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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... one aspect of the Japanese Shuge......using on three cultic systems: Mou......-Hachiman, and the Kunisaki Penin...... rich range of theorists from the disciplines of......y and situates the historical ter......ed analyses of the geography of s......Mount Hiko and the Kunisaki in Japanese cultural and religi......ory throughout the ages. We are i......structures and their religious traditions; the development of the cult to the deity Hachiman; a history of the interactions b......hism and local cults in Japan; a history of the Shugendo tradi......s religion and culture, and will b......ll scholars of Shinto and Japanese religion. Extens...
- Contents...rganization of the book Acknowled....... Shugendo and the production of ...... ignored world The Hachiman cult's nebulous ori......ric village to cultic city Oracula......ine directives The early Heian pe......imizu Hachiman The Kunisaki Penin......n Mount Hiko : the geotype and ch......dalized bodies The visionary impe......unt Hōman and the Shōgo-in monz......itual calendar The New Year's shu......pel and invite The shushō goō, pill, oath The kissho shūgi ...... in seawater : the shioitori rite For the birds : the Zōkei gokū rite The Matsue and Ond......ties Mineiri : the mandalized peregrinations Man...
- Subject Heading...ion. RELIGION--Shintoism. RELIGION--Buddhism--Histo...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Provides the first overview of the richly documen......ese version of the East Asian rit......wn in Japan as the sekiten. Traces the evolution of the sekiten in Jap......rn times up to the present"--Provided by publish...
- ContentsPart I. The first encounter: the Sekiten from the eighth to the sixteenth cent......cian rites and the Da Tang Makibi, and the Kanmu Emperor The ninth century:......bivalence, and cultural display Two literati and the court's iconic...... Kiyoyuki, and the Engishiki Traditionalism and the long decline: the conflagration of 1177 The court ceremony......egacy Part II. The second, 1598-1771: The challenge of r......ashi Razan and cultural display The rehearsal of a......gawa Mitsukuni The shogun's solo ......mune Part III. The final century:......ian views, and the palace and warrior cults Emperor and uncrowned king: ...
National Diet Library
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingYasukuni Jinja (Tokyo, Japan) -- History Shinto -- History Emperor worship --...
- Subject Heading (ID)Yasukuni Jinja (Tokyo, Japan) -- History Shinto -- History Emperor worship --...
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.The Encyclopedia o......eligion traces the roots of the relationship b......cularly during the past two centuries.
- Contents...Africa, West : The Mande World Af......taturk, Kemal Atheism Bahai Balka......ddha Buddhism, Theravada Buddhism......ic Republic of the Conservatism C...... Crusades Cuba Cults Dalai Lama Da...... Heresy Herzl, Theodor Heschel, Islam in Southeast Asia Islam in the United States ......ncounters with the West Israel It......King, Martin Luther, Jr. Korea Ku......ism Liberation Theology Libya Lit......ow Countries Lutheranism Madison,......e in Political Theory Seventh-day......xuality Sharia Shinto Social Gospel ......ents Teresa, Mother Thailand Theocracy Theology, Public T...... : Ninety-Five Theses (1517), Memorial and Remon...
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe national faith......tudy in modern Shinto Traveller from...... We Japanese : the customs, manne......ides numerous other subjects rituals and the revival of pure Shinto Japanese marks......nd how to read them The Mikado's Empir......ts history and culture Japan : its......ers from Japan The art of Japanes......before Western culture entered Japan The kwaidan of the Lady of Tamiya......murai tales of the Tokugawa The flowers and ga......f Japan Behind the Japanese mask (shō-ngi) : the science and ar......-kie) and i-go The religion of the Samurai Japanese homes and their surroundings In the bamboo ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialCults and new relig......story of Islam The apocalypse : a brief history The Reformation : history of Shinto Jesus : a brief history Paul ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...ntroversies on the "self-sufficie......und Heian-Zeit The Spitzer Manuscript : the oldest in Sanskrit The inscription in the ʾDu khang of D......In Clear Words The Prasannapadā, ...... of a panel at the 14th World San......, 2009 Tibetan culture in the diaspora : pap...... at a panel of the 7th Seminar of the International ......s : studies on the history, self-......tti Liberating the liberated : explicated, the classical editions of the Sanskrit text translation The inception of Y......tan painting : the great Tibetan painters and their traditions R......proceedings of the Fourth International Dharmakī...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...and Africa, in the seventeenth ce......a voyage round the world, on phys......ographi Graeci The history of Jam......eral survey of the antient and mo......ent Letters on the laws of man's ......ers & amateurs The Odyssey of Homer The constitution o......ternal objects The third part of ......Shakespeare in the theatre Miscellane......y Narrative of the embassy of Ruy...... de Clavijo to the court of Timou......d, A.D. 1403-6 The history of Gre......e and times of the right Honourab......ry Smith, M.P. The Roman poets of the Republic Vergl......description of the universe Romeo and Juliet The languages of Australia The ea...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe social and rel......burg concertos The search for mathematical roots, ...... : logics, set theories and the foundations of mathematics from Can......onal economics The politics of in......ional choice : the formation of the Russian State ...... After Brown : the rise and retre......on Baseball on the border : a tal......s and fictions The story of the Odyssey Americ......acy, 1760-1860 The rivals Why big......l law Rubens : the artist as : designing the decent society The monkey as mirr......entury America The gathering Abraham Robinson : the creation of no......personal and mathematical odyssey Must global po...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Other title from cover
- Related Material...sur cohomology The position of wo......eralization of the composition pr......usskogo iazyka The complete works......regionalism in the Middle East du......World War II : the Middle East Su......near manifolds The nullity spaces of the curvature oper......r solutions of the cauchy problem......siness history The historical nov......and cohomology theories The poetical John Denham The implications o......for accounting The role of the provincial gov......lbert space On the classifying spaces for K-theory mod p Libra......integration on the college level : report of the 40th Conferenc......ibliography of the works of Nathaniel Hawthorne ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialRacial exclusionism and the city : the urban support of the National Front Studies in the economic policy of Frederick the Great Marxist ......l anthropology The evolution of the nursery-infant...... management in the power industry......y of Rome from the origins to the empire Languag......llectivism and the origins of the welfare state ...... macrodynamics The contributions ...... foreign trade theory and policy,...... reform during the occupation The principles of ......nomic planning The philosophy of ......sentations and the semantics of c......eare's sonnets The Arthurian revi......onstituency in the lexicon Martin Chuzzlewit A s...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialWord embodied : the jeweled fiction and the rise of the Japanese novel......bor in Korea : the Onoda cement of status : the making of Sout......tarianism, and the Meiji competit......7 John Fryer : the introduction o......: religion and the politics of Ch......les, mainly of the May Fourth and......inances during the Korean moderni...... A Sino-Soviet cultural frontier : the Ili Kazakh Autonomous Chou The Song-Yuan-Ming......ion, 1860-1896 The extraterritori......letters within the passes : Guanz......nchuria Out of the alleyway : Nak......gami Kenji and the poetics of outcaste fiction The people's emperor : democracy ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)... (series XXVI, Theater arts), 07421923 (series X...
- Related MaterialThe voices of Afri......erican women : the use of narrati......orial voice in the works of Harri......opian colleges The return of the gods : a philosophical/theological reappraisal of the writings of Er......led defense of the mother world A Beeth......e practice and the piano sonata, ......s 111 Anger in the Old Testament The co-existence o...... evil Critical theoretical inquiry on the notion of act in the metaphysics of......n Postcolonial cultures and litera...... modernity and the (un)Commonweal...... contemporánea The promised end :......nce closure in the Gawain-poet, reading of the theology of Walter Rauschenbu...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related japanischen Theaters der Edo-Z......ven studies on the poet Hafiz of ...... politics, and the medieval Jain ......rt : papers of the International ......n zu einem Bildthema der buddhist......hen bei Mengzi The two sources of......uale des Volks-shintô um die Stadt Ô......annually built cult torches as spa......s : a study of the building traditions of the ujigami Shintô rituals as practiced around the town of Ômihac......r-Bewusstseins-Theorie : vom Yogâ......rse III und IV The emergence of c...... (1905-1908) : the concept sanctioned by the Empress Dowage......s : a study of their texts and im......che Einführung The Pañcakramaṭippaṇī of Muniśrīb...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...onscription in the Byzantine army......0 : a study on the origins of the stratiotika ktemata The practice of mu......y : based upon the documents, 168......Buddhism among the Iranian people......r vollstufigen thematischen Wurze......likum des Musiktheaters in Wien u......ntroversies on the "self-sufficie......sgrabungen auf Thera und ihre Pro......lkssagen und Mythen Das Barocke i......hafte im Barocktheater The inscription in the ʾDu khang of D......In Clear Words The Prasannapadā, ......el (1365-1380) The "Khandha passages" in the Vinayapiṭaka and the four main Nikā...... of a panel at the 14th World Sanskrit Conferenc...