Graduate School of Library Service, Rutgers, the State University1961.<025.6-K59c>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe State of the library art
- Periodical TitleThe State of the library art
Graduate School of Library Service, Rutgers, the State University1960.<022.082-E47b>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
Graduate School of Library Service, Rutgers, the State University1960.<778.12-H392f>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe State of the library art
- Periodical TitleThe State of the library art
Graduate School of Library Service, Rutgers, the State University1960.<020.82-B716t>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
Graduate School of Library Service, Rutgers, the State University Press; distributed by Rutgers University Press1960.<025.177-S849r>
National Diet Library
Graduate School of Library Service, Rutgers, the State University; distributed by Rutgers University Press1960.<025.129-H394p>
National Diet Library
Graduate School of Library Service, Rutgers, the State University1960.<025.3-T222c>
National Diet Library
Graduate School of Library Service, Rutgers, the State University1961.<651.2646-R352n>
National Diet Library
RalphR.Shaw. edby ; JeanStewart etal ; Shaw,RalphR. ; JeanStewart etalGraduate School of Library Service, Rutgers, the State University1960
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingThe state of the library art
RalphR.Shaw. edby ; ReginaldHawkins ; Shaw,RalphR. ; ReginaldHawkinsGraduate School of Library Service, Rutgers, the State University1960
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingThe state of the library art
RalphR.Shaw. edby ; W.R.Hawken ; Shaw,RalphR. ; W.R.HawkenGraduate School of Library Service, Rutgers, the State University1960
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingThe state of the library art
RalphR.Shaw. edby ; L.H.Kirkwood ; Shaw,RalphR. ; L.H.KirkwoodGraduate School of Library Service, Rutgers, the State University1960
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingThe state of the library art
RalphR.Shaw. edby ; M.F.Tauber ; C.J.Frarey ; Shaw,RalphR. ; M.F.Tauber ; C.J.FrareyGraduate School of Library Service, Rutgers, the State University1960
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingThe state of the library art
RalphR.Shaw. edby ; Shaw,RalphR. ; FelixReichman ; L.S.Thompson ; RalphBlasingame ; GeraldJahoda ; D.J.HickeyGraduate School of Library Service, Rutgers, the State University,1960
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingThe state of the library art
RalphR.Shaw. edby ; M.F.Tauber ; EdithWise ; D.E.Thompson ; Shaw,RalphR. ; M.F.Tauber ; EdithWise ; D.E.ThompsonGraduate School of Library Service, Rutgers, the State University1960
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingThe state of the library art
Graduate School of Library Service, Rutgers, the State University,1961.
Other Libraries in Japan
RalphR.Shaw. edby ; R.E.Ellsworth ; LouisKaplan ; JerroldOrne ; Shaw,RalphR. ; R.E.Ellsworth ; LouisKaplan ; JerroldOrneGraduate School of Library Service, Rutgers, the State University1960
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingThe state of the library art
RalphR.Shaw. edby ; G.S.Bonn ; M.S.Bryant ; Shaw,RalphR. ; G.S.Bonn ; M.S.BryantGraduate School of Library Service, Rutgers, the State University1960
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingThe state of the library art
Graduate School of Library Service, Rutgers, the State University,1961.
Other Libraries in Japan
Graduate School of Library Service, Rutgers, the State University,1961.
Other Libraries in Japan