinational ......vestment in southern Italy : U.S. business in de...
- Alternative TitlePraegers special studies in international economics and developmen
- Alternative TitlePraegers special studies in international economics and developmen
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)"Published by the Neo-Assyrian T......pus Project of the University of ......operation with the Finnish Oriental Society" Project director: Simo Parpo...
- Related MaterialThe overturned boa......rtextuality of the Adapa myth and exorcist literature The Babylonian astrolabe : the calendar of creation The scourge of god : the Umman-manda and its significance in the first millennium BC Secrecy and the gods : secret ......nt Mesopotamia and biblical Israe...... forger les "mythes" dans l'"aire......nd Assur Women and power in Neo-A......s in context : thematic studies o......exts, history, and culture Herrsc......xorciste et le concept d'āšipūtu The god Ninurta : in the mythology and royal ideology of an......nt Mesopotamia The use of numbers and quantifications in the Assyrian royal inscriptions R...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialOn creativity Bertrand Russell's best......y Relativity : the special and the general theory A book of I......ys Fairy tales and the art of subversion : the classical genre for children and the process of civ......n On education The moral law : groundwork of the metaphysic of Performance theory The transcendence of the ego The gift : the form and reason for exc......s : on Deleuze and consequences The philosophy of Deprivation and delinquency Un......n : studies in the ideology of ad......ced industrial society On aggression The idea of a social science and its relation t......ns dangereuses The pursuit of signs : semiotics,...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe Etablissements......ours, Orléans, and Paris Barbarian tides : the migration age and the later Roman Empire The complete Old E......en raised from the dust : adminis......rative service and upward Angevin England History of the Lombards The promised lands : the Low Countries through clothes in medieval F......lture Poems of the Elder Edda Underworlds : the Dead, the Criminal, and the Marginalized A......a/Dubrovnik in the medieval centu......und : Cluny in the tenth century The magician, the witch, and the law Women in Frankish society : marriage and the cloister, 500 to 900 The king's other body : María of ...
- Alternative Title...le Ages series The Middle Ages se......dle Age series The Middle Ages
- Alternative Title...le Ages series The Middle Ages se......dle Age series The Middle Ages
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe minor prophets in the New Testament ......stament uses A theocratic Yehud? ......riod Cosmology and New Testament theology Mediating......between heaven and earth : communication with the divine in the Ancient Near East Evil and the devil The followers of Jesus as the 'servant' : Lu......rom Isaiah for the disciples in L......prophecy Image and glory of God :...... Bible, gender and hermeneutics Y......occurrences in the Leningrad Codex and their correspondin......tal renderings The Bible in crime fiction and drama :'s lineage : the legendary live...... David, Jesus, and Jesse James The Messiah, his brothers, and th...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...y "Journal for the study of the Old Testament ......audia V. Camp, Andrew Mein Publishers varies: T&...
- Related MaterialJeremiah, Zedekiah, and the fall of Jerusalem The fulfilment of doom? : the dialogic interaction between the book of Lamentations and the pre-exilic/ear......c literature A theocratic Yehud? ......between heaven and earth : communication with the divine in the Ancient Near E......occurrences in the Leningrad Codex and their correspondin......tal renderings The Bible in crime fiction and drama : murderous texts The First World War and the mobilization o......litical crisis The artifice of lo......sque bodies in the Song of Songs The characterization of the Assyrians in I......h : synchronic and diachronic perspectives The s...
- Alternative Title...S) Journal for the study of the Old Testament supplement seri...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe case for grammatical theory Japan and the city of London The making of Menander's comedy The man behind the bridge : Colonel Toosey and the River Kwai Women, Europe and the new languages of politics The Elizabethan pa......rved Criticism and the nineteenth century The Honda book of ......onsibilities : the case of arms control The Falklands crisis : the rights and the wrongs Ways of...... Money, income and time : a quantum-theoretical approach Language and other semiotic systems of culture The political econ......nt Jane Austen and her works Abra......s : epistolary and rhetorical contexts The developing countries and the ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialAncient fiction : the novel in the Graeco-Roman w......rld A pastoral and liturgical theology China fights for the world Developm......ood intentions The value dimensio......versus Ricardo and Sraffa A histo......Romanticism in the nineteenth century The modernization of the American Stock......nge, 1971-1989 The British and the Grand Tour Governing......ce, technology and medicine : an ......ks in crisis : the legal response The geometry of ve......t : its nature and conditions : Max Weber and masculine thin......tory framework and social dynamic......hall's mission The psychology of ......ervatism Women and their work Blake and the new ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe social and religious desi...... J.S. Bach's Brandenburg concertos The search for mathematical roots, ...... : logics, set theories and the foundations of mathematics from Can......public opinion and political part......onal economics The politics of in......ional choice : the formation of the Russian State ...... After Brown : the rise and retreat of sch......on Baseball on the border : a tal......sical fashions and fictions The story of the Odyssey Americ......acy, 1760-1860 The rivals Why big......l law Rubens : the artist as in his time and ours : designing the decent society The monkey as mirror : symbol...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related schools You and music Object-o......tology : a new theory of everything Anxiety and neurosis London : the unique city A history of the United States The growth of the United States ......f politics England in the seventeenth ce......tury Apes, men and language A his......illa warfare : the countryside version The origins and growth of mode...... Archaic Egypt The Dead Sea scrol...... a reappraisal The Israel-Arab re......ary history of the Middle East conflict The floating repub...... an account of the mutinies at spithead and the nore in 1797 religion The comprehensive school The struggle for the Middle East ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)General editor: A.J. Vanderjagt
- Related MaterialCornelius Agrippa, the humanist theologian and his declamatio......arsilio Ficino and Francesco Patr......n cosmic order and music theory Magic and memory in Giordano Bruno : the art of a heroi......dinarianism in the seventeenth-ce...... Church of England Reading catech......ligion Sabbath and sectarianism England Locations of in medieval and early modern E......eric discourse and Western identities The Renaissance in Scotland : studies in l......igion, history and culture offere......ilosophie und -theologie Iusti Li......nd Anmerkungen The medieval Abbey......arget of papal and imperial ambitions Ethics The...
- Author HeadingVanderjagt, Arie Johan