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- Summary, etc....tion discusses the most important......utions by some of the leading scholars in the field of poverty measurement. constitutes poverty and associated poverty measures, as w......roaches to set poverty lines for both......onal settings. The research colle......ational income poverty measures, multidimensional poverty indices, and ways to capture poverty dynamics.
- Contents...aracterization of the Watts Poverty Index', Econom......a Sen (1976), 'Poverty: An Ordinal Ap......ments: A Class of Decomposable Poverty Measures', Eco......on (1970), 'On the Measurement of Poverty', Approach to the Measurement of Poverty-A Rejoinder to Professor Amartya Approach to the Measurement of Poverty: A Reply to Pe......How Serious is the Neglect of Intra-Househol......65), 'Counting the Poor: Another Look at the Poverty Profile', Social Se......Measuring Food Poverty Applied to Kenya', Journal of Development Ec......ow Robust is a Poverty Profile', World Bank Economic Review, 8 (1), ...
- Subject HeadingPoverty. Poverty--Measurement.
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading...分) 農業政策 (地理区分) Rural development countries. Rural poor -- Developing countries.
- Note (General)"This volume was made possible by a generous grant by the Government of Finland ..."
- Author HeadingJazaïry, Idriss. Alamgir, Mohiuddin, 1943- Panuccio, Theresa. 国際農業開発基金
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.Conventional histories of the state have not recko......dequately with the roots of an ever-expand......g instead that the American state was account for the extraordinary dynamism of US power witho......ons about what the state is, these essays focus instead on the more pragmatic......rical question of what it does. ...... historicizing the construction of the boundaries America and the world, civil society and the state, they are able to explain the flexibility an...... expansiveness of a government whose powers app...
- ContentsThe early American state "in action" : the federal Marine......h : rethinking the model of the American state / Stephen W. S......wyer Inventing the US-Mexico bord......Alvarez Rumors of empire : tracking the image of Britain at the dawn of the American centu......mes T. Sparrow The great transformation : the state and the market in the postwar world / Jason Scott ......mith Governing the child : the state, the family, and the compulsory school in the early twentiet......ture : 4-H and the intimate state in 1920s rural America / Gabr...... Good citizens of a world power : postwa......configurations of the obligation to give / Elis...
- Subject HeadingUnited States--Politics and......rnment--United States--History. Fed......ernment United States.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsWhy does rural demography sti......J. Kulcsár, Katherine J. Curtis Challenges in the analysis of rural populations in the United States / Steve H. Mu......line, Mary Zey Rural natural increase in the new century: A...... Migration and rural population cha......David L. Brown World urbanization: ......Avery M. Guest Rural aging in inter......Berry Europe's rural demography / A......thony Champion The demography of rural Latin America: the case of Chile / Leif J......en, David Ader Rural demography in Asia and the Pacific Rim / ......hic change and rural-urban inequali......aharan Africa: theory and trends ......and process in rural China / Dudley L. Poston, Mar...
- Subject HeadingRural population--Handbooks, manual...
- Related MaterialInternational handbooks of population
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The Elgar Encyclopedia of Development is......o providing further expansion app......e explorations of over 130 key t......vents, actors, theories, practice......nd policies in the field, this En......r viewpoint to the ever-evolving discipline of development st......ional analysis of development - ......emporary areas of study such as security, poverty, sustainabilit......nefit from its theoretical founda......l trajectories of important events"--
- ContentsList of contributors A......ntroduction to the elgar encyclopedia of development / Matthew Clarke and 1. Absolute poverty / Andy Sumner ......ian change and rural development / ......velopment / Matthew L. Smith and ......34. Dependency theory / Wil Hout ...... Developmental state / Yin-wah Chu ...... Geography and the world's development ...... Jean-Philippe Thérien 61. Globa......etary fund and the world bank / Dane Ro....... Multispecies poverty politics / Yam...... Seward and Matthew L. Smith 91. ......e McKinnon and the Community Econ......ich Brand 101. Poverty measurement / ......lingebiel 108. Rural-urban migration / Xinjie Shi ...
- Related MaterialElgar encyclopedias in the social sciences
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....vides coverage of important public health conce...
- Contents...H) Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO)......lth Department of Health and Hum......s mellitus Diphtheria Disease out......d legal issues of public health ...... Genomics Germ theory Global publ......acement K-2 synthetic marijuana ( Association of County and City Health Officials ( Association of Local Boards of Health (NALBOH......onal Institute of Mental Health ......nal Institutes of Health Natural......tress disorder Poverty Prevention Pub......avirus Rubella Rural health Safe se......USPSTF) United States Public Health......rkplace safety World Health Organization (WHO) Yel...
- Alternative TitleEncyclopedia of public health
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, evaluates the development of two key components of China's economy: the network of productive enterprises, and the national innov......n system, from the inception of market-oriented reforms to the present day. The approach is a ......omy, rooted in the structure and evolution of social relations of production and exchange and of the institutional setting in these two crucial domains. The main findings are twofold: First, the role of planning and p......ip, far from withering, has being......lly throughout the most recent stages of industrial ref......wing and strengthening at a pace ......ster than that of the national economy as a who...
- ContentsIntro Preface: The Economic Structure of the PRC: Basic Fac......and Innovation Poverty and Inequality......tion: China as the First Example of a New Class of Social Economi......and Industrial Rural Enterprises Ch......Reforms: Grasp the Large and Let the Small Go Chapt......cent Trends in the Reform of Industrial Ent......c and Private: The Rise of Mixed Industri......uding Remarks: The Role of Public Industry in the PRC Part II: C......II Chapter 10: The 15-Year Plan f......Technology and the Partial Shift of R&D Towards Chapter 11: The Made in China ......Transfers and Other Areas of Innovation and Technology Pol...
- Note (General)Description based upon print version of record.
National Diet Library
- Contents...ccumulation in the CIS-7 countrie......nd Ratna Sahay The international community and the CIS-7 countrie......ural reform in the CIS-7 countrie......expenditure in the CIS-7 countrie......Inequality and poverty in the CIS-7 countrie......ham Growth and rural poverty in the CIS-7 countrie......: case studies of Georgia, the Kyrgyz Uzbekistan, the Kyrgyz Republi......ctor growth in the CIS-7 countrie......Nancy Vandycke The integration of low-income CIS......countries into the world trading system......high tension : the energy-water nexus in the CIS-7 countries / David Kenne...
- Subject HeadingCommonwealth of Independent States. Poverty -- Former Soviet republics. E...
- Note (General)...ttar." Summary of and selected papers from the Low-Income Countries of the CIS: Progress and Challenges ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....fourth edition of 'The Sustainable Ur......ntroduction to the topic that is ......ate audiences. The 'Reader' begins by tracing the roots of the sustainable de......ent concept in the nineteenth and......c readings. It then explores dimensions of urban sustaina......nally, visions of sustainable from around the world. 'The Sustainable Ur...... a broad array of sustainable ci......cing it within the context of this evolving ......ative overview of the field using or......ental studies, the social sciences, and related ...
- ContentsList of Illustrations List of Tables and Box...... credits About the Editor Acknowl......ntroduction to the Fourth 1. Origins of the Sustainability......ion to Part 1 "The Three Magnets" and "The Town-Country M......'Garden Cities of To-morrow' (18......enezer Howard "The Land Ethic" fr......x Planning and The North End" from 'The Death and Life of Great American....../ Jane Jacobs "The Development of Underdevelopme...... Models" from 'The Limits to Grow....... Behrens III "The Steady-State Economy" from ......oward a Steady-State Economy' (1973...... Nature" from 'The Granite Garden......ture' (1987) / World Commission on Environment and...
National Diet Library
- Contents... a globalizing world : some plausib....../ Graham Pyatt Poverty analysis and m......c policies and poverty reduction : st......nd an overview of research / Rat......itiveness, and poverty reduction / Sanjaya Lall Use of information technology for poverty reduction : a case study of efforts in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh......ble growth and poverty alleviation / Dipak Mazumdar Poverty lines : eight ......xperiences and the issue of specificity an......ntos-Francisco Poverty comparison in the Philippines : ...... we know about the poor robust? /......acan Assessing the poverty impact of policy-and sector-based lendi...
- Subject HeadingPoverty -- Asia -- Congresses. Poverty -- Pacific Area -- Congresses...
- Note (General)"A joint publication of the Asian Developm......s presented at the First Asia and......cific Forum on Poverty held at the Headquarters of the Asian Development Bank in Man...
National Diet Library
- Contents...Transformation of the landscape: the relationships ......shua Zeunert 2.The shaping of food landscapes from the Neolithic to I......l / Stephan Barthel 6.Venison from the Bavarian landscapes of fish and onion......production and the village under state socialism: the Balkan case / ......g diverse ways of knowing / Ande......pes: food from the marine landsca...... 12.Dimensions of urban agricult......a: pressure on the urban fringe /...... management in rural and urban change, and poverty in the developing world / Munir A. Han......uth Jackson 23.Rural-urban food and......azar 24.Ethics of agricultural landscapes and f...
- Alternative TitleHandbook of landscape and food Landscape ...
- Alternative TitleHandbook of landscape and food Landscape ...
National Diet Library
- Contents...den, 1897-1930 The taste of war: the meaning of food to New Ze......r from home in World War I, 1915-18 'In the company of those similarly afflicted': the sanatorium pat......ed children in the Chicago school......saster, 1958 A poverty of leadership: nu......1945-80 Beyond the cuckoo's nest:......try, 1940-2010 The cholera epidemic of 1892 and its i......e kindred form of medical social......ork': defining the boundaries of social work, h...... and conflicts of an emerging pu......alth system in the United States, 1915-45 Nurs...... healthcare to rural America, 1900-50.
- Subject HeadingHistory of Nursing Practice Patterns, Nu...
- Note (General)Based on papers presented at the international conference 'Nur...
National Diet Library
- ContentsGlobalization and poverty in Asia : can ......-poor growth : the Asian experien......s accession to the World Trade Organization change the spatial incidence of poverty? / Tomoki Fuji...... migration and poverty reduction in the globalizing economy : the case of the Philippines / ...... estimation on the globalization-poverty nexus : eviden......, openness and rural poverty : a framework ......ative rankings of states using fuzzy m......uth India : on the margins or frontiers of globalization? adoption by the poor : lessons......nvironment and poverty : a developing country perspe...
- Subject HeadingPoverty -- Asia. Globalization -- Eco...
- Note (General)"In association with the United Nations University -- World Institute for ......ted URL: Table of contents only http: //www.loc...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading...ddin Panuccio, Theresa International Fund for Ag...